Was she really that bad?
Ace Attorney
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She doesn't have enough lewds.
She is pretty bad.
She was needed to introduce Mood Matrix, but she would have been better off as an assistant like Ema. She just clutters already big enough cast.
I actually thought that it’d be Apollo-Trucy, Phoenix-Athena, and Athena was introduced to set up Phoenix’s adventures in Europe.
Instead they made Trucy useless and international adventures centered around Apollo.
And her own story arc is like a mix between Miles and Lynn from Ghost Trick.
she's like early days Phoenix which is cool but since she's alongside 2 experienced attorneys she gets kinda shafted. She would probably have been more liked if she had her own game and we got to see her grow.
>but she would have been better off as an assistant like Ema.
I think the opposite, she doesn't work that well as an assistant, but works very well as a protagonist. She's good in 5-3, and even more so in 6-4 with Blackquill. An Athena game with Blackquill as an begrudging assistant/mentor would be godlike.
I thought it’s the Blackquil who is the MVP of 6-4, Athena didn’t add much.
5-3 just wasn’t a good case, it was adequate, but rather a slog to go through.
Weeb blackquill is the best thing the localization has brought us.
Athena is great.
She has good banter with Apollo and is easily his best supporting character. The only problem is that she doesn't get paired up with Nick enough even though he's supposed to be her mentor. Guess we'll have to wait for the Athena game for that.
I'll take Athena as an assistant over the kidnapped hamburger girl any time. having her take the lead with Nick or Apollo as an assist is also fine.
She also comes with a free Simon.
I like 5-3, it's ridiculous but it's one of the funniest cases in the entire series. I don't think Blackquill works as well alone, either, he needs someone to bounce off and Athena works well.
Agreed. It's fun to play with someone with a different personality than Phoenix and Apollo. And she appears to be smarter when she's in a leading role, too.
Odd, considering that both Phoenix and Apollo only come off as dumber when you play as them.
I think Phoenix comes across as pretty damn competent at this point. Especially throughout SoJ, where the real challenges he faced were literal cheating because the law system was fucked in his cases, and facing Apollo while not really wanting to defend Atishon (which doesn't really count).
It's because when Athena's an assistant, she's completely consumed by the genki personality. When she's in the lead, we get to read her thoughts as well.
She has her good scenes and her bad ones. Better banter with Apollo than Trucy, most of the time (she's kind of like trilogy/PLvsAA Maya in that the two actually convincingly have camaraderie with each other, as opposed to just yelling about muh science/magic/thievery all the time and feeling like they're just there to fill the cute little girl quota. Granted Athena is used to shill Mood Matrix too much that gets toned down in AA6 at least). Her bit with Phoenix in 5-3 is the only time Phoenix has ever come off as a mentor too in my opinion which was nice.
It concerns me that the writers seemingly can't get away from this idea that they need a rookie lawyer around all the time though.
>It concerns me that the writers seemingly can't get away from this idea that they need a rookie lawyer around all the time though.
Writers are the same as the AAI games, so they obviously know
True, but at the very least they feel that having a rookie lawyer around is integral to the main series at least. Which I don't really get at all.
Nobody has enough lewds.
I think it's sort of okay now that Apollo is gone, or at least removed from the others. Honestly I prefer having Athena or Apollo as protagonists at this point than Phoenix, who I really hoped who stay as a mentor after AJ but didn't. We know this dude, let some others shine.
>The only problem is that she doesn't get paired up with Nick enough even though he's supposed to be her mentor. Guess we'll have to wait for the Athena game for that.
so much this
Was she really that hot?
Thot more than hot
This isn't really science at all!
Is dual destinies actually any good? I loved the original series but apollo justice killed it for me and I haven't bothered to check out any of the games since
I like her, though I admit I throw it in people's faces to see them RRRRRREE about it.
>Guess we'll have to wait for the Athena game for that.
Dual Destinies was pretty much Athena the game.
Dual Destinies is great but on the easy side due to streamlined things, but isnt as bad as Apollo justice, Athena being a good character or not is based on your own opinion
Spirit of Justice is fucking fantastic and it's a sin that you didnt play it yet, easily right next to AAI2 and T&T
It was more of a Reboot and Polly game with suddenly Clay out of nowhere.
AJ is arguably the low point of the series (still not BAD I think, but it just has the highest amount of weak cases). You should definitely continue with DD/SoJ or the AAI games, both are good. AAI2 has a fantastic fan translation.
Polly has one and a half cases in DD.
I hated her in her first appearance, but Spirits of Justice ruined Apollo Justice and Phoenix Wright is overexposed so I feel like I have to like her by default.
5 and 6 are definitely a step above AJ in quality, although they never reach the same heights as the original trilogy imo
Finished DD, do I go right into SoJ, or is the DLC case in DD worth buying?
The DLC case is probably the best one in DD. Its worth checking out.
DLC case in DD is a must-have, it's really good
SoJ's is take it or leave it, it's decent but more for completion's sake
Her sister was hotter.
>She was so cute she tamed Nahyuta's headassery
Do all guilty characters get the death penalty?
This, though I still hate Athena. Blackquill is the only good thing to come from her story.
I respectfully disagree
SoJ in particular made the filler cases more interesting than T&T, even though T&T's final case was better. I would say they are in equal footing with their own positives and negatives
lol no
No, it seems to be only premeditated murder gets death, though they're pretty vague on it. We know that Sahwit is alive, for one.
>SoJ in particular made the filler cases more interesting than T&T
They both only had one "filler case" and they were both good. Both also had one really annoying fucking character in there too though.
This was the case with most characters regarding her
She was better when your in her mind
Same with why Phoenix suddenly feels like a god when your controlling him because people forget he's always bullshit inside his mind
I honestly feel she was super shoehorned. I thought it would be nice if they just kept reusing the cast they had before this instead of continuously introducing new characters.
I was pretty bummed about Kay as well, which was a similar situation on a game that suggested Edgeworth with gumshoe assistant. She turned out alright in the end though.
Now if only they made AAI3
i want to fuck her yes
She's devotedly loyal to her husbando Edgeworth
Not at all, Edgeworth is that guy you play around with for a bit and then throw away until next time. Phoenix knows and so does Ema.
I’m pretty sick and tired of her and i wish they would bring gumshoe back or at least make a new detective character.
I’m also pretty bummed that shes still not a fucking forensics scientist
woah, SoJ is that good?
i took a break after apollo justice like 3 years ago, and now i finally finished dual destinies and it was surprisingly good overall
>pretty bummed that shes still not a fucking forensics scientist
But she is in SoJ
Nah, she's objectively better than Apollo, or any character that debuted in AA4. Her games are also much better than AA4, though that's not a high bar.
I kind of wish they'd kept her slightly more grumpy, she was more fun in AJ. In SoJ she's just kind of boring.
This series is filled with cute girls and Ema does nothing for me for some reason. When's her autist sister coming back?
WAit she is? then why in the fuck is she still doing the detective role?
Why is Athena upset?
She realized that she will never be a good lawyer.
So she's still got a shot at being better than Apollo.
SoJ will be even better if you thought DD was good
Opinions clash over it, but SoJ is definitely a step up in both quality and writing over DD
She's the office cumdumpster, they just let her do a bit of lawyering here and there to humor her.
I liked her more than Apollo.
Best Witness who did literally nothing is Captain Scooter
Worst Witness who did literally nothing but talk shit a couple of times who shouldve gotten more of a prominent role was Morgan Fey
She first tried fucking Edgeworth but he was gay. Then she wanted to suck Phoenix’s dick but he was preoccupied with a younger redhead girl. Finally she found sad monk and eloped to Khurain
Are the android ports any good? Wondering if I should just pirate them
Apollo is a gay manlet
*Ruins your life*
Phoenix was barely at the office in 6, she went to Apollo for her daily dickings instead
In 7 she'll probably move onto Trucy too
The newer games are actually better on mobile, the ones that use sprites (OG trilogy and AAI) look kinda weird.
The 3DS games are literally the same games with better resolution
Not Trilogy though, that one's garbage on phones
It's fine, chestlets are always nice in AA!
i wanted to fuck her since rise from the ashes.
I guess she made your dick rise like a phoenix
nice, I'll go buy the 3ds ones then.
I actually didn't like her that much in rise from the ashes. She felt just like a Maya clone that managed to be more annoying rather than likable.
Turnabout Academy was among my favorite cases, so sure.
>we will have cases with judge Junie being all cutesy
The only I character I liked in it was Hugh. Everyone else just pissed me off.
She's alright. Adding in a brand new attorney right after they introduced Apollo was really dumb (especially after bring back Phoenix fulltime), but her character is fine.
Her vibe went into overdrive.
I want Judge Junie going moe mode on Apollo outside of the courtroom and srs bussiness inside.
Robin is C-U-T-E!
Her animation when the butterflies fly away is my favorite from the trilogy
Agreed. They tried too hard to show the similarities between the Fey Sisters and the Skye Sister's situations.
This. That fucker on the scooter was dope.
This, but I at least enjoyed Blackquill.
Underrated post.
She was pure excess of story if they wanna keep 4~6 as Apollo trilogy.
So we can all agree Rise from the ashes was actually overrated right?
Not a lot of people caught the MGS reference in that case, it was subtle
This case was fucking hilarious, i loved it.
Until Klavier's voice in the ending cutscene