Games with no replay value
Games with no replay value
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>Games with no play value
I have yet to find someone who can even stomach replaying pic related
I replayed this when all the DLC came out
You don't replay puzzle games
I have never seen a vagina, the posts.
I can see people wanting to try going to different areas first, or even straight to the castle
All of them
Isn't there time attack modes in this?
You're right. I haven't replayed it because I'm still 200 hours into my first play through
So, what, both the people who say that the games have no replay value, and those that claim they do, are being insulted equally?
Is it just the fact that they care about this matter?
Yeah wtf where are the leaderboards, killcams and multiplayer?
The original did.
You clearly have never played a good game.
Why do women pretend to understand SotC?
What's your point? How is it relevant?
>most Zelda games are about 25-30 hours
>stuff to do for at least 150 in BotW
Sure. It's not the same as playing a game five times, but man. Dude. I think the only Zelda I have played for longer than BotW is Links Awakening.
>single player games must have leaderboards, killcams, and multiplayer in order to have replay value.
>Why do women pretend to understand SotC
They do? E-celebs are less than women, and that's saying something.
I don't understand.
Every game has time attack if you time yourself. Each colossus can only be killed in one way, though. 100% of the actual gameplay is just figuring out how because once you do it's super easy to win.
No it didn't. It's exactly the same.
>It's exactly the same.
The game isn't exactly the same. The original looked considerably better, as to warrant at least wishing to relive the aestetic experience.
What kind of a criticism is "no replay value" anyway? Do you criticise a book for being the same when you read it a second time?
Who said it was criticism?
Replayablility is something mutiplayerfags can claim their games do much better than single player games.
If you think multiplayer is the only way to make a game replayable then you're retarded.
He's not making any such statement.
He's making a statement about the people who're using replayability against some games.
Any visual novel