Let's have a thread to discuss the superior MMO. Worthless tab targeting games and thier foul players need not apply

Who excited for the brawler patch?

F2p p2w pedo bait wow clone chink garbage

boring as shit. waste of the combat system. endgame is still a gearcheck that renders the collision meaningless.

this game would've never died down if it wasn't so ludicriously unoptimized

I liked the world design, but that's pretty much it.
Such a shame that some of the most interesting areas in the game are designated to shitty side quests.

>install Tera
>get bonus proxygate malware

They removed everything that made the game great and make it more Pay2Win with every patch.

The game is coming to consoles, am I fucked if I try to play anything that's not a thicc hipped loli?

You're fucked if you play it on console at all.

How so?

the combat felt really nice as well, but yeah there wasn't much else redeeming about Tera. The story is ass, it's shittily optimized, and the quests are actual cancer I'd rather die than be forced to grind that many "Kill x of this" "Pick up this" quests

The game is already laggy as fuck on high end PCs. In the beta it was like playing at the lowest quality but worse, the fps was sub 20 almost all the time and the pop-ins were terrible. There was constant input lag spikes. Now they may fix it up a bit of course but...

>let have a max gear
>OPPS all those hour your grind for it is a totally waste of time! Here is a new set
>>OPPS all those hour your grind for THAT new set is a totally waste of time! Here is a new set
>this repeat a few more times

>told to kill 10 creature
>kill 15
>only 7 count
This game is cancer

It's a garbage game

t. Former Max level endgame player

Fun fact, the loli race lunges farther with the lancer class's attacks than any other race

Why? Because reasons

Game for pedophiles and virgins, though I will admit I made an elin in Tera and a Lyn in B&S

I played this for a few weeks a long time ago, really enjoyed the warrior class.
How are the new classes?

OP and simpler (as it they have way less skills and more straightforward combos.

There's nothing wrong with different races having slightly different animations and hitboxes. It's just another passive racial.

Yeah but aren't Elin good at every frame dependent class?

Im going back to wildstar, am i fucked Sup Forums?

Depends on the class really.
Male high elf has a faster shield barrage.
Elin slayer is the worst class for it due to buggy hitboxes.
Aiming ranged skills with elin is slightly worse than on any other races.
Mystic and priest iirc have much smoother animations on Baraka.
They normalised a bunch of stuff a while ago though so it's not as relevant as it used to be.

Fucking this.