Are you gonna play it?

Are you gonna play it?
Any changes you want?
What are you gonna roll?


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>Molten Core in 2019

modern gaming truly is dead.

I've never played WoW before, is it worth getting into it now?

Did you play MMOs in the past?

Once upon a time I loved playing Warcraft 2.
Then warcraft 3 was released and it was played in every cyber cafe and lan party and some my group of friends played it with me.
Than WoW came along.
The marvelous feel of scale and the shock and ave I felt when I first looked up to a watch tower with my human warrior made me realize one thing.
that if I play this game i will forever be lost to everything else in life.
So I uninstalled it, changed the password for that email account and swore to never play it again.
I broke that oath a few years ago when I got a free month from Blizzard but it was not even close,nothing nowhere near that feeling of bedazzlement.

Not really, but I want to try

Depends on population. I tries some private vanilla servers but part of the charm was missing, being able to go into a major city and not wade through a crowd and all.

WoW is a catch-22. You need friends/acquaintances in order to raid and view relevant content. LFR which is supposed to help those without much time or friends, takes longer than the actual content because everyone is so disorganized and key roles are taken by people that go awol during the fight.

tfw naxx consume farming isn't worth my time
shit game

Why is the classic/private server community so toxic?

Classic will die quickly. No one is going to run MC/BWL/Naxx for a year and be entertained. Especially when it’s old content.

Realistically I don't think I'll ever have the time to dedicate so much of my life to one game ever again. Vanilla may be coming back but it'll never be the same for me.

its gonna be like masturbation to everyone but hardcore players who never tire of the game (and have likely been playing on private servers this whole time). once they get their fun out of it they'll push it aside and move on.

classic will be a casual thing you do on non raid days, especially after you're done progressing on the current tier.

You literally one shot everything in lfr and the bosses have massivley nerfed health pools how does it take longer

why do people use this retarded argument? diablo 2 has been content frozen for almost twenty fucking years and people still play it. people enjoy old games. classic will also not live and die by the sword of subscription because they dont have to add anything to it, except a skeleton crew of csrs and gms. then you also still have have war3 and starcraft 1 going.

Because you have a group of people who are deeply elitist and believe that the game is perfect in flawless. When in actuality the game is entirely solved and min maxed, which feeds back into the elitism.

>retaildrones still can't grasp why vanilla entertains people for several years
bUt It DoSeNt EvEn HaVe TrAnSm0g....

>Are you gonna play it?
yep, but im going to play it really chill this time. i've no interest in raiding again so im just gonna level some classes, craft, and maybe do some 5 or 10 mans like strat for old times sake

Because LFR is full of retards

>Are you gonna play it?

Lol no

>Are you gonna play it?
>Any changes you want?
Unchanged release client with all that entails.
>What are you gonna roll?

>LFR which is supposed to help those without much time or friends, takes longer than the actual content
what are you on about? lfr is so nerfed down that 99% of the time everything is just a one shot with half the party afk on follow

I'll play it if there aren't a ton of changes and it isn't nuvanilla, I'll either remake my old priest or just go hunter for the easiness

Are you gonna play it?
Yeah, probably.
Any changes you want?
What are you gonna roll?
Undead priest.
Possibly a Tauren Hunter as an alt.

Druid since it and shaman are the only classes I didn't pay to 60 in vanilla and we are playing alliance.
I don't mind changes, but preferably they would only make changes after the game had been or for a few months. Apart from entirely new content which would be awesome but unlikely, I don't really care about the changes they make. I think it is inevitable that changes will be made.

I also only really played during Vanilla. Have they said anything about eventually doing later expansions later, maybe like every 2 years updating the servers to be one expansion later? I would love the chance at giving BC and WotLK a chance.

Hunter ganker.

>this argument again
So youre saying somebody with access to 3 raids for 1 year will get bored compared to retail having only 1 raid a year that becomes irrelevent after then next patch

Thats different you idiot. Your content is old retail is new and fresh you cant compare them idiot.

I kept getting stuck on Argus the Unmaker because everyone is doing sub 200k dps and our healers aren't even in the same room with their computers. I didn't even realize it was possible to be as bad as the groups I got. I was doing more DPS in the fucking Emerald Nightmare with half the gear score these people have.

I felt the same way about 7 years ago when I last played. I played Xmas 2004- august 2005, then a little hit and miss over the next few years. felt nothing like how it did the first time i booted up. granted it was my first actual mmo, so that scale was new and exciting. i remember very vividly during the human intro, flying through elwynn forest and realizing that the people i was seeing below me killing mobs as i flew in were actual people and not npcs. felt fucking grand. with all that being said, i suppose i'd maybe give it a whirl again. i don't know much about whatever this is.

wow is dead