I'm having lots of fun with the demo bros
Other urls found in this thread:
How big is the demo?
fuck off xv-kun. your game is shit on console and its shit on pc as well.
braindead buttonmasher and an empty dull open world with nothing interesting in it
20GB and its literally just the first chapter
continued from
this is what it looks at 150%, same specs
and this is at 200% but at 30 fps is unplayable
16 ram, 1080, i7
Alright niggas I hope my 980 can run the game
tell that to the 7+ million people playing this game on a console
Take note of the PC only fag cycle.
They'll laude a game as mediocre as FFXV just because it's out on Steam. You guys are fucking pathetic.
9th for shitty combat
>XV is a shitty and ugly looking game
reposting the 100% in case someone cannot get to the other thread so you can see the massive difference
it also includes the high res textures which is why its so big probably
You fucking what? Where's 144hz or uncapped?
Sounds like you're talking about Zelda.
You can download the benchmark. My R9 290 was able to average 50+ fps at 1080 maxed. I'm sure your 980 will do just fine, user.
>rendering a game at a higher resolution makes it look better
Anyone getting some weird shadowy flickers on the ground? Barely visible but driving me nuts. The game runs at 60fps for me btw but I don't have it past 1080p.
It's just XV-kun again.
This my bring a "lol peasant bonanza" but those are 7+ that are used to play at 30fps.
When you are used to play at, at least, 60fps, you feel super gimped at 30fps. It's sad.
Post more Cidney and Shiva if she's in the demo.
Compared to XV Zelda is a goddamn clusterfuck.
Seriously, besides some towns with a "go here and hunt monster" quests and some food, the world is empty as shit. That one forest dungeon is alright but all other optional ones are complete ass.
And the quests may actually be worse than Zelda's. Catching frogs for some black bitch is not fun.
Nope. Talking about FFXV.
It still looks bad so I guess it didn't do much.
my point is, the only acceptable option is to push it to 200% but that takes a hige impact on the stability
My point is, what you see in the 200%rez picture SHOULD BE what the games plays at 60 fps, not 30
I know the engine is apparently shit but i want to hope the modding or, godforbid, square "fixing" can achieve that
I'll stand by you
A DSFix tier mod will be out day 1, chill out
Why are faggots still trying this hard to shipost about this game?
It released like a year ago.
Isnt it time to let it go you fucktard?
Doubt it
It feels like FFXV came out like 3 years later than it should have on consoles (not even gonna mention how late it arrives on PC), honestly.
We were fed up already we the ridiculous amount of "go kill this" and "bring me this, it's hidden around this area lol" kinda quests by the time it was released.
There is not even one sidequest worth doing in FFXV.
Nice samefag
is it playable with mouse and keyboard? my controller broke and i havent picked up a new one yet
eat shit XV-kun
Yeah. It is much better with a controller tho
>ywn be this mad
>play demo for game
>realize its shit
>get my money back
Cry more Tabata
u mad?
>giving money before playing the demo
Are you retarded?
>Have to post your refund on Sup Forums to enrage people
More like
>post the same pic in two threads for no reason just to show you refunded
Mad as fuck.
>wanted 60fps no motion blur and no aliasing
>Got all 3 except the hair is still fucky like on console and the eternal blurry filter cant be turned off completely
can you set custom resolutions? it wont pick up 3440 x 1440 for me
yeah i hope
meanwhile, yes i'm playing with some combinations also with filtering. It seems to have a significant effect on the blurrines. The problem is lowering it wil really make it look like shit. It's like it fixes a problem and it creates another
The combo of anisotropic+normal filtering+AA has some weird shit going on.
Also, lowering and highering them doesn't have a significant impact on the performance, the only thing that kills the fps is pushing the resolution
20 gigs for a demo makes me just wonder what the fuck bloat Sqeenix stuffed into the demo. Maybe it is just the 4k textures, though, those HD packages just love to sprawl across drive space. I'd be more annoyed if it's a bunch of goddamn language packs--it's time for devs to stop including uncompressed FLAC audio for a dozen+ languages is by default.
better than Prey's demo though, it was like 60 gigs wasn't it? rather than demo they just had you download the whole game
Its literally just 4k textures and audio
Dude, it's fucking 2018. You literally have no excuse for not having high speed internet and huge hard drives.
>hard drives
fuck off poorfag
>getting mad bcs people refund a game
Hi shills!
>eternal blurry filter
I literally just turned off AA on my game and the blur was gone. You might be playing in a really low resolution.
The jaggy hair problem I bet my left nut it will get a fix day one. Might even get a fix for the demo.
u mad
u mad
can someone explain why the game doesn't start? it says running and then it stops before it even opens
alt + enter into fullscreen wtf are those windows shots
>pre order a game
>meaning you were 100% confident you wanted it
>refund it when the demo comes out
you have to be REALLY mad to do a u turn like that
>tfw can't maintain 60 on high with a 1060
>GPUs are retarded expensive
Life is pain
when is the game supposed to be released? more or less. Do you think they will take their time to optimize this shit or just let modders to the dirty work?
>all the effort put into this port
>no borderless windowed
u mad
i had to because the game stopped taking screenshots when in fullscreen. Fuck if i know why, in the other thread i could take em normally then all of a sudden shit ain't working.
since steam offers refunds i just buy every game I'm mildly interested in to try them out. if theyre good i keep em.
now fuck off you mad af shill
Pretty sure in 10 days from now.
If they dont fix it themselves then mods will.
When its released go to the nexus and there will be mods there guaranteed.
The hair shit was on console too bruh.
And im 1920x1080 with 115x resolution or whatever the first option is
it's sqeenix, they'll put it on PC and then never ever patch it. Just like Nier. kaldeien will probably release a mod that'll clean up performance by turning down filters/shaders that had dumbass brokenly-high values put in or something.
>trusting steam
you know nier was a one off right? and likely was never patched because of platinum and the terrible engine they use
Im getting a black screen after choosing a meal on the first camping, is there a way to solve it?
nigger i refunded like 100 games already never got a problem
15 is shit
Same i buy and refund a new game every week, its illegal for Valve to ban me from misusing refunds.
Remember NOT to take XV-kun's opinions on games seriously.
>is there a way to solve it?
Try uninstalling it and playing an actual good game
Smug cunt i like you
>and then never ever patch it
>game has 2 years worth of DLC coming out
>windowed mode
>complaining about fps
fullscreen, idiot
>banning people for asking for a refund
Bolderless windowed is for brainlets
I knew this franchise was shit, Ill play a good rpg instead
This. Game has gotta 1 patch per month on ps4 for about 15 months now. That isn't going to stop on pc. You'll be begging them to stop patching it
I pirated the PC version in the day it came out, wasnt patched or anything and it run fine for me EXCEPT for the 4 or 5 times it crashed during my playthrough.
Considering the FPS was stable for 99% it wasnt that big of a deal.
>1 patch per month
but it's free, right?
Please don't ignore Comrades.
as i already explained hereanyhow, here's a pic from before this happened, same specs, at 150% resolution
Every patch will add another 5gb to the 140GB launch size
It isn't tho. I don't even like it but it just isn't
I literallt played it for the first time today. Combat is just shit
DO ignore Comrades. It's genuinely fucking bad.
If you refund frequently they "Threaten" to deny your refund requests, which is Illegal in countries with consumer protection laws and will land Valve into another consumer affair court case.
and here at 100%
Console player here, it does suck and never improves. It's literately a matter of holding down one button and pressing another when the large ass prompt comes up on screen.
It is the only DLC that managed to actually fix the combat of the base game though.
yeah, each month they add new content to the game for free in addition to the bug fixes. Sometimes its small, like one month they made it so you could take 10 monster hunt missions at once instead of only 1 at a time. One month it was being able to play as all 4 party members in combat at once instead of just the main character. They're going to keep doing it all this year too I guess