Are dedicated handheld gaming devices really just for children...

Are dedicated handheld gaming devices really just for children? What use does a grown person actually have for carrying around an electronic device that only plays video games?

If you drive to work, you obviously can't play games at the same time. If you commute, it should either be short enough that you only need to browse Facebook/reddit on your phone OR long enough that you can read a book or listen to a podcast. And I hear people play stuff like their Switch on the plane, but 1) that seems like an infrequent thing and 2) you can watch movies or sleep on the plane instead.

Dunno, I just can't think of real, concrete reasons an adult would actually benefit from a portable gaming device unless they're somewhat addicted to video games. Kids need distractions to keep them from running away and being retarded, which is why stuff like the 3DS and cheap tablets are great for them.

Playing video games on the toilet

I doubt playing EO would be fun with a smartphone

You there! Put the lolis down and your hands on top of your head!

Gee I wonder what this thread will be about

If you can play video games while shitting, you need more fiber.

I'm gonna need sauce

all I want are decent horror games to play in bed.


If it's a game I want to play badly enough I don't really care what it's on. That, to me, is what's really childish.

It's just video games. What are you looking at?


>search filename
>get lead to loli insect rape
fuck you give me the god damn sauce

Playing video games on the go feels like sitting in bed watching TV. It's just bad for you to mix two things that should remain separate. Being on the go isn't for video games in the same way that it's not for watching good movies.


>Playing video games on the go feels like sitting in bed watching TV.

Both of those things are perfectly fine to do together.


Porn on 3DS is a thing now

I don't understand these whole "doing x on the toilet" activities. You're only ever going to be sitting there for a few minutes at a time, and most of that duration will be spent focusing on things that leave little opportunity for other distractions. Do people actually sit on the toilet for hours on end while at home? What's the point?

don't do this it makes mustard gas

senke kaguro

Yes it does, you should scan it.

irritable bowel
being sleepy
wasting time at work
forgetting the flow of time due to the game
others don't hear your farts
it's warm and cozy

many reasons, I sit a lot on the toilet

wtf user I did this and I'm still alive fucking bullshit

Aw shit, is that some mother fucking g-police?


Why are you here?

Are dedicated children really for handholding?

Bless your soul user

nothing on sadpanda
not even the image search works

Some people like playing it at home wjile being able to walk around, switch rooms, or be around other people without having to unplug amd move a tower or console. Also some people want to play shit thats only on handhelds and dont own a Pee-C.


>using the filename of another doujin

Oh you crafty bastard

ya its kagEro, I forgot. the other is Hatsumi Ryoumoto, which I got from saucenao on always try saucenao, it's the best if you can get most of a page

handholding and mating press

>irritable bowel
An issue for some, but doesn't even begin to explain it for most people.
>being sleepy
What does that have to do with anything? Are you saying it's like a more literal application of "too tired to give a shit" or something? Is that fucking possible? Why are you on a toilet and not in fucking bed?
>wasting time at work
I guess...?
>forgetting the flow of time due to the game
You'd still have to think it's a good idea to start playing games on the toilet in the first place.
>others don't hear your farts
This just makes me question why you are even attempting to take a shit in a public restroom if this is that big of a concern.
>it's warm and cozy
You have a heated toilet seat?

I never saw a point in handhelds until I was an adult. When I was a kid I was either at home and able to play video games, or at school and not able to play video games.

As an adult there are many opportunities to play video games when I am away from home (especially while traveling for work), as well as at home as I often like to play games while watching TV with my girlfriend.

>Pedo presumes to lecture people on taste and maturity

>Unironically suggests browsing facebook and reddit

>Tries to downplay playing video games at convenient intervals by suggesting other hobbies on a fucking video game image board

I can't tell if you're just going hard in the bait or if you're just a pedo with shit taste beyond his fetishes.


I'm ignoring that wall of text. Just no.

>I can't tell
no surprise there dumb wojack poster

This is the best one I found

What do you think that room smells like?

wtf my 3ds is a brick now

Little girls are the best

>No argument, just a smug reply

I can see why you are attracted to children, given that you're mentally on their level.

Yupiel posting isn't exactly much better.
Not that it matters.

god, why are cunnies so cute? I need a 2D cunny so fucking badly

Video games

>Yupiel posting isn't exactly much better.
oh I beg to differ

They really are aren't they

I like cuddling with my friends on the couch, being able to play a game while they're doing something else.

Handhelds suck dick and lolis are for gays.

I wish a cute handheld would suck my dick.

I'm 29 years old. Mine is used for playing anywhere I want in my house or my friends houses. I don't ever play on public transit or in public in general. Sorry I don't fit your broad brush narritive, faggot.

I usually play on my 3ds during lunch break. I don't take too long to eat so it's nice break.

This only works on original old 3DS

I play my 3DS on the train because I spend 3 hours commuting each day. Why should I care if someone doesn't like that? Caring about the opinions of others is a sign of immaturity.

Nah, it's a 1998 third person shooter with a dota multiplayer

m-maybe i can be your handheld for tonight

If you like browsing facebook and reddit so much, go back there

i just use them at home

X1-Alpha supports lolis

Let me guess, the orc thing fucks her

Like cuckwork

SAUCE? Saucenao led me to Gujira who only does homo gay stuff

I have a 3DS because it had Monster Hunter on it, and handhelds are easy to carry to a buddies house.

I have a Vita just in case I ever want to remoteplay my PS4 though I never have.

Sounds like OP is really concerned with what other people do, and can't comprehend viewpoints different than his. A common symptom of those on the Autism Spectrum.

Just wait kid you'll understand once you get old and your body starts to betray you like everything else in life

That is gujira. He does straight stuff too.

>only does gay homo stuff

first thats not gay second using your cucky panda site won't let you find everything :^)

It didn’t work

what is that from? why did he get so sad when he beat Green Hill?

I have that controller

I thought the panda had everything? What the fuuuuuck...

how new are you


there's like doujins deleted every day for some garbage western site because of "copyright"

>single posts gets deleted but not the whole off-topic thread itself


t. can't bypass the panda

>wait until your body starts to betray you
Way too late for that, I've been living on borrowed time for a decade now. Didn't even need to get old for that.

>violent videogames are going to be banned worldwide before loli hentai

how fucking mad are you right now

Cuddling with a good friend is the nicest feeling.