>Nergigante has some fuck up hit boxes
>He literally impossible to bet him without his bullshit hitboxes
It's like the new players don't know how to dodge
Monster hunter world thread
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Be nice to my boyfriend!
These are the same people that refuse to try the older games just because of grafix or brand loyalty to Sony (despite it being on Sony systems first). They claim the older games are unplayable because they actually take effort to succeed in.
Basically, MHW is a good game, but it succeeded based entirely on casuals having an easier time in an easier game. When they get to the few rough parts, they fall to pieces because the game didn't prepare them to have to try.
Fuck kirin, I need six more fucking Azure Horns
What baffles me more ist that World gets better review scores than 4U/Gen even though besides the QoL changes are really good or lacks in monsters, set variability, weapon design and most of all an endgame that is engaging. After Xeno you literally doesn't need to do anything more.
Need help?
World's still harder than P3rd and Gen imo
So should I augment my Jagras hacker III greatsword?
So this is my first monster hunter game, I'm about 30 hours in. It was a pretty fun game, learning all the monsters attacks and mastering weapons. Then I started using the Bow guns. Have bow guns always been this good? All the time I spent learning the the Charge Blade and Dual Swords feels wasted now. I can safely keep away from all monster and dodge their telegraphed charge attacks while plinking the bow guns all day, on top of having multiple ailments and elemental effects on one weapon.They seem too strong.
Looking pretty is like +2 on the average 0 to 10 reviewer scale
Sure, I just put an SOS up, search for 8* Kirin investigations
The tradeoff is that there's probably more things that will oneshot you later on
dead game
To be fair World does have it's bit of bullshit, like Teostra inaudible roar that staggers you long enough for him to get a free hit.
So as long as I keep my "strafe to the side and dodge when the boss looks at me" strategy I'll be fine.
Are we talking about ps4? Cuz I can't find none
That's not exactly anything new to Teo
They made him a bit tougher to camp behind and flinch to death since its back legs aren't super squishy anymore
I find them boring as hell since all you do is point and shoot but I guess one actual flaw is that they generally take longer to kill stuff (after slicing ammo nerf).
Bowguns have always been easy mode, yes.
Why is Capacity Boost gem nowhere to be found? I don't want to spend item slot for 1 level skill.
Also Wyrmstake should have more functionality, either with skills or naturally. Currently it is extremely situational finisher. It could apply large amount of status or there could be a way to increase damage or reduce the backswing so you can combo out of it.
This is my husband!
Please be kind!
trip xeno
it's down for only 4 seconds
and where the fuck is half off shop day???
Its literally all marketing, that was their biggest success with World.
They also repeated often enough that its easy to get into as a beginner compared to previous games when the start isnt really all that much easier or harder than what you face in like MH4 early on.
Maybe endgame, but that leaves all pre Tri games, 3U, 4U, and XX as harder games overall.
Some facts:
-Tempered Kirin isn't farmed online by anyone because people can't dodge his lightning shit and get oneshotted by it very easily, plus he's a small, fast target.
However, keep in mind this is the best elder to farm for crit related decorations, so it's up to you if you want to endure the pain for a possible reward.
-If you get an error while trying to join an SOS, especially tempered investigations with a lot of slots, it's because 400 other people are trying to join too and they've already taken all the slots even tho it doesn't show in the quest, taking a slot involves multiple "stages" where the game logs you into the room, basically even if a room seems like it has 2 free slots, they'r probably already taken, additionally people with PS4 Pros with always beat you to the punch at taking slots, get used to it.
-Tempered Vaal Hazak is the most consistent source of weapon crystals (normal and heroic).
-Tempered Kushala Daora is the easiest grind out all of them as long as you have any way to counter his wind (do this if you need quick crystals for your armor and quick decorations).
-Potions and mega potions are useless if you play online.
Just grab first aids, grab 2 spots of honey, and you're set for the entire hunt, you'll never have to use your shit ever.
Everyone takes a little bit of time to reach the target at the start of a hunt anyway, so you've got some time to do this when you come in without anyone noticing.
There's not a single monster in World on par with Hypers and Deviants.
3rd, sure. not so sure about gen.
3rd was generally neutered to fuck and I think they fucked up with the loot in that game. I remembered having access to easy white sharpness in a HR game.
I also remember the pitiful and sad tigrex in that game. I didnt enjoy that at all.
It is easier to get to hunting as there is very little mandatory bullshit at start.
Nah, World's lowrank is almost insultingly easy until old Diablos comes in. But yeah, marketing is the real winner here. They put the reveal trailer between SoC remake and nu GoW at fucking E3.
>However, keep in mind this is the best elder to farm for crit related decorations
source. decorations are divided into tiers based on the monster difficulty, not based on the monsters themselves.
MH4U has a very handholdy story too. Its just not as cinematic, but it gets to the point fast.
Its not like 3U where you spend the first hours of the game doing fetchquests for the village assholes.
>misinformation the post
Where is capacity boost? There must be a reason why I'm always getting Heavy Artillery and Flight gems, I've probably melded 10 of each already.
Is Nerg the greatest monster at revealing shitters or have there been ones that have done it better? If you think you can name one, go for it.
Name that one monster, in whatever rank it might be, that fucked up your online hunts because it bullied spastics in your party who did not know how to fight it.
Bonus points for which move (like Nergigante's dive) always fucks people up.
If I try and think back at which hunt was most frustrating to do with randoms and which Monster exposed the most retards in my opinion, it's gotta be a toss up between Nerg and Akantor. Akantor used to cart those frog eating fucks left and right.
I have 18 more crowns to collect before I have them all. Doing the elder dragons I have both large and small Kirin and large and small teostra. Still need large and small deora, large nerg, and large Vaal.
Teostra bodies LS and DB shitters, his chargers, flames and Big Boom cart them enough that I'm convinced there is not one among them who is not a button mashing shitter
Says here its R8, which means tempered Elders reward it. Havent gotten it yet either though, that shit is mega RNG.
I don't understand this "nerg is hard" meme.
I've seen people zapped by kirin like flies, drained by vaal, and most importantly exploded the fuck out by teostra, but i think i wiped to nerg maybe 2 times in all the hourse i've poured into this game so far.
What the fuck is so special about him that all of you guys have seen so many groups wipe?
He doesn't have especially deadly attacks, it's all muscles.
The most he does is the spike projectiles that i guess can hit reasonably hard if you're unluky, but that's about it.
Nerg is easy as shit and I rarely have trouble farming him online.
Teostra is way harder (especially in Elder's Recess, easier in the desert) thanks to super nova.
Tempered Kirin though I have never once joined a hunt that didn't end in a 3 cart in less than 10 minutes.
He's right about the SOS error at least. All that error means is that someone did beat you to the punch.
Back when there were separate setgs for gunners and blademasters things could go bad. Gunner sets always had half the defense of blade sets, so even early monsters could take half your health with a tail swipe.
Vaal Hazek breath, blight and the hot pools have all eaten countless shitters. I think the first Pink Rathian and all Kirins past LR burn through trash like crazy.
>Teostra way harder thanks to super nova
they neutered the shit out of it. you literally have enough time to finish whatever attack animation you were doing, sheathe, and flash him in the time he takes to actually get the explosion off
>Pink Rathian
I remember the one in HR in MH3U pushed my shit in something awful to start with.
I'm going to marry your husband.
People don't have defense enough for his harder hitting shit like the dive, don't delay wakeup when they need to, and he is quick to smack mashers with hard hits. None of them NEEDED to do any of that before, and he is the gate to the rest of the elders.
Nergigante is a fucking joke
I did Tempered Kirin once with group. Everyone had mantle and high lighting resist and people used lifepowder if someone got stunned in low hp.
Nothing in this game is a true 1 shot as long as your defense is decent, you heal anything more than minor damage and you have 150 health. At that point only stuns will cart you, and you can prevent that with stun resistance.
Flash Pod him when he tries to do Supernova. You're welcome. Flash Pod anything that flies in the air. You're welcome again.
You literally don't. You have time to sheath and get off a flash if you're quick enough, but I've been in that situation and still taken damage while he fell out of the sky. If you were in the middle of an attack, you either superman dive or get fucked. They also roughly tripled the range of the explosion.
Nerg doesn't drop the spikes if you don't let him dive.
You forgot
>carry max stack of flashbugs
which makes annoying faggots like Rathalos who constantly fly a joke.
You don't need any of that, all you need is good awareness so you can avoid his front AOE, and his lightning "lines".
Those are the two main things that kill.
Especially japanese players, BY GOD japanese players get absolutely destroyed by kirin.
They're eager to hunt him because they've seen all the doujins with kirin armor and they want to dress up their waifus but once they actually face him every single attack he does absolutely blows their fucking minds and they can't even understand it before they die instantly.
I beat Xeno last night, went on to do the 2x tempered Bazel quest and literally got 1 shot headbutted twice in my first attempt. Exited out and started fresh and did it without carting because I slowed the fuck down and stopped being aggressive but man being one shot was an unpleasant surprise but kinda cool.
I figure that should go without saying as I chalk that up to common sense but you're right, I still should have mentioned that because ironically common sense isn't so common.
>Capcom announced that dlc monsters tie into the gold crown trophies
> You have to get them as gold crown too once they come out in order to unlock the all gold crown badges
>the trophies will be harder to get the longer the game is out because there is going to be 20 more monsters added
What's your defense? You were on 150 health, right? Because I can tank that and my armor isn't even fully upgraded.
>20 monsters
lmao as if
Friendly reminder sns the "low damage weapon" can get some of the best clear times. bilibili.com
Yeah but you get the point they're making
Is the Zorah HBG (Magda Gemitus) good or am I just being memed by its stats?
It was all upgraded to the max before the cap gets lifted after you beat Xeno, and I specifically remember my HP bar being pretty low relative to my stamina, so it's no biggie but I've never seen a single monster do that much damage barring early HR when I got 4/5ths of my life blasted by Anjanaths fire breath.
Lads I primarily use hammer, and I've got the 2nd to best Nerg one, the fully upgraded Diablos one, but is the fully upgraded Zorah one still worth making for the blast meme?
MHW is easy, but lets not pretend like the older games didnt derive much of thier difficulty from bullshit like poor controls, and shitty hitboxes.
Stats barely matter for HBGs, what you're really looking for are ammo numbers. If you can fire more of the good ammo types before reloading then that makes a bigger impact on your DPS than a slight increase in raw attack.
Been playing Lance, anyone got any tips?
You should focus on fully upgrading the nerg one.
In this game when it comes to hammer damage is king.
Nerg hammer + nerg set = metric shit ton of damage.
And that's just taking into consideration a set, if you mix you can get damage and ko/stamina drain pretty easily if that's your thing.
I view any fight where one shot is a danger too volatile to just say git gud and don't get hit. I never get hit by lines (it is actually great time to hit Kirin) but the damage almost all of his attacks is insane. Stun resist is probably more important than maxing LR though my Kirin hunter set has both.
Why does nobody ever bring up Tri as a comparison, which had far less content than world? Everybody was fine with that one.
I aim to, but I think I need Xeno materials. When the fuck does he come back? I can't hunt him via SOS flares so I'm assuming he's random like Zorah?
Yeah dude, you're going to have to give some sources for this one, that's a lot of very specific information.
Some rando might look at what you've said and then dedicate hours to farming based on your anecdotal advice just because you wanted to look knowledgeable. Please don't be so reckless.
And your potion advice is really weird. If you've got the honey, just make a stockpile of mega potions and put them in an item loadout. Potions are super cheap and you won't have to waste your effort while in a hunt.
It's used in RNG cluster meme runs, but it's sticky 3 load out combined with KO gems (solo play anyway) is stunlock and KO city
>poor controls
MH4U has incredibly tight controls and animations for every single action you perform.
>shitty hitboxes
By 3U this really wasn't a thing anymore already for the most part.
Your complaints ended being relevant at FU.
yeah I was talking about those, it has lv 3 in all ammo and has all 4 types of status ailments. But looking at the details page it has from slow to very slow across the board.
This game is kinda wierd. I was really into it for like 100 hours and then suddenly I'm not feeling like playing anymore. I got the HR 51 but I can't be arsed to find the blue shit to get more investigations.
lmao everybody was pissed off about Tri removing weapons and having such a tiny roster of monsters.
but the monsters in it werent such fucking pushovers, even barroth could put up a fight.
He shows up once in a while, keep doing hunts.
It would be easier if you could just join other people SOSes to farm him up quickly, but i guess it can't be helped.
The lightning is never what gets me killed directly though. It's the walking forward that does 2/3rds of your health, and after a couple of those I get dazed and then the lightning finishes me off. It's such a fucking unfun fight, I wish I had listened to the memes.
Honestly I've gone from getting it sleeping to 3 carting at the top during its enrage several times now. There's nothing more discouraging than spending 20 minutes with it that close to death to just lose everything.
fuck that just get guard up and block everything, when you platinum it make a shitpost
>KO gems
Is this what the game calls "Stun"?
>and I specifically remember my HP bar being pretty low relative to my stamina
When you start any hunt, the first thing you should do is go eat food, look at how much Max HP the food gave you. If it was 0 then pop a Max Potion, if it was 20 pop a Mega Nutrients and a Nutrients, etc. Food, Nutrients and Max Potions cost next to nothing.
Anyone hunting on less than 150 health (unless it's LR or a trash monster) should have their head examined.
If it's on the monster it's KO, if it's on the player it's stun. That's just how the terms have always been.
>tfw still looking for a Protective Polish decoration
I'll get it some day..
Which are the top 3 Elder Dragons in terms of destructive power and threat to the human world?
Yes but you need Handicraft, Blast Damage and Weakness Exploit maxed before it shines. So you gotta build a set around it for it to be good, but the Nerg hammer you can just slap on anything.
None of them seeing how every single one of them dies in less than 50 minutes by some retard with a long sword.
In-lore, Xeno'jiiva.
By far.
There's a reason we kill it almost immediately after it hatched, it's basically an alien entity feeding off the lifeforce of other, dying elder dragons.
If allowed to grow to it's full potential it would probably fuck up the entire ecosystem and kill countless humans in settlements all over the world.
The only reason why we can kill it so easily it's because we're basically fighting a baby.
4U and Gen had incredibly tight hitboxes
Did you know you can duck under most of shogun ceanataur’s attacks?
>made mushroomancer set with wide range and speed eating
>spawn in mission and start buffing people at camp
>they either run off in the middle of me buffing them or they turn around and look at me like i'm hacking or something.
I've literally seen noone do this and it took all of a few hours to get the mats for the set I made. I can buff everyone with very easy to farm items and then switch to my main set with no drawbacks. There is basically no reason not to go in to every fight without buffs especially on tempered and elder dragons.. You get max potion, dash juice, demondrug, and armorskin buffs all for basically free using items you can directly grow.
Deviants are hard if you didn't have two on command panic dives at all times with every weapon
>Legiana bullies Paolumu
>Legiana leaves the area
>Odogaron shows up and immediately starts bullying Paolumu
Fully grown Xeno would be a global threat, like wiping out all of humanity or even all life in general level. When it's born as strong as an elder dragon and all monsters get multiplicatively more powerful with age you have a doomsday weapon on your hands.
Fatalis (only monster that is explicitly shown to despise humans, so scary even fuckhuge monsters like Lao stay away)
Alatreon (literal oc donut steel dragon that has the power of multiple elements and the area where it lives is completely devoid of all life)
Dalamadur (by far the largest monster in the series filled with giant monsters, destroys mountains by moving around and is unmatched in raw physical strength)
>Watching the Odo climb on the Radobaan and rip it to fucking shreds
That was really neat the first time I saw it. I love turf wars.
Dire Miralis
There's probably a power gap here
Maybe Dalamadur
>Fatalis (only monster that is explicitly shown to despise humans
I absolutely love this part of the lore/backstory. In a weird way I wish the games weren't so happy-go-lucky so we could hear more of hunters shit being pushed in, especially by this genocidal Elder Dragon.
just more critical the better the game is.