>your usual username is unique and therefore always available
Your usual username is unique and therefore always available
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate people with stupid numbers in their names.
>Mfw my username is always available even though I just stole it off a WoW NPC but I put "78" at the end of it always despite having no significance
What a trivial thing to be upset about
Not as bad as Xx|ThisShit|xX
>Your usual username is unique so people can google your entire online history if they have a beef with you
I have pointless X and Zs and pointless numbers. What now?
>google your username and find cringy forum posts
Thats because i spelled my username wrong when i was kid.
don't forget the 69s and 420s
I Google my own username once in a blue moon and yeah, the shit you find is crazy
I'm trying to make a username like Suda51, SWERY65, and Kiririn51. This is also because I would be using it as a moniker since I'm developing a game, and want a title that isn't my actual name.
But I haven't been able to come up with a good name yet.
>swapped usernames years ago and never looked back
Just googled mine. Nothing.
>Have a big reaction image image folder
>Use the same 12 instead of having an variety
>Some faggot dredges up your old posts from the archives when he starts losing
>15 year old forum "flame wars"
Doesn't get much cringier than that.
>Username is tied to embarrassing forum posts that are still readable even today
What if I'm xXstraightedgeXx
>not having ironic common usernames leaving no trace anywhere
Whats with people wanting a online persona?
>you have a unique username but you constantly try to come up with a new one anyway
what is wrong with me
Try Anonymousfaggot65
>having a reaction image folder
>"losing" an online argument
>username is the same for a variety of services
>person from somewhere else recognizes me at embarrassing thing
>google username and look at old forum posts
>i was actually a clever little bastard back in the day and get a chuckle or two
>now im just a jaded old piece of shit with no friends who is allergic to having fun
This, I have a couple unique ones that I use but I'm still not sure on what to settle on and end up making new shit up.
>being this far up your own ass
See, no normal person would ever bother doing a fucking background check on your username or paying it any mind.
Someone help me name my new crusader in Diablo 3.
>having a reaction image folder
Who the fuck is browsing Sup Forums and DOESN'T have a fuckhuge reaction image folder? What kind of person doesn't have one period?
Yeah I look back at my old posts and cringe at how naive and embarrassingly upbeat I was emoticons and then notice that I got a lot more positive responses and popular threads.
>can't think of unique username
>just take friend's usual username and reverse it
>use that for the next two decades
>t. phonepleb
>username is taken
>keep trying different things for an hour
>eventually just put in a name you don't even want
>it goes through
Same. Before I found opiates and hit my late 20s I was somewhat funny and had actual opinions other than just being mad or arguing for the sake of arguing
Yes. Everyone you meet online is perfectly balanced and would never do anything so irrational.
how am i up my own ass, i hate myself
>you can make good names in your sleep so you're never worried about not getting one you want
People kill each other over Counter-Strike games, there are some real freaks online.
That's why I went out of my way to emphasize "normal person", user.
>Who the fuck is browsing Sup Forums and DOESN'T have a fuckhuge reaction image folder?
People who aren't as mentally ill as you.
Are you old enough to be posting here?
i had one years ago but at some point along the line i realized it was pretty retarded to keep a folder with 100's of pics for the sole purpose of talking shit on the internet.
that's a negative retard.
God what an autist.
Way to out yourself as a seething phoneposter
>Who the fuck is browsing Sup Forums and DOESN'T have a fuckhuge reaction image folder?
Normalfags and newfags.
I used a non story character NPC name
not him but you are seriously retarded and definitely underage or at least have a childs mental age.
Google is my reaction folder.
Of course the place where I dump my files tends to get a little out of hand.
>the only embarrassing information I have from my youth is an obscure youtube channel for a video series that me and an old friend who's probably forgotten me did together and no one will ever find it
>the username I used in the video is used by other people so no one will ever link it to me
You need to go back.
and people over the age of 18
>posts on an imageboard
>wonders why people make folders of images to use for it
You're the only retard here so far
i don't wonder why, learn some reading comprehension.
>Mom I'm losing an argument on the internet, better resort to childish insults to prove that he's the child
>losing an argument online
lol this kid
phoneposters and newfags
>hurr only a retard would posts images on an imageboard durr
>reaction images
there's a difference kiddo
>he keeps replying
>username thread
>fags not posting their usernames
What else do you call the person you're arguing with having points that you can't successfully address?
>he keeps replying
>What kind of underaged faggot uses reaction images on an imageboard
Dude what.
>bounce between steam usernames for years
>tfw you find the perfect one
there is no point and there is no argument. enjoy being a pretentious cringey little virgin for the rest of your life lmao.
>pretentious cringey little virgin
So the type of person who is supposed to be posting here? Ok.
>thinking imageboards are solely for reaction images
holy shit you can't be this stupid
tfw you find the perfect name after years of cringey ones but now its taken everywhere because you took too long
So you only have a problem with it when people refer to the images they post as "reaction images"? Talking about being retarded
>all my best usernames are from when I misspelled shit as a dumb kid
>my spelling was so fucking awful back then that they don't even notice that its a misspelling
Its alright
>he is still replying
you actually admit to it, wow fuck you are a special kind of loser. i also browse reddit on occasion and have been on Sup Forums far longer than you. how mad?
jesus your reading comprehension is so bad.
>the state of nu-Sup Forums
Neck yourselves.
I have a reaction folder on my fucking phone.
Why would someone use an IB and not have a reaction folder?
>The mods will do nothing and this faggot will go on to derail more threads
All my usernames are OCs I created when I was a thirteen. So of course people assume I'm a girl in most games.
>your usual name is claimed by someone who only played the fucking game for 5 minutes and never touched it again
>Have a fun username
>A meme pops up that is somewhat similar
>Kids quote the meme every single round
>Have to change username
>Shiggy the pooh
was it damn daniel
There's nothing wrong with my reading comprehension, it's just that you're spouting inane nonsense, apparently something to do with being triggered by the word "reaction images"
>literally 30 year old fag forming clicks with 15-16 year olds
>causing drama.
fuck you Wad I hope you kill yourself fag.
>come up with unique username that's always available
>use it for everything
>start thinking it's cringy
>come up with new username
>always taken
>use a somewhat unique username
>same one for the past seven years
feels good. have a slight variation that I use if mine is taken, which is not often.
Apparently keeping a few megabytes free to have a collection of memes to enhance your ability to shit on retards is bad because reasons
>your username is unique but isn't available
>Using virgin as an insult
>On Sup Forums
>people will respond to this
>Using virgin as an insult
>On Sup Forums
>On fucking Sup Forums
>The place where we are all Sup Forumsirgins
I want to push the 2016 Sandrakers off of my board.
Reaction images were almost nonexistent and even looked down upon until around 2008-2009, which is coincidentally around the time we started liberal use of greentext. They've since evolved into more than just shocked faces to post at KoG's latest 5 or 9 get, they're images that help convey the emotion in the post. More people make them, save them, and repost them,; it's a natural evolution. All in all they're just images on an image board. Thanks for listening.
Name of the street you grew up on, plus the last two digits of your birthday.
Rosehill wouldn't exactly be the best.
>have a unique username
>nothing cringy comes up if you look it up
>at most the only things that come up are some forums where I had an account, but never actually posted
Is there a better feeling?