This game is unironically 10/10 and the best game of 2017

This game is unironically 10/10 and the best game of 2017

>Can't even beat Persona 4 Golden

It's a 7/10 in my books, maybe a 7.5/10. Too much filler for it to be 10/10 and the gameplay itself isn't as invigorating as I would hope, but the overall presentation and how the game looks and feels is fantastic. Just wish they did more with it.

Nah there's too many issues to be a 10/10.

SMT V could be a 10/10 if the stars align. But there will probably be at least a handful of issues holding it back.

Both games can be 10/10 dipshit

Replayability: 0

The slog of social links made me stop half way through, is it worth it to waste another 20 hours of my life to finish it?

>has good presentation
>ok story
>rpg combat easier than pokemon

It really starts to fall apart half way through, the last castle is garbo

>Persona 4 Golden

This, it's really sad too because I replayed P4 a good number of times. P5 just has no replayability to me. The sneaking thing in the castles also becomes completely useless since it's too easy to level up in the game and overlevel once mementos opens up

Not on steam. Zzzzz

>everything has to be on Steam or it sucks

Weebs need to be gassed

>This game is unironically 10/10 and the best game of 2017
>weak reason for the gang to keep doing what they are doing
>castles get so ambitious they actually get very boring
>you can spot any twists or what not coming a mile away
>stupidly easy to not screw up the true ending unlike previous games
>mementos isn't balanced what so ever
>s-links and leveling your stats up is completely weird

It's not the best game of 2017 but I'd put it in my top 5.

Kawakami is a 10/10.

i want to replay it so badly but i know i'll just be chasing warm and fuzzies. i just want to sit in the coffee shop and listen to the jazz fusion.

The game gets much worse as it goes on. Starts out very strong, but once you get to Makoto's dungeon it's a downward spiral. Shido's palace is a small improvement, but it was very disappointing watching the game turn from a 9/10 to a 6/10 as time went on.

>that bank level

all my rage


>akechi joins the party
Pfft I'm never using this dumb back stabber
>akechi betrays you
Wow... never saw this coming....

P4 at least had SOME kind of mystery behind it.

faggots like you are the reason i bought p4 gold and i just give it a 6.5/10, dungeons were awfully unfun to play through.
at least with P5 i'll give it 8/10 so far but it's nowhere near close a 10/10 unless you project as the MC goddamn hard.

I was so disappointed when it turned out you weren't actually performing real heists. That casino scene at the beginning got me so hyped

Yeah that was kind of annoying, not to mention some of the decisions for why the castles being what they were

>burger king is now a UFO SPACE SHIP BECAUSE ??????

It's hard to see this as a 10/10 after playing P3 and P4. Didn't take advantage of the PS4's power in anyway. The school life part of the game wasn't as good because your character was an outcast.

it was a space station because he is using his hq as a means to ascend to the political world.

yeah it was pretty silly
>you're on the last limb this school only seems to take rejects
>Super rich girl goes there, someone's daughter of a big police station goes there
>almost instantly become friends with VP, most popular beauty in school, and stuff
>is still suppose to be an outcast

>persona 4
>beating anything

>have really cool side characters
>can't do anything with them that really ever affect anything

To me it's pretty much tied with Yakuza 0 for GOTY 2017. Y0 has objectively better writing, but I was really blown away with how much of an improvement upon the formula P5 was from P4. Instead of either instanced dungeons or Tartarus we got both. Instead of basic back stabs, we now have light stealth. A ton of stuff from Nocturne got brought over, so while it wasn't Nocturne HD, that it's also got satisfied.
Because we needed a Darth Vader reference, of course.

I hated that fucking cunt Haru so much. Her dungeon was the absolute worst. I'd rather eat the curry that came out of Sojiro's asshole than play that part of the game

It was my personal goty, and I don't even like turn based games

nier was pretty rad too

Unironically agree.

>try to sneak around
>eventually give up and just start charging the enemies
>finally think i am at the end of it
>save point was like so far back

Put the game down for a while after that

The castles got progressively worse as time went on, only to get good at the casino and then sink down.

Nearly as wrong as you can get. It's barely better than 4, and that's saying something.

This game was kind of bad and I don't know why anyone likes it. I didn't like it as much as 3 or 4. The writing is god awful and the gameplay, while improved, still isn't any good or less simplistic.

>go into mementos
>get a bunch of yen, level up super quick
>just end up whacking most enemies in combat

That fucking space station was shit. So was the pyramid really. I remember at one point I was just running away from everything because the enemies just gradually wore me down and I refused to take longer than a day to do each dungeon.
Then immediately after the space ship I find out I can buy SP accessories from Tae and proceed to stomp my way through the rest of the game.

>anime funtime simulator featuring Femme Poochie

Yeah the sp items really made you OP to where nothing was a challenge you were just going into some battles just to defend and let your SP recharge

Shit taste general

Mario Odyssey stole P5's GOTY status pretty last minute, but P5 was uncontested for the entire year before that

>Instead of either instanced dungeons or Tartarus we got both
But they fucking sucked. Mementos were the worst dungeon of all and the fixed dungeons were all simplistic and repetitive.
>Instead of basic back stabs, we now have light stealth
But it's, without exaggeration, the most basic stealth system that has ever existed. All you do is crouch next to obstacles and you become completely invisible in all directions. There's not even line of sight.
>A ton of stuff from Nocturne got brought over
Negotiations are a massive waste of time and I don't see what's fun about them.

but BOTW was GOTY

>game says you can do stuff to distract bosses in fights
>rarely ever more useful than just having that party member stay

>Negotiations are a massive waste of time and I don't see what's fun about them.
They were so pointless after the first few times doing it I realized there was no point since you could get more yen+exp and probably a better item out of them that way

Even if they gave you really good stuff instead of being redundant with your other better sources of Persona/items/money, it still wouldn't be a fun mechanic in itself. I mean you're stopping the gameplay to make the player answer inane multiple choice quizzes about stupid bullshit. Who the fuck wants to do that? It's like Bible Adventures on NES making you answer questions about the bible to use health pickups, only worse because at least that fit the theme of the game.

Yeah, after like the first time using it to get yen I discovered I got more if I just finished the battle