Where were you when hezbollah made a fucking video game

where were you when hezbollah made a fucking video game

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uh, literally who?

Show us some fucking gameplay then.
It will be the arabic american army.

Based. Don't have to worry about the jews getting involved.

finally we can kill some burgers :)

Are these the guys who blow up, or the ones who don't?

oh man I can't wait to beat the hajjis so bad at their own game that they literally blow themselves up over it

they're terrorists

>it's ok when America does it

anti hero
terrorist fighting terrorist
they are the more chill terrorist

they're the guys preventing palestine from being a state

looks like shit lol

Thanks for beta testing, terrorists


I would unironically love to play a military fps from a non-american/european viewpoint. Would be pretty cool.

>die from dronestrike
>die from dronestrike

Ad infinitum

it's literally about fighting isis

this is getting silly

imagine giving a shit about stuff like palestine

wahhabis are the ones who blow up
hezbollah is anti-wahhabi
they are the good guys, they are /ourguys/

So imagine you're jewish or american?

Yeah, just imagine some farmers with outdated gear defeating the USA. That would be really embarrassing, right?

do i get to play as THE PHANTOM

lol get nuked gook

>have literally the most powerful military in the entire history of the human race
>have the ability to project force anywhere on the globe
>still consistently lose to third-worlders with poorly maintained decades old gear and zero (0) training
america is the most retarded country to ever exist

lol ok rice farmer

>get reck
>"lol get nuked different asian"
>wanting to nuke you allies
>get shot
LMOA mutt

Wait, why was the Hezbollah fighting Russians?


rice farmers are objectively far better soldiers than the retards america fields

So let me get this straight...

A bunch of goat fucker terrorists in a third world shit hole can create a vidya game, but most of Sup Forums is too lazy and unmotivated to create their own vidya?

Sup Forums, what the fuck are you doing with your life?

>angry 3rd worlders
i'm not even american lol

playing the games of a bunch of goat fucker terrorists in a third world shit hole

Anime is haram for them so they have time. Actually Sup Forums should convert to save their lives

still terrorists

>no more beer nor bacon
Fuck off Ahmed.

didn't Bin Laden fap to anime?

retards think that since his laptop had anime then he was watching it, the games and anime on it was probably for his kids

Doesn't haram apply to kids as well?

Why are there so many Jews in here?

You don't have much time to take care of kids when the entire OTAN want to fuck your ass

Hezbollah already has special force and special force 2 out. This is nothing new.

NATO. Fuck me, I'm a spic

aka trying to leave spawn in sinjar when the insurgents are skilled players.

>when the video game industry attacked Trump's travel ban because there's so many video game developers in civil war-torn shithole countries, yeah ri--
>Hezbollah releases a video game about fighting zionist nazis

well, I guess they proved me wrong

Looks pretty great. Reminds me of the latest Half-Life game.

go away long-nose man

are these the gaza strip people? bit vague I know.
name one group in the middle east who hasn't blown something up, ill wait.

for (((them)))

No, that's Hamas
these are the Lebanese who did the Beirut barracks bombing in the 80s

>implying anyone cares about Palestine anywhere
>implying we wouldn't all be better off if both of them were glassed

Hezbollah has already made a video game.


I care about Palestine cause fuck the jews desu

>rpg into spawn
>"skilled players"

israelis then?

What a horrible fucking FOV, animations, texture and sound design.
dead on arrival

So literally anyone in the world because the definition of terrorism is that fucking vague.

>get a machine gun into a little tiny slit between sandbags
>snipers cant see me
>can penetrate the metal cover at spawn
Sinjar is the fucking best on both sides if your team is competent

Cool can we kill jews?

Maybe at least the OST will be good

>that fucking walking animation
>shooting niggas in Adidas clothes

>small dick losers from Sup Forums would side with scumbag terrosits that would want to kill them becuase they hate Jews
just fuck off

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>small dick losers in US gov't would side with stinking afghan goat fuckers because they are willing to shoot rockets at russians
>small dick losers in jap government would side with america because amerca is militarily opposed to China and North Korea
>small dick losers in Iranian government would side with Russia because Russia is opposed to American and Israeli interests

At least we didn't lose to some Ostrich knock off in a war.


They are anti ISIS and anti Wahhabi. They are known for protecting Lebanese Christians and as such are a primary target for Israel and it's ZOG cronies.


Hey man, we simply learned from the best :^)

wait, i thought israel was our greatest ally

I'm more willing to support Hezbollah because I fucking hate Israel for being an imperialist piece of shit
Based Rojava would be the optimal choice but they're currently trying to keep the turkroaches out

yes thats right goy!! dont listen to these rabble rousers. they're what we call anti semites which means they hate israel, gods country

all I know is the song by Ministry lmao

The same country who tells us to take in more refugees while not taking in any themselves.

If you're talking about the American Revolution don't forget the yanks only won because France and Spain bailed them out

>based rojava
>the same rojava that has American air bases and wants to ally with America and Israel to balkanize Syria so it's no longer a threat
wew mossad is doing a good job

fuck middle east as a whole,
every one of them need a white phosphorous bombing
fuck your dumb traditions and fuck your ethnocentric behaviors and fuck your dumb loud mosques

t. guy who had to waste his childhood in iran, saudi, dubai.

Partially, but it also has to do with a lot more than that.

>Finally a game where you can shoot Jews.

Anybody got a link?

Obviously you didnt learn shit. The only reason the Brits were able to nation build and hold onto colonial lands for so long was with colonial occupation forces of millions. Meanwhile dumb Americunts bumble around the world stumbling over their own dicks while taking RPGs to the face

>I-it's totally an American puppet, guys!
>please ignore the fact that T*rkey is invading and America is doing literally nothing about it!

why would america care how syria is divided as long as it gets done?

Even Sup Forums made a game first, and that shit took over the internet. Get your shit together guys

Nah not at all. France and the Dutch (I think) funded the American war effort. Without that the yanks would have run out of funds and munitions

Secondly France and Spain bombed Gibraltar and attacked the west indies thinking the Brits would be too preoccupied with the colonies. But the Brits didn't do that and fought with the French and the Spanish. Without that war the Brits would have been able to send a lot more armies and navy over to American and absolutely smashed the colonists.

NATO is now OTAN. I like this new name, you got me wondering wtf is OTAN there.

>terrorist fighting terrorist

just like the Taliban fighting the Soviet Union in the 80s, right? Americans are so retarded.

That's a gopnik. Was probably trying to mug the freedom fighter.

OTAN is the french acronym

literally the same as the US government sponsoring games about killing brown people in the future in fictional wars lmao. its the same shit

i care about palestine because fuck muslims t b h

a bunch of literal fucking vermin. would you rather take an unfavorable mortgage rate from a kike or get blown up by a sandnigger?

Ya, I agree that American democracy needs to come to an end, and the US should abandon all overseas military operations. Fuck Muslims, but even I don't want to kill them.

Communist on the other hand deserve the fucking rope. I would fully support a renewed McCarthyism that enslaved communist.

that reminds me
>president turkroach scares a little girl to tears by suiting her up in a military garb and to be a martyr
what the fuck is going on there

audible kek

too bad you don't get a choice on getting laid with the girls laughing at your small dick

Eat shit fashy

I'm glad both gommies and fashies are moral relativists, you can kill both without feeling bad about it.

Le enlightened centrist face

I'm a right wing radical, not a centrist.

>calls me a fashy

Communist themselves are inherently weak. Its an envy based morality that clams egalitarianism. Of course those at the bottom flock to this metaphysical faith based concept. Also, the fact that labor theory of vaule was disproven also makes it laughable. Of course, communism will never happen in American. The average communist has never fired a weapon, never goes to the gym, does not have kids, is a hedon who does not believe in self discipline.

The egalitarian ideology is inherently anti-martial. Because strength and hierarchy are the basis of the martial mindset. To recognize strength is to understand that man is unequal.

Keep living out your tankie fantasies though.