Any gamestores near you that aren't FUCKING GAMESTOP?
Any gamestores near you that aren't FUCKING GAMESTOP?
We have a chain here that's operated for almost 30 years.
Player's Choice in Myrtle Beach. It's pretty good outside of not selling any imported games.
Is this in Pensacola FL or some such? Because I'm pretty sure I've been there.
We have a chain here that's operated for almost 30 years.
Long Island my dude
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to get rid of counters?
My local mall has two Hudson's shops: comics and video games. They're pretty nice, have a bunch of stuff from today and for older and retro consoles. Don't ask you for membership bs or try to desperately sell you additional stuff.
I live in a small town in Kansas of 30K with crappy game stores that come and go, despite the fact we sit right at the intersection of every major city. I've lived here for 14 years and we've already closed down like that many game stores I shit you not. We even ran Gamestop out of town by trying to hike the rent on them.
Just retro gaming stores. One is shit, one is based. Another has fucking nothing.
Northeast Ohio has a couple of The Exchanges with some good prices as long you don't barf at the wall of Funko Pops as you walk in
Yeah and their prices are fucking awful. They sell retro at ebay prices and aren't worth it for full price on current gen/used games.
I've got a GameXChange and an FX Video Game Exchange. The latter is actually a decent little shop, it's a Texas only chain with only 4 stores.
Bareback Games
That red and yellow (ketchup and mustard) is making me hungry to eat some games.
Video Game Trading Post
Sells and buys retro (Wii or older) games, consoles, accessories, misc. Got my PS4 for 200 when they had a sale and sold a bunch of old SNES and Sega games with consoles for 350 total. They didnt work well for me but they said thet could fix them. Now they are entertaining somewhere else. Great place, literally 3 min walk from my house
If you're in Levittown, long island, check them out.
There's a couple retro game stores. Nice to shoot the shit with the employees once you know them as well as with random customers who start conversations, but things tend to be overpriced
A couple, one is games galore and the other is pixel age games. And of course, they both sell old shit and destroy gamestop in not only selection but also trade-in values.
Vintage stock
JnL by bryant park in NYC
That's a long ass drive from where I live on Long Island.
There is some mom and pop one but its all retro stuff, I pirate retro games so have no reason to go
Are you in Brownwood, heartland mall! Ha I know it
>Live in Australia
>Only options for games are either EB Games or JB-Hi Fi, both of which suck ass
At least the guys who work ky local EB are nice and always up for chats...
amerifat seeing food everywhere detected
I buy all of my games at goodwill and salvation army. I payed a whole 2 dollars for Suikoden V and Deus Ex.
>JnL by bryant park in NYC
That place is fucking highway robbery. They've got an impressive amount of stuff, but goddamn those prices. The old japanese dude tried to sell me a Switch for $600 at launch.
I find shopping at Gamestop must less cringy than some "Retro" game store.
Digital Press Videogames. It's the only retro game store I've ever seen that doesn't feel like exploring someone's fucking attic.
>going to EB Games
Cuck. Just buy games online.
I like the ones that feel like exploring someone's attic. That is where you find the good shit. The clean, sterile stores just peddle eBay-priced common-but-TOTALLYRARE games, shitty emulator systems and POP figures.
We have Bookmans here in Phoenix (and i think in Tucson). They started out as used books but quickly moved into second hand everything and anything. Art pieces, movies/tv shows, toys, magazines, comics, video games, porn ect. Video games always had its own section and i constantly find great shit for a good price. Thier trade in rate aint bad too.
yeah thats the only thing that stopped me from buying there a lot, I got a few games there, and I always go to check to see if they got something Im looking for to compare the prices to online; And sometimes they are cheaper than online. Thats rare though. Always good to go in there and chat with the old man though, he's pretty friendly.
>That is where you find the good shit.
I actually think it's the opposite. The attics are usually operated as unprofessionally as they look and are the ones that will mark beaten to hell NES cartridges for $30 a pop because of some Ebay buy it now listing.
Are they big?
Every year some game store from New York sets up a booth at my local anime con and they sell shit at ludicrous prices.
I'm talking like $400 for a jp 3ds bundle
Depends if you count the million-and-one pawn shops dotting the landscape as "game stores". All the actual dedicated game stores have been swalloed up by EB/Babbage's, which in turn are now Gamestops. Every last one of them.
I think thats a different store that sets up in the cons, that place has a small shop on like 3rd ave, I think. Called Videogamesnewyork iirc
What'd you get at a good rate?
got some ds games and gamecube games in real good condition, boxes and all
Yea, I work in one here in Florida.
Made it into a game shop/ arcade.
You can come in, try the game before buying it, or just chill and play games from the Dreamcast to N64.
Also sell anime junk and stainless steel swords from Master swords and key blades.
Due to the fact that the shop is set up in a huge plaza and next to a college campus. Business is booming.
It’s my fucking dream job where I sell and talk about video games all day.
G2K games
sells shit from Nes onwards, their new game stock is pitiful but I just go there to play Magic