Talk shit about GW2 all you want but at least we don't have a shitty card-game on the side

Talk shit about GW2 all you want but at least we don't have a shitty card-game on the side.

wait for e3

We're more likely to get a Champion moba than a card game.

i wouldnt bet on it
people are starting to shit on the gem store its only a matter of time

>still no new living world episode
>shitting out """""reworks""""" for classes rather than fixing the retarded, clunky base of the game

absolutely lmao

bought the game like 5 days ago, is there a way to get bank tabs with gold? as far as i've seen everything cost fucking gems, i already bought the game give me a break.

But user! All you need to do is grind +400-600 gold by repeating the same tasks for days to no end and you could turn that gold into gems!
Are you ENTITLED?!

That's the only thing I spent money on was a new tab. What a lot of players do is make bank characters that use use only to store items.

>at least we don't have a shitty card-game on the side.
Actually there's been rumors that Anet has been developing a mobile game, likely card based, i would curb my enthusiasm if i were you

Just buy gems with gold. This is very convenient but it just means that nothing drops in game and the reward system in the game itself is looting stuff worth silvers (at best) for endless hours in order to get your gems or buy loot from the Trading Post.
In GW2 you either pay for stuff with IRL money or your time.

>Game so shit not even A-Net wants to shill it with spinoffs

>In GW2 you either pay for stuff with IRL money or your time.
Just to add on to this is that every activity in the game has been slimmed, streamlined and manufactured for you to make 10g an hour on average.

It is a lot easier to accumulate gold now, even just doing dailys you are pretty much guaranteed 4g a day (at least that's what I average on days that I only have time to do that) and desu that's really all you need by the time you have a decent set of gear and you pretty much just take down champs or bounties with other people. It's a comfy game, I've only probably spent $30 in gems over the years I've played, and that was for bank space and the Living World stuffs I missed out on.

Fair enough m8 but consider this
>4g a day for dailies that take 10 minutes
(I won't argue that dailies only give 2)
>25 days to get 400 gems
>400 gems is a black lion key or half an outfit
Like someone said, you pay with dollars or your time.

Asuras make my pee pee hard.

user that's hardcore bullshit and you know it. The inflation to the gold to gem ratio exchange, as well as the inflation to the price of the items being released on the trading post, makes it so that you can assuredly not get more than a single item from it every other week, and that's assuming you invest +5~ hours a day of streamlined gold grinding.

>On the side

You're right, the shitty game is the main game itself

I get the other two gold roughly with all the random shit I acquire in the process of completing the dailys, I got a ton of those 30 or 50 silver spheres yesterday from two of the dailys, in addition to a bunch of things dropping sigels and whatnot. I have 85%+ magic find on my account by now as well so that helps to this.

>That's hardcore bullshit and you know it!

Yeah, I'm not going to argue that. You could be making 10g a day from dailies and you are still shit out of luck.
I'm just bitter at Anet because I thought they would add horses or hyenas. I know they were going to add mounts to the gemstore just like gliders but I didn't expect them to be reskins that took some intern ten minutes.

>horses or hyenas
Oddly enough horses dont exist in tyria and also yeah given the way mounts work ingame we wont get anything thats not a reskin of a mount which is kinda sad because I wanted a Charr tank mount. Also still no achievement mounts in sight...

Guess I fucked up, this isn't the kind of game for me.

>Oddly enough horses dont exist in tyria
Go to Frostgorge. When you see it you will shit bricks. There's also horses in the novels. They look through a portal and see a distant land with wild horses running about. Charr armoured car is an awesome idea for a mount though. Too bad we gonna get raptor with more particle fx instead.

>this sint the game for me
Then no mmo is the game for you since just about everyone to my knowledge has bank tabs you gotta buy. Also what are you putting in your banks anyway to warrant having so many?

I honestly liike that they didn't do horses. A lot of us were skeptical about mounts being in the game at all because it was in every other game, but the fact that the five mounts each have their own unique movement buff really made it stand out compared to other games. I will give it that the gem skins are shit, but I wasn't planning on paying money for them or any skins from the gemstore anyway.

>but the fact that the five mounts each have their own unique movement buff really made it stand out compared to other games.
Agreed. They should maybe think up unique movement buffs for new mounts then. They are running a game. Allegedly.

did you ever play, um, wow? you didnt have to buy fucking bank tabs in that game with real money.

>2 week Chadlock Sanctuary pass ran out
>have to return to the Virgin of the Elon

Call me a man of culture, but you really don't' NEED the extra space. I only keep certain rare items in there and some upgrade items I was never sure who to use with, otherwise I leave gear to each character accordingly in a hidden bag so I don't sell it.


I will happily talk shit about you for gutting staff ele when HoT dropped.

I will also happily talk shit about you for the New Player Experience and Scarlet Briar.

>played GW2 at launch
>3 legendaries
>every fractal weapon
>full ascended armor/accessories on multiple characters
>all 8 classes at level 80
>all crafting professions maxed
>couple pvp titles
>6.5k gold

I log on for the first time in 4 years to all my guilds dead and friend list empty. Is it even worth getting back in to? I noticed you can't buy the expansions with gold either.

>Frostgorge has horses

I've played ultima online and wow, UO was the last game of its kind.

Adding to this, I NEVER had a precursor drop in my 2.5k logged hours.

Fuck you.

if you were autisitc enough to grind all of that bullshit, why did you ever stop?

Iron Horse Mine from GW1 is in Frostgorge Sound.
GW1 also has Hell Knights riding Skeletal horses in hell. Skritt also know about horses and centaurs are a thing.

You can get them together and they are worth it imo. My guild died in a few months but honestly you can join another, just don't get too invested unless you want to be the one to keep it alive. The game is still fun, fractals are great and all.

>He spent money on the game
You'll regret it.

>Never mentioned again since HoT
I assume shes never coming back

Ran out of stuff to grind and started playing a better mmo FF14

I think Felicia Day wanted more money, and Anet said no

Her VA doesnt want to voice her again.
Also her porn is pretty good

There's 2 expansions with mini updates that add a little more content
You could try to get your characters to optimal builds, which is pretty easy if you do have all ascended gear on all of them.
HoT is frustrating, but most of the LW updates in it are nothing like it. Plus PoF has mounts

Characters models are already outdated and ugly

what a shame

So is their some coordinated collective of zooposters that don't like GW2 or do you just really like lurking for these threads?

Game was developed in 2008 lad. There's plenty of legit stuff you can fire into GW2 about.

How's the ERP scene?

Do you like tentacles, anal vore, dicknipples, pedophillia and getting fucked by 14 foot cowmen that always have barbed cocks? If so you will love it

No, sir. I dont like it.


Except... SWG.... EVE... Darkfall... Haven & Hearth... Wurm Online... Mortal Online...

WvW is the only good part of this game and it only took Anet 5 years to realize it

Can I make plate classes look like they're wearing cloth with the outfit system yet?

>Zerg vs Zerg is the only good part about gw2

only the fight clubs were fun, but even then you may as well have just joined a spvp custom game