Piracy is a crime. Stop stealing games and stop trying to justify your nigger mentality...

Piracy is a crime. Stop stealing games and stop trying to justify your nigger mentality. If you pirate games you're just thieving scum, simple as that.

>t. MPAA and the feds
Fuck off and go fuck a cactus
No-one is going to a rat's ass over what you think and feel

Ill just get my files from legit sites like mega.

Jaysus christ what a shite Thread

Scarcity of information doesn't exist and the term of copyright has been obscenely extended to benefit (((Disney's))) bottom line so fuck you I won't do what I tell me

t. poorfag thieving nigger
Neck yourself and do the world a favor

Alcohol was a crime once too. Suck my fat hairy balls faggot.

>Alcohol was a crime once too
So was your birth

>Alcohol was a crime once too
So was your birth, thieving nigger


i don't care weeee

Why is Sup Forums the only board that cares about piracy?

It's not like there's actually anything wrong with piracy to begin with, it's up to the person selling the product to convince us that the product is worth supporting.

Thieving nigger.

If the product isn't worth supporting why would you want to pirate it?

Based anti-piracy poster

>Thinking I'm gonna pay ~$120 for an early access shitty AAA game with no content
I'll start buying games again when they make good shareware versions again.


>If you pirate games you're just thieving scum, simple as that.
Agreed. Now excuse me while I pirate some more games.

No you won't, because you're a poorfag thieving nigger

lol no

>pay money for a game
>turns out it was just a download file replicated over and over again by the publisher and sold to other plebians
>turns out I can get the same download file from google after a .5 second search for free
>realize games on PC have no value
>see some retard on Sup Forums trying to shame me for letting the industry go to shit for not buying something that has zero inherent value to me as a consumer
>doesn't realize console gamers are the pillar of video games and are the ones who actually buy games and steer the industry anyway

wooooooowww. just pirate games you dumb nigger it makes no difference. thats how its meant to be on PC, let idiots buy games

You don't have the balls to post it.

what are you gonna do about it?

Feels good to bankrupt developers with every pirated copy.
Maybe now they'll get real jobs in non-manchild industries.


Yes, let's just pretend Steam isn't a billion dollar company, you thieving nigger.

Lol make me shit sack, you can't and won't do a damn thing to stop me.

any pirated games that can access multiplayer

>turns out it was just a download file replicated over and over again by the publisher and sold to other plebians
Are you dumb? That's essentially the same thing as when people copied pirated games on disc. It's just a different form of distribution.

Report you to the FBI. Enjoy getting arrested, kiddo.

t. console pleb who can't pirate games

Steam is great for flipping assets.

The real fucking crime is selling me something for $80 and then telling me
>btw it's not done and will cost more to finish lol

Don't mind us, we're just pirating our American citizenship.


Not an argument.

I agree with this, early access games that get abandoned in the end or even cut content from a "full game" passed on as DLC really grinds my gears, something like this shouldnt be allowed to begin with

how about you deal with it

But user, i dont live in murrica. What are the fbi gonna do about it?

>PClards only pirate games
>then wonder why there's only shovelware indie shit on their platform

Buy my game and I'll give you all the arguments you want.
Remember to get all the DLC.

I have significantly lower standards for free things than things that cost money.

Drone strike your third world shithole.

But i just said that i dont live in murrica!

That's why I said your third world shithole, Muhammad.


Dont mind me, just pirating your girlfriend.

>t. amerimutt


>Pirate FTL
>Buy it after
>Pirate Alien: Isolation
>Buy it after
>Pirate Democracy 3
>Buy it after
>Pirate Kingdom Come Deliverance
>Buy it after

You see the pattern. Give me Demos instead of "Betas" and I am far less likely to pirate.

So I just borrowed my friends PS4 and all his games..
I finished what I wanted and returned it.
I didn't pay a cent. I didn't even have to buy the console. Good stuff. Glad I'm not a pirate, right OP?


The US is the whitest and most powerful country in the world. We could literally wipe your countries from existence and get away with it. A little respect would only benefit you, third worlders.


I mean, your friend might be. There's could something in a EULA when the ps4 was initially booted up that said he can't do that.

You dumb nigger, piracy is ultimately handled with civil shit, why do you think it's so rampant? Law Enforcement devotes as much time and resources to piracy as jaywalking. You really want to fuck them up you report them to the company they're stealing from.

la creatura...

Whatever jamal and juan.

>tired of console games costing a fortune
>sell consoles, learn and assemble PC
>be excited about all those pirated games
>5 years have passed
>literally pirated two games and played only one of them
>now i'm only buying games that i will never play

where the fuck did it go so wrong?

Piracy is not a crime
What now?

Fuck off. I just pirated Lone Echo. I already spent $400 on these meme porn goggles. I'm not giving them any more money.

What does pillaging on the high seas have to do with videogames? Fuck off

So is false advertising.

If I take it a step futher, say my buddy and I are at college, I forgot my pencil. He let me borrow one of his.
I always wanted to try a red pen, I only got blue and black ones. My friend lend me his red one. I try it out for a long time, and then give it back.

Shouldn't I have to pay for my own?

I too fell for the meme, where did you find Lone Echo?

how. i've been looking but i get nothing

only south america pirates games.
their money is worthless anyway.
just like their socialism

Third party networks like tunngle.

I was looking through the VR games on igg-games and it was on there. It actually works.

Oh shit, that really works?

Yes, but obviously you can't join legit games.

Piracy is a crime. Information sharing isn't. I hope you know what piracy is, right? It's high seas robbery, murder and unlawful seizure of property.

How about you deal with it

>learn PC

You're aware words can have more than one meaning, right, pseud?

Oh snap, gotta check it out, thanks user.
From what I can tell it's not the usual copy/replace crack. Will I need smartsteam for this?

Check out this exclusive content

Just works with the exe on Oculus... it's already cracked. In the comments some guy says there's protection that doesn't let you finish the game, but I haven't gotten very far. No one else has said anything so I'm not sure.


You're aware that the term "piracy" originally has a lot of connotations that are far worse than what is actually happening when someone torrents something, right, Disney?

Stop stealing air and bandwidth with stupidity.

>the term "piracy" originally has a lot of connotations that are far worse than what is actually happening when someone torrents something
So? Does it hurt your fee fees?

Sounds extremely easy.
If it cuts off at the end I wouldn't mind just watching the rest on a walkthrough or something

>buy my game
You mean the permission to use the game since even if we buy it technically we don't even legally own it.

It has nothing to do with my feelings and everything to do with being honest. You can be against the copying of information, sure. However, if you're going to smear the act of doing so with the label of something far worse, you're being intellectually dishonest. Fuck off

No, just your pockets hahaha

ok, im sorry i wont do it again

And you're being a retard arguing semantics.

Nice bait

Widen your horizons, it's not like you have to worry about spending money on a game you don't like.

Nuance matters, but I guess with Disney's large cock stuffed way up your rectum you don't really have the attention to understand the small stuff. You don't win your potential buyers over by demonizing something they do. Why are you scared of people copying data? I have 4.5 million copies of fallout 4 downloaded so far and Bethesda still isn't out of business. I thought torrenting hurt sales?

>you should pander to thieves stealing your shit
Lmao, you're one stupid nigger

why is pirating ok but counterfeiting not ok?

Why is Sup Forums the only board that cares about piracy? If you pirate, then that's your choice, but if you don't, that's also your choice. Who cares?

>make paying for your your product more attractive to the people who are using it without paying
>this is a bad thing
You're just fucking retarded and I'm very certain you don't actually believe illegal file sharing is wrong. You just want (you)s
One is physical and the other isn't

so? you're not stealing, your just making a copy

Let's be honest, you thieving niggers wouldn't buy a game even if it was the best game ever made.


But that copy directly impacts the physical amount of cash in the economy.
I buy games all the time. I also torrent. Thanks for further proving my point though. If you actually don't like torrenting you'd have actual arguments and not broad generalizations

How do you use 'you're' correctly in a sentence and then proceed to fuck up the second time