Sup Forums
>You mo-ron, you are not to question my orders! When I say jump, you jump! When I say fight, you fight! When I tell you to die for your country, then you will certainly die! Have I made myself clear
Sup Forums
>You mo-ron, you are not to question my orders! When I say jump, you jump! When I say fight, you fight! When I tell you to die for your country, then you will certainly die! Have I made myself clear
Other urls found in this thread:
>Try to get your combat modifier even higher
>I want to be rich
I don't even recognize ha;f pf these characters.
Fuck you soyboy the Enclave is literally america, anyone that says otherwise is a pinko commie gay enabling gayboy.
or you can pick and choose your board.
Because you didn't play the game
I like this post.
It writes itself
Surely Mason would be /an/
Maybe it's because none of them were memorable in the slightest
>Sup Forums
>Scotland is not a real country, you are an Englishman in a dress.
Then you were busy playing with your dick and not paying attention
Then would become Sup Forums?
Based Big Bantz Caitlyn stealing Becky's gimmick
That leader of the Disciples who violently dismembers people just for the lulz
Yes yes, you don't like Fallout 4, we get it.
The game was boring, fallout general. It's okay to admit Fallout 4 is shit.
your image reminded me of a local neo-nazi that turned into a tranny and ended up on the news.
Surely Sup Forums would be Danse post-synth reveal? Maxson doesn't hate himself enough to be Sup Forums
Rol,furry, shitpost, etc
>tranny with an iron cross tattoo
why would Sup Forums hate itself when it's the most influencial board, with one of the 3, if not the most, active posters on the site?
I have an iron cross tattoo as well. on my left buttcheeck, and it's more of a reverse cross, just stylized to look like an iron cross. Never butchered my genitals though, but I'm pretty degenerate
You say that as if those are good things, newfag
>not this guy
>but I'm pretty degenerate
Wow you're so cool and edgy user.
Soldier is American and looks like a white man, he's not Sup Forums
>have an active hoard full of people
>bleed into the real world
>have an actual effect on politics
Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0, now that Sup Forums is comatose. the fact that it causes so much butthurt to so many people is just a cherry on top
thanks, I try my best
Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0 in that it's full of underage newfags who everyone else hates
>any of those things you listed
simply epic
Is Homestar Sup Forums?
hey user, here's a better image free of charge.
Strong Bad is /vr/ for sure
>have an actual effect on politics
Sure, if you mean making neo nazis look like even bigger jokes than they already were?
>these are the cretins calling other people soyboys
Like I said, self-loathing
I need to have a word with the slut that names my files.
Post it
>underage new fags
>any of these things listed
>le strawman picture
really proved me wrong there
rentfree. at least find a better picture leftyfag. I doubt any of the actually visit Sup Forums
he looks like he has what it takes to be a real mafioso
>For the right price... anything
Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is just usa with underwear
fitting, these yurocucks choke on american dick daily
Good jorb to whomever made that.
kekistani movement was created by sargon of akkad, pic related. they hate Sup Forums(for some reason), and so does the "alt right". both are looked down upon on Sup Forums, but you would know that, if you actually visited the site for once in your live
all the pics of cringeworthy "nazis" are most likely not Sup Forums, lectypol just likes to pretend as such, ao it won't be alone on the shortbus
>takes place in free country usa
>full of inhuman-looking nonwhites
Homestar predicted the 56% meme
>go on Sup Forums
>twitter cap with 'lol we gotta meme this guys'
>soyboy soyboy soyboy soyboy obsession
>how do I get a gf
>trump general
I can see why you Sup Forumsdittors enjoy shitting up Sup Forums, they're practically the same
>soyboy soyboy soyboy soyboy obsession
truth hurts, doesn't it?
That you're a redditor? Sure.
Sup Forums
>calls me a redditor for no reason
>posts irrelevant picture
soy damages the brain, and you're acting irrationally
I rest my case. Please seek help
>not the FULLY MODELED alyx
why are leftists so obsessed with some pozzed, piece of shit subreddit? Do soyboys really sleep with the lights on at the thought of the BASED magapede boogeyman?
Sup Forums
I used to be skinhead before I joined TWP so I have a bunch of edgy tattoos, like the sonnenrad on my chest. God I regret that shit.
>Sup Forums vs /vg/
Sup Forums
With all that time spent with Alyx he's far from /r9k/
Sup Forums
Freeman never scored tho
>spergs out so hard around her that he literally just says nothing at all and comes off as a huge creep
oh wait i'm just projecting
>used to be skinhead
>joins a party
Jesus user get your shit together
too bad, you only were 1 more buzzword away from sounding over 18
Sup Forums
t.literally shaking at the thought of pic related
I know soy makes you irrational, but try not to look like such a sperg online
that less buzzwords than your last post kid, keep up the effort.
>not someone from the Pokemon TCG video games
Did you calm down? You were having a panic attack there, you were ranting how the big, bad redditors are gonna get you in your sleep
No worries now, but I would take it easy on the soylent for a bit
Sup Forums or /toy/, I dunno
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>all posters who call out a Sup Forumskid must be one huge samefag
I only wrote the last post that's why. Also why bring up that dumb soy meme? It was actually a fucking embarrassment for every retard who publicly shown belief in that shit.
Sup Forums
>why bring out the dumb soy meme
>asks after a soy fueled spergout
fun fact: number 1 way to tell a redditor is if they get triggered over the soyboy meme
kek, what game is this?
Sup Forums is Wolfenstein 2 Hitler. Insane senile man children that cry for their mommies and piss everywhere.