
>coziest game ever
>comfy threads with people sharing bases and experience on Sup Forums
>politics get involved
>threads turn into a shithole

I miss it senpaitachi :(

just got te game and loving it
wat?I'm a frraid to ask risking this thread will suffer the same fate

Sound designer got fired for being right wing.

>music/sound effect are 50% of what makes this game
ooohhh, I see, that sucks, well I hope he gets a job soon, he's really good.

iirc it's a girl.

basicly this then drumpfsters from Sup Forums raided every single thread talking about politics and ruined the threads.

No it's not.
It's a dude who was using a girl picture.

>another generic survival base building early acess game
you dont deserve to have nice things

ah, yeah you're right.

Kind of a shitty thing that they fired him once he had basically done everything he needed to do, tossed away as soon as he outlived his usefulness.

I don't think everyone who complains about it is your political opponent but okay.

>Kind of a shitty thing that they fired him once he had basically done everything he needed to do, tossed away as soon as he outlived his usefulness.

Not like they were gonna pay him a wage for doing literally nothing anyway.
In some of his tweets he says he was working with them for the DLC before being fired.
That sucks most, firing him in the middle of a project.

The devs deserve all the shit they get for that

Sound design is beyond vital for a game like this and they fire the dude for thinking wrong

It's out of early access. It's also the least generic survival game there is. But you've probably never played it, who am I kidding.

Subnautica is a shitty game. Ask me anything. I bought the thing during fucking beta and it still is just the same boring fucking uninteresting game where you can't even do anything but "look around" and "explore nothing". I have no idea why this shit is shilled on Sup Forums now.

When the fuck do I get multipurpose room blueprint? I can't make a decent base that doesn't look like something constructed by space pirates without it.

So i just got this game and I got my radiation suit so I decide to head over to that big space ship thing
>water turns murky brown
>horrifying whale screams
>I look up and see this giant bigass sea serpent
>he fucking eats me

Degasi base in the Jellyshroom caves or the floating island

thank you!

Don't go where the water turns red.
Enter the ship by the left side.

If you can ignore the bullshit retarded devs, it's a 10/10 survival deep sea game.

Unfortunately because the devs are absolute retards any future DLC will be heavily impacted because of them.

>Ask me anything
why do you have shit taste

Could that get any more washed out?

I learned the hard way but legit anytime the water turns that color I get super Fucking anxious

Once you get the Cyclops, the game is much less scary.

>people talking about popular video game on video game board

This game is boring, wish I didn't fall for this meme

My brother has been trying to get me into this over the weekend but i'm not sure about another survival games. I keep getting them thinking they'll be fun this time but i always get sick of them couple of hours in

convince me to either get it or drop it pls

You think it's going to be generic but it isn't, also not early access any more, one of the few games that made it out. Try it m8 it's actually good.

More like for being a cunt on twitter but alright

That's not the game though. It's the genre you don't like.

There's no convincing - you either go in blind or don't play it at all because once you know a significant part of what there is to know about it it turns into boring trash.

It's not randomly generated, it's story based in a very freeform way, it's also rlly pretty

Wait there is still an entrance to the left? I always went through the front.

>I have no idea why this shit is shilled on Sup Forums now.
Partly 'purely coincidental influx of interest' after it officially hit 1.0 and full price
Mostly an excuse to post la creatura memes

There is only 1 enterance i believe, we are talking about the same one.

>Partly 'purely coincidental influx of interest' after it officially hit 1.0 and full price
How does that not make perfect sense considering many people here refuse to buy early access games

>every single laser cutter part was behind a door you need to cut
who aproved of this shit?, had to console one into my character.

There are cutter parts fucking everywhere, they're just small.

I think I fucked up. I didn't follow the Sea Emperor Leviathan juveniles through the gate, I was too busy watching the mother. And when I got through they'd already dispersed. If I find one in the wild will it still drop the enzyme required to heal me?

there are laser cutter fragments in the red grass area I believe

he wasn't right wing tho, he was just a normal joe, it's the game director who went super-left wing.

Just search wrecks m8 especially the small boxes


Are the cheevos finally fixed yet? Can I finally beat the fucking game? There's 0.2% of people who have it right now, but I can't tell if that's SAMfags or not.

>That feel when building your main base in the dunes.
>Reapers constantly humping my base.
>One actually managed to grab my docked seamoth.
>Can't even go outside to decorate with plants.
I've made a mistake, but I have to stick with it.

>then tumblrinas and redditors from /srs/ raided every single thread talking about politics and ruined the threads
FTFY faggot ass femenazi

El ogro de americano

You're doing it right now.

well memed

>18 hour game
>get to lava zone
>save gets corrupted for some unexplained reason
>if I leave the base the game can't handle it, as soon as it loads the biome the game crashes
This is actually the second time it happened and I had to start over. Except this time I'm too far into the game to let it go. I tried deleting the cache files that supposedly make this happen but it didn't fix it.
I'm done with the game for now, I can't play knowing it might corrupt my save or crash at any time.

You cant play the high road when you triggered PC faggots are single handedly ruining the quality of Sup Forums with muh pol boogeymen

I didn't encounter a single bug my whole playthru senpai.
Problem is on your side.

You're doing it right now.

I had a similar issue, but that was because i went from windows 7 to windows 10, and it fixed itself when i switched back

Try keeping backups of your save file at regular intervals and restoring them if it gets corrupted.

Haven't heard of save corruption issues since the game came out of beta though. Have you tried a complete reinstall?

>lol works for me
Look dad i spotted the faggot

>finally got all the plans for the cyclops
>in the process got up a network of bases with moths and suits throught the map
is it worth making it after all?

>muh pol boogeymen
we just want to play video games go away

Have you ever considered that someone doesn't have to disagree with you to not want to hear you complain all the time?

Not for me personally. Just built a few mini relay bases down to the depths and prawn suited the game. Didn't use the clops at all really.

Yes, I tried reinstalling.
That's what I'm going to do next playthrough, just save constantly and keep backups.

>Sup Forums blacked thread on the front page
Really makes me think.

>20 hour game
>get to lava zone
>die to a sea dragon's fiery spit
>game over
>give in and use undelete to recover the save like a faggot
>half the files got overwritten and are unrecoverable
>fuck it just stuff everything recovered into the save folder
>it works
>the progress is there, the base is intact
>proceed to finish the game happily

This game has base building?

can I kill shit in the game?, Im a chickenshit to go against the leviathans, got a seamoth with 12 acid torpedos and 12 vortex, can I kill anything with that?


decently fun but still buggy as hell and unoptomized as shit even after the 1.0 release, I got stuck in the terrain multiple times during my playthrough and lost a few hours each time.
Having to craft a second blue tablet is shit.
That end quest is an absolute shit tier fetch quest, they should have had all the materials in the chamber with you.
The babbies pop out right in the mountain biome next to a reaper instead of the shallows like the mom said, seems like a weird oversight.

You can kill a leviathan with your knife. The AI is pretty damn stupid.

No gad damned person besides the worst normies or turbo weaboos care about cheevoes

stasis gun and knife or prawn suit grappling hook and punch things to death

I have 15/17, I just want to 100% the game so I can move on.

use the experimental branch

So because some subhuman white trash gets fired for being a neo nazi this game is bad? Fuck you Sup Forums scum, you deserve to get banned from the internet.

>so I can move on
I feel incredibly sorry for you

what has your life come to that you go into a subnautica thread with it obviously not being your cup of tea? do you need attention?

it's okay to not like things, user. find a thread for a game you do like and then have people ask you things there.

Lol nope

Unfortunately I've owned this game for years so I can't refund it or anything, but I'm certainly not gonna recommend it to anyone ever again.

Posting muh base.

Accidentally picked a great spot to build a base, I'm right below some heat spots so I get tons of power with the thermal plants and I'm relatively close to a teleport gate.

Your base is like nothing I've ever seen.

>ask me anything
Why do you humorless faggots continue to shit up our board?

Whoops lmao.

>Clipping out cyclops and the game thinks I'm in a land
>Fall down 600 meters, well gg anyway
>Game thinks I'm in sea again after hitting the floor
>Below 600 meters in spooky zone, only equipped with seaglide
Imagine its your first time going to this zone and that shit happens.
I wasn't ready.

are you fucking serious? scared here like a bitch of ghost leviathans and you can stunlockthem like that?

yup, but no projectile weapons allowed, that would make the game too easy :^)

the game even teases you with the alien rifle

Even though I didn't buy the game, that bug fucking sucked ass.
Get your shit together, devs. Also firing your best talent is retarded.

That's because dev should shut their mouth about politics if it's not related to their game. Making character goblino isn't related.

EVERYONE should shut the fuck up about politics. So tired of seeing it everywhere now.

If that's true, he could sue the fuck out of their former bosses.

Its fixed in the next patch. If you download experiment you automatically get the achievements.

The only way to work around that bug is to cheat and use warpme command, still said bug has been around since cyclops release.

Oh my sweet summer chinld...

>start the game
>man this is comfy as fuck
>character shadow looks weird, i wonder what's the player model is
Why do the devs want to sabotage their own games?
At least give a fucking character editor, that face is going to haunt me every time i look at that cucumber-shaped shadow

Trust me, I know. It's only going to get worse.

You never see the character model in the whole game unless you actively try too, why are you fags so goddamn fixated on it?

every time you look at your own shadow you're greeted by your jimmy numale silhouette

Because I thought I was playing as a human not some deformed shitskin.

He got fired for telling his boss he'd start arguments at work.


You don't want to actually discuss the game, you just want to shitpost.

This fucking game is a SCAM.

Glad I pirated it, feels really good I didn't pay any money to San Fran hipsters.