Most hated "journalists"/reviewers?


I have watched a couple of videos featuring him and he’s not funny at all. Apparently making ugly faces is funny and his audience like it

Sup Forums had entire threads dedicated to how punchable this face was back during the ME3 incident.

I know nothing else about the guy other than that though.

This mother fucker

>paying enough attention to "video game journalists" to be able to name any of them

He looks like Michael Cera got fat then gave up taking HRT halfway through.

When it was him and Colin, the two had a dynamic where they would end up talking about interesting topics and actually go somewhere with it. When they left IGN, this guy turned into an attention whore "lol random" "comedian" and Colin gave up on the whole thing to talk about politics.

Colin actually said in an interview recently that it wasn't just the whole controversial tweet thing that got him to quit, but really the direction that "game journalism" is going in a whole and he couldn't stand it anymore.

John Walker.
John Walker.
And John Walker.

>How to pass the Sup Forums Age test

Ben Kuchera is pure cancer and quite possibly the biggest retard in the entire industry.


You gotta hand it to him for being ugly as shit and still getting in front a camera

>Nard Dog Transitions

Is it bad I was confused and thought it was just an ugly woman at first?

Greg Miller is truly the soyest of the boys. Prove me wrong.

I'm pretty sure this was that guy before I shooped him anyway

It looks like Pat from the SNL skit.

I always liked those two together at IGN on Podcast Beyond, but everything they did after leaving sucked. Colin was right to ditch this phony asshole and leave that shit behind him. What a terrible "friend" Greg ended up being to him. Quite sad really.




I don't really hate anyone, since I just don't read their garbage, but Ben Kuchera is still the king of awful video game opinions in my eyes.



Damn I've occasionally heard people hate on Damiani but I never knew why. Care to explain?

Trump why cant you fucking stop him

So we're doing this then?

I'd rather not, don't make me do this.

they all deserve to be sent to the gas chamber

oh no please don't post shitty low effort mspaint edits of soyboys
you'll destroy the meme for good this time!

>Laura Kate Dale