DS had pictochat and DS Download

>DS had pictochat and DS Download
>Wii had wiivote, news, the wii cat, photo editing
>3DS had swapnote
>WiiU had Miiverse
>Switch has...

It doesn't even have a fucking web browser. Or games. 1 year and 1 game. No, multiplats, ports and """"deluxe"""" editions of WiiU games don't count.


Here's your (You) Faggot

Splatoon 2, ARMS, XBC2, M+R.
Don't even bother. All we're going to get is "b-but those games are shit!! splatoon is b-basically a port!!"

Good, all of those things are fucking awful.

Coming soon on the next direct.
>Party chat
>messaging friends on the system
>can add people who you recently played with
>view streams of your friends who go live
I'm not sure if the direct is tomorrow or next week though.
You faggot, you really think the switch is gonna get online features like the PS4 and Xbox one?

Switch is a games only machine and I hope that never changes. Too much choice is a sin for dedicated media player.

Im sure that the paid online will have shit like miiverse and channels which is why they are being held back

Literally all of those things are shit except DS Download. For Christ's sake, Pictochat was a basic chat room where you needed to practically be in the same fucking room as the other person anyway.

DS had swapnote
why do you fags keep forgetting they brought back Swapnote with Swapdoodle?

>Party chat
>messaging friends on the system
>can add people who you recently played with
>view streams of your friends who go live

they wont add any of that, they want you to use their phone app

I'm happy they leave out the fluff.

Games really are the worst gimmick, desu.

Because the opposing narrative serves a person in angering.

Anger is what WE eat.

And you'd be right to get that because those games ARE shit and splatoon 2 is basically a port. I'm going to sell my Switch if Star Allies turns out to be shit

But if you enjoy the games you listed I'm happy you're enjoying the Switch user :3

>I'm going to sell my Switch if Star Allies turns out to be shit

Imagine being this angry at video games.

Sure, I'll just keep my $300 paperweight

You're only making fun of yourself.

I immensely enjoy people not having the means to communicate with me

You can already add people you recently played with

Swapdoodle died because
>all the artfags that used it moved on playing onto their Switches
>it still relies on a friend list not NNID
>the Pay-to-Start being garbage foremost
and not to mention the fact it got overshadowed by Pokemon twice.

also, Nintendo forcing japs to be 18+ and pay up 32 yen to be Doodle Pals due to pedos that caused Swapnote's cancellation

fuck, go to the Discord and you'll notice barely anyone share their Swapdoodle drawings there anymore
its dead jim

Me too. I very much enjoy not having to make the decision of not communicating myself.

Why would I buy a game device to use a web browser?

Oh boy it's yet another "the Switch is literally SHIT" thread. Please, tell me more about how it has no games and no software and the hardware is weak and how no one should own one despite you clearly acting like you do.

>It's impossible that someone who owns a Switch wouldn't be happy with it!
