some informations?
New Fire Emblem game
will it have waifu?
Please no children.
I think shipping is ok, but children would make no sense... There shouldn't be time-travel like in awakening and well fates... that was a bad idea
Have some fucking patience, jesus christ
Let's talk about Cipher instead!
What about mechanics? I'd love to see the magic triangle from the GBA titles
More waifu and children, less gameplay
I would like to see something like Advance Wars CO Powers.
Triangle from Heroes is better.
Fuck no, it's senseless.
>axes beat lightning magic hurr
>light and wind magic are the same, except for when light is lightning or fire
The normal weapon triangle is a must have. But additional a magic triangle and bow/dagger as neutral would be nice in my opinion
I'll only be interested if they drop the marriage crap, drop child units, and keep the artist from Echoes or at least get a different better artist then what they had for awakening/fates.
More waifus.
why not? It would be a natural extension of personal skills and the dragon vein.
It actually integrates magic not only against each other, but against normal weapons.
It's more balanced that way. Blue mages being super effective against sword users, or sword users destroying green mages.
Having a magic triangle only between magic would just alienate mages from weapon units.
They should keep bow/ninja/staff neutral. The triangle was retarded in Fates.
>making daggers even better
>making bows shit again
At least drop child units... if there is no time skip (like in genealogy of the holy war)
How good are the Gen 2 big boys (Seliph, Ares, Leif, and Shannan) in Cipher?
I want to be able to gay fuck everything
I just prefer how it was in the GBA games. There's a weapon triangle, a magic triangle an anima triangle, and then bows are neutral.
I'd rather have the Heroes triangle over the Fates triangle, but I'd rather have the GBA triangle over the Heroes triangle.
I just hope it isn't anything like faggot ass fates
Yeah, I really miss light magic TwT
Ares and Shannan are meh. Leif and Seliph are good. I'm hoping that for the next set, Eldigan will become viable enough to stand with the likes of Sigurd, Seliph and Leif. Right now, he's on par with Ares.
>If you absolutely need to include children, have their presence make sense within the story
>None of the "one game for the price of three" bullshit from Fates
>A localization that doesn't make Treehouse look like 4Kids
I think i covered the major problems Fates had.
But user, even with magic into the weapon triangle in heroes you can still beat the crap of any magic user with any melee unit. Some magic users will survive a hit sometimes due to the triangle affinity but that's a nice thing
And the fact Fire emblem gets more waifu emblem... I'm so happy echoes was released. And it came out pretty well
The ones who get screwed over the most by triangle are mages in Heroes, since there are melee units with fuckload of resistance anyway, but few mages with high defense.
Every mage on my team can take at least 1 hit, enough to build their skills and kill any melee in the next round but I can't say the same thing about my melee units, the most used mages can nuke them in 1 hit
Tanks are too OP in heroes... It's not thaaat easy to defeat them with magic like it was in any "normal fire emblem game"
More dragon lolis please
That's nice. I'd rather just have them work separately on their own rules though.
I wanna get into fire emblem but I'm a wagecuck with not a lot of free time. Let's say I could only play 2 or 3 of the games, which should they be?
I already own "Fire Emblem" (FE7) for GBA from way back but never played it so hopefully that's one
I want children because I know a lot of people will, but they need to be reserved for "Part 2" of the story, so a time skip, or whatever they decide, anything's better than Fates. I also want PoR supports again, and FEH skill system where they have cool downs instead of being useless until you have high enough stats where they activate nearly every time.
I hope they make two games, so there's a separate game for casuals to ruin a la Birthright.
>Balanced units
>Support that actually goes deep into the character, or no support at all
>Better maps than "KILL EVERYTHING"
>No children
>No weapon durability shit
>Actual tactics, no minmaxing racing stuff where you become some powerful weapon triangle is just a minor consideration. Think FFT.
That and probably 6.
Are you sure? I figured Awakening has to be one of them just from the sheer focus on it from the fanbase
6 is also on GBA and is a direct sequel to 7. Or rather, 7 is 6's prequel.
Play Awakening if you want. In that case, you shouldn't have bothered asking for recommendations.
The GBA titles are great. All of them. If you want a really good story, play path of radiance/radiant dawn. My first Fire Emblem was awakening it can be really easy and good for beginners but it could be hell as well...(lunatic+) ;w;
They will never top Conquest Lunatic so I don't care. I'm so fucking burned out on FE.
No MU. I feel like the the writing and story suffers from this. Also more lords or MCs that aren't sword users.
IS should know by now that you don't need a sword to be popular.
Do you think there will be more of "the echoes series"? More remakes with extra characters and villains like sov? Remakes of the japanese titles?
2-3 range for standard bows
Yes, FE6 will likely be next.
Shadows of Valentia did decently for a remake of one of the least popular FE games, so they're definitely going to remake FE4 or FE6, since they're some of Japan's favorite FEs.
Hope it looks good. Warriors looks weird as fuck.
No children but relationships can stay.
Wait for E3
It would be nice to choose a class or at least choose a weapon. As well personality that influences at least the dialoges between the characters. And the main character shouldn't be just the perfectly good guy and the villain just the bad guy
Dial back the animu. Whatever interest I had in getting in to this series disappeared completely four games ago.
Hope they make roy stronger ;w;
He's fine as-is, fuck off faggot.
Roy gets pretty good when he gets the Binding Blade, though.
>all these triangles that never got used
yeah, better.
They got used plenty. Try playing a Fire Emblem that isn't Heroes.
I did, of the games with multiple triangles I played the only time I gave a shit about the magic triangle was one chapter in PoR where I used Soren to remove charges from the longe range lightning mage. That shit was useless.
Sadly pretty late... like it was with eliwood and lyn... well hector is always strong af
>of the games with multiple triangles I played
So not FE6, then.
could be good
more feets
some meme leak about vampires
Roy's weakness in combat was a conscious design decision and it's canon within the game itself.
To be honest, a gothic theme would be really nice xD
You're right, I've never played 6. The fact the you can only list one instance of it being relevant speaks volumes of how good of a system it is.
Unironically this, especially if shurikens don't get delet
Would actually be interesting to have enemy tacticians with personalities/fighting styles and big powers or even just passives to mix things up. All the variety in
If it's not relevant in GBA/Tellius then it sure as fuck isn't actually relevant in Heroes
FE6 is the game where it's most relevant, yes - the game throws a lot of anima and dark magic at you, and with light magic being pretty rare, you end up having to use the anima triangle or dark magic to get a leg up on them. And just because you elected not to take advantage of it in the other games doesn't mean it isn't useful.
All the variety in FE tends to come just from maps
Fuck that, I want to see Fire Emblem Wars. You pick your COs, each with their own powers and traits, you recruit generics from the towns you control, and you fight like fucking dogs.
The magic triangles in the GBA games hardly made a difference.
It's going to be fates 2.0. The first character we see will be a big tit hourglass waifu who talks about how much she loves the MC. The MC is a generic looking guy/gal who is in a contrived situation to sell 3 games.
The triangle wasn't as strong as it is in heroes. It influences more likely the hit chances wich is pretty nice
No way will they give up the money making formula.