How are you enjoying the demo?

Other urls found in this thread:

>8GB single channel RAM
>i7 7700k
>40fps on 1080p maxed
fugggg, do I buy more RAM?

why does this start out with me pushing a car

getting 60+FPS on average settings with my 970

the game itself is okay I guess

boring as dick

daily reminder...,


>still no explanation on TRAM

>100GB for the full game
Not worth it honestly.
Waste of space for a game that falls short of my lowest expectations I could've had for a FF game.

What does changing TRAM do?


That cant be possible, something must be wrong with your pc, also RAM doesnt matter that much if you only have the game open.


Wrong. You need 64gb of the fastest ram you can get. Its the only way.


Looks good at 1440p on my gtx 1070 can get around 60fps with max settings but drops a bit. Turing off game works helps this a lot but turfworks off makes the ground look fucking bald almost. Also noticing a bit of stutter but not sure if that's the game or my pc.

don't forget to keep giving money to the (((jews))) so that they can keep making unoptimized games with 60 trillion petabytes of uncompressed sounds and textures.

how do i change my button prompts to ps4/xbox buttons instead of the generic button icons

Sorry previous reply didnt work

Like people suggested in the last thread, get another stick of 8GB RAM and make it dual channel instead of single.


This is because Square is run by weird alien people. Their interviews are always strange and stilted. They're broken and tired people with no insight into how people behave or feel or talk. Nomura can't even be bothered to direct a game anymore, it takes him about 10 years to do anything and he can't get fired so it's like he's stuck in purgatory and it shows. Fucking Kitase, the writer/director for FF5 and FF6 honestly thinks the mobile versions of those games are good. Toriyama is known moron (see:FF13 trilogy) and waifufag, beyond saving.

And fucking Tabata's done nothing but shitty PSP games and he gets the keys to the biggest game in the company's last 10 years. It's unreal how this company is run.

Square is a fucking zombie, shuffling around with no real drive or emotion, just doing things instinctively to release games, built by committee with no humanity. Real solid way to make Role Playing Games.

15 is shit just a reminder

Kill yourselves, the game is unoptimized fucking garbage.

was rendering all of this really necessary


That that map was just split into 3 continents? What of it?


Adjust the amount of memory used for texture loading like it says at the bottom of the screenshot you faggot

Can't run it.

>Workshop support

By the Gods what have they done?!

My specs are worse than yours, except I have 16 gb.

3570k and1070

Yes, get more ram. Theres no reason that you should be having issues when I dont have any with my dated CPU.

open world was a mistake

>Open world
I died a little inside

It depends, FF is dead thats sure, but I enjoy FFXIV for what it is and yet I think Yoshida is a cool guy, also I liked Nier:A and I'm sure even the higher ups were impressed.

Reality is that Square for AAA titles is dead and relies on money, while the old Square soul still tries to survive in those smaller budget games.

>run shitty specs and record footage
>s-see it's unoptimized!?

I'm just suggesting the guy gets himself some more RAM in general. I could care less if he plays this game or not, I'm not going to, but single channel 8GB is worse then Dual Channel 8GB, so bumping his RAM up to 16GB Dual Channel would be a vast improvement.

So ff1 -9

Ok then, its garbage and the game is garbage as well so what are you doing here, dont pay attention to this and move on.

>100gb dl for the full game.

Square I love you really I do but maybe port the Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition to windows for the rest of us that don't have that kind of space.

That doesn't really answer the question
I want a greater explanation. I'm playing the game. My asking about a particular setting constitutes that I've scrolled over the setting in-game and saw said explanation.

A 1070 at 1080p without nvidia effects and it runs and it drops to 10fps during combat, 40 when walking around


what is WRONG with the audio in this game?

>smack an enemy with giant 2 handed sword
>can barely fucking hear the sound effect at all, absolutely no impact even though sound effects are at 100% in audio options
>the fucking car engine is louder than the sound of hitting mobs in melee
>the aggro bar noise is ear splittingly loud
>menu screen theme song is 10% the audio level of the actual game so i turned it up only to get my ear drums blasted when the game starts
>every time somebody speaks the game rolls a dice to see if they talk at 50% volume, 100% volume, or 200% volume
>some dialogue sounds like it was recorded in a studio and other sounds ultra compressed and tinny

Make sure you download the new NVIDIA drivers that just released if you're on NVIDIA GPU's, it also gives a 3-7% boost in PUBG if that's also your thing.

XV literally has sold more than any other FF within the same timespan, SE in fy2017 reported earnings that put them in the healthist state they've been since the merger.

This is why i will never buy final fantasy again

It's a terrible game, user

>he doesn't know

I did and it still drops to 10fps during combat but I guess it must be my shitty 1070 despite me being able to run unoptimized Ubisoft garbage without problems.

So you're just a fucking idiot? The fuck do you think game works is?

>PCfats starting to realize why this game is so hated already
>the full game isn't even out yet


Game makes money, thats for sure, but the game itself is nothing like old square could make. I talked about the "soul" of the games square used to make, like during the ps1 and ps2 era when everything with their name was insta buy and had good quality


your sound card is fucked

A terrible game is selling, how swell. Now Square will learn all the wrong lessons from it

Solid 60fps on 1440p everywhere even in battle with settings maxed, Hairworks and Turf on


It's actually a fantastic game.

It's a terrible game, user.

>he thinks gpu is all that matters
Jesus christ how braindead are you?

lower the settings you collosal faggot
I get 50-60 fps on my 290 on high

Hi shill.

I feel so fucking sorry for Square, they paid Steam so much money to add that retarded freeman dlc like they think it will do anything to help sales.

This is going to be such an embarrassing flop, they will have to resort to self buying pc copies themselves enmasse to stave off the shame.

Post specs fag, what do you expect saying just that.

>turn tesselation off and look at scenery
>game runs at 40fps
>turn tesselation on
>game runs at 20fps when looking at scenery
>doesn't look any better
Is this the power of NVIDIA memeworks?

More like you're falseflagging already then samefagging out the ass.

XV has more soul than any FF has hsd since the PS1 era.

Ohh yeahh okay, then I'm sure it's that shitty i7 4790k and 16GB RAM, guess I should buy an i9 and 32GB RAM, it's just not enough it seems even though every other game runs flawlessly.

3770 is in turbo mode at 4.0GHz

>Install it
>Try it out for a sec to see how it runs
>Notcis' coat is flipping out as is the Carbuncle's(?) tail
Guess I'll fuck about with the settings and shit later.

I can't be the only one who genuinely thinks FFXII TZA looks better than this game sometimes am I? I feel like art direction really goes far compared to just pixel count, and FFXV tries really hard to mimic reality while retaining an anime look.

A fantastic game is selling, stay triggered.


SeeNot an argument.

You can't be fucking serious, the game is not that bad but you can't really compare it to the SNES PS1 era games, at least those games were complete.

See You can stop lying already

I hope it's a flop. Seeing square enix fail makes me cum fast

XV already is the highest selling FF when comparing release timespans.

Better than X,XII, and XIII at least

>Carbuncle's(?) tail
you have one giant autist in XV kun who thinks the game is perfect when it fucking isn;t and he is easy to spot.

and then you have these 2 or 3 reatrds that always argue with him, post this bait shit in every thread despite never actually playing the game


Why did you respond to yourself?

Except it objectively does, the campfire scene at the end alone proves that.

Should say it's also on my SSD

Sounds like you're full of shit.

Good luck with that claim i hope you know i nearly shit myself from laughing my ass off.

Is there a hard mode for this game? Granted I only played two hours so far but I kinda like it even if it's a bit on the easy side.

Is it on the Windows store =/

No way in hell is this better than X and XII. XIII-1 sure.

Underrated post

>Not an argument.
>He wants a debate club
Fuck off

Anything past 10 is shit

>Gtx 1080
>16GB ram
>i5 7600
> 60fps on 1440p maxed (except Hairworks),45 at 4K without nvidia stuff.

Also what does "Resolution 100% ecc.." do?

>the campfire scene at the end alone proves that.
>he got suckered in by the cheap "emotional" ending
It's the exact same shit Tabata's pulled in Crisis Core, 3rd Birthday, Type-0, and now FFXV. Suck a dick.

I don't know why did you?

[status: XV-kun]
Level: Maximum
Strength: 0
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 1
Wisdom: 0
Intelligence: 0
Luck: 0
Autism: 9999 (Max)

Kill yourself you shill retard.

Enjoy your shit, XV has a ton of soul.

It is in every conceivable way better than all of those.

I didn't even know there was going to be a demo, is it on steam or do I have to go to the fucking windows store to get it? It would be cool to see how well it runs and looks before I decide to spend any money on it.

wtf even are half these settings. nvidia will automatically optimize them for me right?

There is no mode that makes it hard, even on Lv. 1 mode it's a joke.

>Browse everywhere, steam community, twitter reddit
>All posts saying quite good performance
>Come to Sup Forums
I think I finally get it. Sup Forums just loves to fucking shitpost about everything.

I want to refute this, but I actually cannot, that actually is more sad then anything, XV was sorta shit. Although I played it around launch before DLC and junk.