What the fuck Sup Forums? It's Monday and not even a whisper of a Miku thread? What the hell? What's going on? Go on...

What the fuck Sup Forums? It's Monday and not even a whisper of a Miku thread? What the hell? What's going on? Go on, fire up your Miku game of choice on you favorite platform! Doesn't matter which. Even if you only do a couple songs, guarantee it'll make your day better. Even if you're already having a good one. Miku always makes things better.
>Tfw will only ever be a hard difficulty player
I just can't into extreme.

Other urls found in this thread:

projectdiva.wiki/List of Modules (X)

More Miku. What's your favorite song? I'm currently in love with DYE with Luka of all people currently.

>on your favorite platform

uh...where's the xbox miku?


Sorry user. Miku has ways been more of a Sony fan. Although she went with Nintendo for a little while.
No. Say it isn't so. Miku is shoved into the generals?


>tfw complete shitter at 9 star songs
>unhappy refrain is really fun and I like the song, perfect on hard
>song completely obliterates me on extreme
>setting it to high speed on hard is the only way i can have fun and not fail the song

I can only barely pass and have fun with 8 star extremes and sometimes 8.5.. If I can do it, you can do it OP, my fingers are fucking broken. 9 star and 10 stars are another story though.

replace that with Rin and I'd agree

I know. It's like disgusting. I trained and trained and was only able to manage 98% on "The world is mine" on extreme. Got 102.55% on hard though.
Why not both?

It's all I got. Slowly perfecting all my favorite songs on hard.

what is mikus conection with vidya?

Which miku module is most delicious? What about Rin's?

On the other hand which ones are the most retarded?

I like Ghost Rule, Doppelganger and Sand Planet. I'm planning to make the jacket in the pic into a replica, but I'm not sure if I should go all the way or just put the triangle in the back. It would be a heck of a lot of work to change zippers and lining and add the zipper flap

I personally prefer Snow Miku 2013. No hood. As for most retarded, I think anything that is like a super puffy dress. On their slim frames it just doesn't match.
Well Miku's voice was a Sony studio production program. Their first one. Hence the "01" on her arm. Rin/Len came next. They're 02 and were meant to compliment each other, usually why they're in songs together.

What was supposed to be just a figure head for the program/specific voice modulator took on a cult like following practically over night. Now we have good knows how many games, Miku-con, etc.

so I picked up Future Tone around xmas and got somewhat gud but apparently I've been playing it wrong, I always used L2/R2 for slide notes instead of the sticks. Currently learning how to do holds with L2/R2 and slides with the sticks

I'm honestly still playing the game with default controls. I don't use the bumpers or triggers at all. Didn't even know you could.

You can also use the touchpad thing on the DS4 for the slide notes.

Miku is dying, how do we save her?

buy more merch

Luka was a mistake

Nah, just not talked about as much. So long as someone is listening to her since, she'll live. I listen to her songs on YouTube too.
Also this. Always this. I have posters, figures, calendars, etc.

Why is my wife MEIKO so perfect, bros?

because no one else wants her, you can keep her all to yourself

Meiko a slut who whores herself to get gigs

How the fuck did I perfect a song with 99.95%? I even got the P symbol next to the song for perfect.

Pic I some guy who put a dancing Miku in his PC

not enough cools

how do get a mini miku in your compute

I have a question. I understand the modules are randomized in X and have been basincally farming for new ones. I've equipped some that allow me to get rare modules on Rin and Miku, they are lv 4 and have alternated between those and some that increase the rate for new modules. Thing is that after a while they've kinda stopped being effective. My question is, can I only get certain modules on certain clouds? I know for a fact I'm still missing some besides the ones that appear on the special event requests. I've still yet to try to get some for other characters.

I honestly have no idea. I have Project Diva X as well but stopped playing it when I got Future Tone.
That's stupid
Miniature 3D projector, small patch of frosted glass. A lot of time, effort, and dedication to making sure Miku can dance happy and free in your PC. I'd love to find a way to make her dance to the same rhythm as RGB pulsing to music.

She's basically dead and living off nostalgia, her 10th anniversary was the last big hurrah

2/3 of my favorite producers are still making music, that's all that matters

A happy 10 years

So did I, but I went back to it for a bit in order to get some of the modules. I got some I wanted, but there's still a few that I want that I'm missing.

Weren't there some mini boxes a while back that you put on top of your phone and they made a mini projection like that? I don't remember quite well, but they might've been packed in when one bought some product or something. I think a couple of them were Miku related.

I know there's at least a moto mod with a projector.

Give me some songs to play. After playing the game nearly every day since it came out, I'm getting tired of Future Tone.

Favorites off the top of my head are
>Show me your world
>The world is mine
>What did you say?
>39's giving day
>Ievan polka
>Ghost rule - (I don't have this song and I don't know why. Unless I'm missing it in the menu somewhere. I have the game and all DLC)

on extreme? you gotta beat it on hard first, maybe go on the psn store and try to redownload it

Well no, just on any difficulty. It's not even in the list. Is it a separate download from the FT and CT DLC's?

Ok so I'm a fucking idiot. I never even downloaded any of the encore packs even though I bought them all. They had to be manually downloaded for some reason. I figured it'd be like steam and auto-download the dlc along side the main game.

>new miku game comes out
>will have 1/10th amount of songs compared to Future Tone
how is this allowed

>future tone not using f's PV for worlds end dancehall

How is this fucking allowed

Yea they should always make it a point to have at least 20 new songs on top of all the songs from previous titles.

Also why the FUCK can't my PS4 take advantage of my 500MB/s connection? This is fucking stupid. I have the PS4 Pro and you're telling me they couldn't shell out for a fucking gigabit capable LAN port? Or are Sony servers just that slow?

You do know you can alternate between the d-pad and buttons for fast series of the same note, right?

Of course. It's not the speed that gets me. It's the note changes. Having rapid pace XOXOXO in long streams fucks me up. Where as I can do doubles fast paced like no one's business. XXOOXXOO is easy.

Sounds like a matter of practice, my dude. I was stuck in Hard hell until someone at a con told me to alternate (this was before the games were in English) and Extreme was just second nature

>Favorite song to play
Equation*++ is super fun
>Favorite in-series song
either Negaposi*Continues, shake it!, or the full version of Kokoro
>Favorite song in general
probably Fragile Phoenix by sasakure.UK

This. I try to start the string on my D-pad and my brain magically forgets which direction is which shape. Even if I start it on the other side, I can't process it in time. I think a big a reason I still haven't grasped this is because I haven't played many songs with alternating strings, but I'm starting to get into extreme and practicing.

You're right, that was pretty fun. Made my day just a little bit better.


Good to hear! A day with Miku in it is always a good day!

Forever and always with Miku and family

Been listening to Thank You For Being Lifeless a lot. I hope it makes it into PD at some point.

I think I've been denying it for too long. Miku is the ideal form of a female

>Want to make songs
>Not actually that good in music

miku sucks, man. She's old and busted.

Absolutely. Good to see you finally found the truth.
How. Fucking. Dare. You.

even the japs have moved on

Yea well we dropped 2 atom bombs on them. So it doesn't surprise me they're still not right in the head.


This is a nice Miku

So this shit is old and busted and dead?
People still talk about Vocaloid??

I found a jap copy of project diva f for around 15 burgerbux. Is it worth it to play Kagamine Hach Hachi Flower Fight? How bad will having to do the scratch motion instead of using the analog stics to do the star notes screw me over?

my love for Miku is eternal

I have the opposite problem. I can do stuff like XOXOXO really fast by sliding my thumb back and forth on the D-pad or the face buttons (whether it's d-pad or face buttons depends on the pair). Might be a bit inaccurate until you get used to it, but when it comes to doing stuff like XXOOXXOO at high speeds my thumbs betray me. I'm barely getting used to alternating thumbs for stuff like XXXXXXX at decent speeds, my thumbs feel way slower than my fingers. Doesn't matter though, since I suck dick at the game anyways.

What makes you so sure?

I mean, the scratch is definitely worse, but it can be done reliably enough. I recommend the touch screen over the back pad, annoying as it is. Felt way more accurate than the back.

Just a collection of Mikus

>can easily get at least 80% in look this way baby which is 8.5 stars
>completely shit the bed by the second chorus in slump even though the song is 8.5


Mostly been dicking around with edit mode and Taiko songs on f2nd lately. Haven't really played Future Tone in ages.
projectdiva.wiki/List of Modules (X)
Some modules are pretty particular on their unlock conditions.

I'm having lots of trouble getting a perfect on rinrin signal. Not because it's hard but because I'm too busy grooving to the song. Rin>miku


Some ought to cut out a high definition >SAFE from Future Tone using the new photo mode.

Thanks for the link, user.

Miku is singing and she gives you this look, what do you do?

Ignore her because I'm a rinfag

Can we just get a Hachiouji P DLC pack?


I don't have future tone, and on F I could barely get a "great" on Unhappy Refrain. I'm not one who likes to repeat the same song a billion of times to perfect it, because every retry I'm more nervous. I prefer to continue spamming the random button and see if I can beat my previous high scores (most are in the excellent range).

Fun fact: after playing F and F2nd for a couple of months, I'm so much better on the PSP ones and managed to perfect saihate (don't mind rin there, I had just finished playing Gemini and didn't have the willpower to change back to miku)

Ain't Vocaloid a Yamaha project? Also, didn't meiko and kaito come first?



Fuck you, I want her.