ITT: Cool Character Redesigns

Post 'em.

pic not related

>that Rouge

Reeks of tumblr

Rouge looks about 45.

It IS Tumblr tier, either that or DA tier.


why is rouge a drag queen?


I unironically like those designs.

What's wrong with them besides the rabbit chick?


it's impressive that someone made those characters more cancerous than they already were.



>Draws the protagonists and likable side characters black
>Draws the antagonist(s) white
>"Oh the racism here isn't blatant enough, let us add more fuck you whitey."

Toby Fox must be disgusted that his work has become this politicized.

>implying undyne wasn't literally trying to kill you

I already know given I played and finished the game myself, but I speak of the fanbase being a bunch of fucking morons politicizing a video game much like these fucks do it to harry pooper.


All those HIDEOUS convex nose bridges.

still waitin for good char. redesigns

Here's the revenant if he was on Doom 64


>draw a man
>call it a woman

>Toby Fox must be disgusted that his work has become this politicized.
Yes, I'm sure he cries himself to sleep every night in his landfill of money thinking about it.



Toby knew what he was getting into.

if it was dA tier they'd be inflating while wearing diapers

The third Bowser concept is perfect.
A kind user also drew Jr. in the forth concept in a drawthread and I can't thank them enough.


Also this.
>This design will never show up again

>CD Amy
>even with that she looks cute
There's no way this artist doesn't do the ugly LGBTQ shit ironically.

woooow so diverse
*nods respectfully in your direction*



I kinda like that old school JRPG fantasy plate armor more than I do their modern stuf.





Diversity is cool, so tumblr is cool.

That's what real beauty is like, stop crying snowflake.

I unironically like Black Sephiroth.

I thought a lot of characters got good designs in MK9, many of which were reimaginings of what some original outfits would've looked like. JC and Stryker are great examples IMO. Reptile also looked way less dumb than in some previous games which I liked because he's best ninja.

Summoner was cool, but I miss the old archvile.


that looks stupid though

That’s pretty sick

What's wrong with it? I think it would've fit right in with the D4 monsters. It was always a weird tall emaciated thing.


And not the good kind of 45.

Now this is art, none of that tumblr shit

These ones are real os fanmade? I recently played Doom 64 and I miss these guys a lot.

No one has posted the best one yet.

Everyone's talking about transRouge and I'm just sitting here wondering why loli Cream, who is literally cream colored, is a fat black woman

Why do these people are so obsessed with sex and gender identity? Is like all their fucking lives revolve around their fucking crotches.

Are they really this empty and soulless?

If Falco kept his normal head, it'd be perfect.

>Robot feet

Kill yourself. Not only has that theory been disproven using basic science, but Shigeru Miyamoto and other original creators of Star Fox and Star Fox 64 outright shot down the idea.

You are a Cro-Magnon fluoride drinking smoothbrain if you actually believe that fucking Reddit tier theory


ugly as shit M8


this is actually a talented artist, not like 99% of Tumblr

Her face looks a little weird but this aint too bad

Fuck yourself nigger, it makes sense in a sci-fi setting and provides a neat little tidbit about the universe. The SNES puppets literally could not fit their feet inside those "boots." Why are you obsessed with furry feet, anyway?

Everything but Falco's head is great.

I don't think you know what that word means. Robot feet were a thing but were retconned and believe it or not reddit had nothing to do with this.

ZSS is complete shit and will never not be shit.

OP I applaud you on this Quality bait

they all look like Miyamoto


Have you never considered that people embrace ideas that they like?

History is considered dismissive of transgenderism at best. Modern transgenders see this as a threat to themselves and thusly attempt to drive unrelated pieces of media into their own social sphere, 'normalizing' it for themselves while also attempting to normalize themselves with the fanbase of whatever they're targetting.
The issue is that the only people who care about tranny issues are the two vocal minorities of the Anti-Trannies and the Pro-Trannies. Nobody else actually cares what people do to their genitals, and would rather like to not hear about it in the first place.


All the Final Melanin 7 designs by that guy were pretty good.

muh dick

Shake shake!

you can tell love was put into this drawing, that's why. it's detailed and not something thrown together over a few hours just to make sephiroth black. so you notice the art is good first and notice he's black second after enlarging the picture. the other pics are all drawn terribly, using the easiest and laziest techniques possible like the ugly noses and unappealing but easy to draw proportions, and were clearly done because the artist wanted to draw the characters with an agenda first and nothing else afterwards.

I'm gonna be honest, that Tails design is pretty good. Amy is alright. The rest are hard shit

Trading this game in as a kid is one of my many lingering regrets.

Someone Explain, is drawing characters intentionally ugly a thing now?

I didn't care too much for his Cloud, but Tifa was alright.
Also White Barret.

would enjoy seeing them if you can post

Tumblr art revolves around virtue signaling. It's how mediocre/bad artists get views.


>that dick armor


>gametheory is my favorite youtube channel and they said it was dumb!!!!!

I don't know what it is about his Cloud, just seems off for some reason.


It's hard to make spiky hair look good when you change it. Tifa, Sephiroth and Barrets hair are easier to change than Clouds iconic spikes

expression doesn't fit his personality

>Wario after the sex change



>it makes sense in a Sci-Fi setting

Square up you stupid fucking faggot. Explain to me why a universe with G diffusers on its fighter ships would need their pilots to cut off their fucking legs. I actually want to see your retarded fucking reasoning so I can show everyone what a gullible moron you are.

He's pretty good. He other set I found of some XV-esque Lion King sets. Lion Kingsglaive. Pic is Simba.

I don't know why but looking at this made me remember Butt Ugly Martians

He should've had a glorious golden afro, Cloud's hair is known for it's ridiculous largeness but that hair actually seems fairly pedestrian.

In a world full of gingers being replaced by Africans this man replaces Africans with gingers. Truly a visionary.


The guy has talent, but I'm not really digging his concepts.

when you have nothing redeeming about you to show people you tend to fallback on what makes you different than most, if they dont then they have to start asking themselves some hard and deep questions.

her head is really big