There is literally nothing wrong with microtransactions, DLC, or lootboxes. Nobody is forcing you to buy them.
There is literally nothing wrong with microtransactions, DLC, or lootboxes. Nobody is forcing you to buy them
Terrible opinions aside, good god is that edited voice annoying as shit. Does anyone know what these guys look like?
>Story DLC
>no one is forcing you to
how is this an argument? i dont give a shit. if i want something gone, i want it gone. i'm not going to rationalize it like "ohh well i guess a gun isnt literally to my head forcing me to enjoy something so i'll just ignore it" thats just a fucking cuckold attitude. if i dont like something, i will goddamn make sure it's removed from existence.
Their presence impacts the quality and content of games that could otherwise have been enjoyable. Even if 1000 refuse to but them, there's always the whale or streamer who thinks it's cool to just buy 200+
On disc DLC is wrong.
Well hurry the fuck up then faggot
No one is forcing me to buy fast food
but it's incredibly popular in spite of me not buying it, which limits my options when it comes to buying food. Especially when the fast food corporations force smaller restaurants out of business.
>lel food analogy
it's a small business analogy you twat
>microtransactions that aren't purely cosmetic
>there is literally nothing wrong with bad video games. nobody is forcing you to buy them.
>if i dont like something, i will goddamn make sure it's removed from existence.
No you won't.
You won’t do anything either except cry
The more people buy DLC and MTX, the more it sets a precedent for me to do the same
get this stupid hack off my board
Janitors don't like Extra Credits threads
I agree.
That's all anyone on Sup Forums does. Even reddit did something about it.
This pro-corp channels are so boring and predictable...
This is correct actually. If you don't like them, don't buy them.
Where Extra Credits went wrong was trying to apologize for a company's financials. That's none of the consumer's business, if gamers decided tomorrow to not buy MTX/lootboxes then companies would have to adjust to new market conditions.
James, the "game dev" looks like an aneroxic Danny. Other than that I don't care enough to look into what they look like.
Objectively false. Microtransactions and loot boxes are dog shit business tactics used to prey on the weak minded.
Just because I'm not being forced to eat it doesn't mean I have to ignore the fucking turd in the room
if it ain't purely cosmetic it needs to fuck off, plain and simple.
I would be okay with this sentiment if games were not based around the premise that you would buy something using the microtransactions at one point. EA had to rebalance credit gain in battlefront after taking microtransactions out because it took too long to progress to hold people's interest.
You are correct, if microtransactions are "in addition" to the game itself, there is no problem with them. But when the game itself is designed to "make you want to buy" them, and balances single/multiplayer around you buying things (in lieu of grinding a week's worth of in game time) Then it effects people who want to experience the content who are unable/wish not to pay.
>Microtransactions affecting gameplay in any manner
>game allows for trading
>game become a market sim
la creatura
It doesn't matter since we're going to run out of internet anyways
Should changed the yesterday to everyday user. We have the same threads everyday.
>tfw Psychicpebbles is back and Ding Dong and his gay lover are gone forever.
>Now listen to what James has to stay!
I still don't understand why I should care about this James
Nothing is wrong or bad, it's basically worthless human values and rules. I do whatever I want as long as I'm not caught and don't have to face consequences.
That's why I pirate.
That's why I do shoplifting.
That's why I killed that girl back in 2001.
That's why I won't pay any tax ever.
That's why your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.
A fuckup narcissist that did too much acid
post that one thing where they want to trick people into accidentally buying microtransactions
Brought a tear to me eggs user
feels good man
now just ditch Niall for Corey and its ultra comfy
You wish, you know they'll be back eventually. I am glad to see psychic back though, he and oney do great together, now all we need is stamper and the show will be perfect.
draw my vermin
I don't like violent video games, I guess that means you shouldn't be allowed to play them.
If they're cosmetic then nothings wrong with them. If the dlc is basically an expansion pack then it's fine.
>thinking cosmetics are not just as much a part of gameplay when they can be a way of driving incentive
Stop replying to this guys you're using up the bandwidth!
He's right. If you're playing games with lootboxes you have only yourself to blame.
well they're bound to have a good opinion about something.
>Giving them a finger won't make them take the whole hand.
how did you not only get through life without realizing how wrong you are, but even see the consequences of your stupid beliefs play out before you in real time and still not get it?
seeing such stupidity always makes me wonder.
Nobody forces you to buy them, but you ARE forced to play the game without them if you don't.
>The (((((GAME DEV))))) on their show only works on phone games.
there is a monetary incentive for developers to lock content behind such paywalls because we, the consumers, have shown them it is profitable
kek, that explains everything
>Game is easily hacked and all of the DLC content becomes available for free.
>tfw you use up bandwidth on purpose
Titanfall 2's system is the ideal in today's alndscape. New content is free, and cosmetics are the only paid DLC. In game store lets you pick out what you want.
Loot boxes are predatory shit.
>which limits my options when it comes to buying food.
No it doesn't. How does McDonald's existing limit your options in eating a salad or home cooked steak?
Nobody is forcing you to kill but murder is still wrong.
How to nuke your own career in 1 video
It depends on how it's done. Day 1 DLC is wrong. DLC that provides a competitive edge is wrong. Pay for convenience is wrong outside of F2P games.
However, the concept of DLC is fine. Lootboxes are fine if they're purely cosmetic. Microtransactions are fine in F2P games.
You're right. No one is forcing it. However, when the games ship out half baked and unfinished with Season passes, loot boxes and other shit expecting me to get it to enjoy the game to it's full potential then you can be damn sure it's gonna be a problem. I'm not being forced but it feels like nearly being put into a corner where I have to buy if I wanna get a full game instead of a quarter of it. DLC and the like should add into the game, not BE the whole game.
>microtransaction anything
Compromise after compromise after compromise. You dipshits are easy.
Unconsentual murder is wrong because you are willingly taking away another person's freedom to live when they are unwilling to do so.
People buying lootboxes does not harm any other individual human being and any consequence brought apon people who buy lootboxes are willing to face those said consequences.
Hey retard niggers, I might not buy lootboxes, but other people do and it incentivises developers to gimp my experience to make me want to buy lootboxes
What was the last recent game that didn't have Miscrotransactions, DLC, or Lootboxes at all?
I actually follow the history series they make
grey area, non-gameplay altering items are fine. everything else is bullshit.
another grey area, large expansions of content are great. season passes that cut up large expansion into a smaller chunks are bullshit. games that release as DLC sales platforms, so cut down you run out of shit to do after five hours but you still get charge full price for the privilege are bullshit.
never okay, period. if you're a game designer and the best system you can come up with for something is a box of randomised shit for real money, you've failed at your job. if you buy into that shit, you're a genuine retard.
>there is nothing wrong with paying for content that is literally locked in the game
>there is nothing wrong with paying for the rest of your game instead of more game
>there is nothing wrong buying your way to victory instead of earning it through skill
>there is nothing wrong with paying for content that in any other case would've been unlocked through regular gameplay such as characters, weapons, and costumes
>there is nothing wrong with DLC that costs as much or even surpasses the cost of the game itself
>there is nothing wrong with locking half of a fighting game's roster behind paid DLC
Yeah fuck you and everything you stand for.
>I deserve everything for free
entitled millennials are cancer
where's the source
Same. Can get pretty sensationalist and Great Man at times, though. Heck, they recently got through a series gushing about Karl XII and about how awesome it would be if Finland and Estonia were never granted independence.
>All of my opinions are facts because my friend that makes phone games agrees with me
I fucking hate these faggots so much.
There you go sport. Don't use it all up at once.
You fucking idiot.
I already paid for the game, faglord
>claims achievements stole
gives out for free, claims make a little bit of money keys crates
>turns game into shit.gif
Are you implying that video games are worth money?
Let me ask you this then: why am I not allowed to voice my complaints? What if I'm worried that this trend, if it continues, will only get worse and make games even less worth the price they ask? The answer I always hear is "your voice doesn't mean anything, so get over it." Well, what if I don't? why don't you come to my house and MAKE me quit complaining? You won't, because you're a damn soyboy and you just want to complain about others complaining.
Someone with mspaint skills wanna turn him into a nazi? Maybe have some nice swastika banners in the back, and on the podium too?
>I bought a hamburger at McDonalds that means I deserve fries for free
>tfw you run out of bandwidth mid po
>food analogy
>he wants glowing armor and anime skins for free
I love all those things. They're like a tax on stupid people.
There is to be no compromise with corporations. If I demand it for free, you shut up and give it to me, and you thank me for my service. I am so sick of being told I have to lower my standards because mr. Abraham Goldstein needed another yacht.
While I bring up my favorite permutation of the Dobson joke for your satisfaction, could you mind spoonfeeding me why food analogies are frowned on? Is it the same reason as Comic Sans?
imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food
Same. I only watch Extra History.
They're taking removing the lettuce and tomatoes you dumbfuck, just because your lard ass doesn't like vegetables doesn't mean everyone loses out on it in their burger
>>would you like to buy my product?
>>ok then you don't have to
wow what a horrible system, save me Bernie!
>youtubers with animated self-inserts
That version gets posted so often that I don't even bother having it saved on my folder.
tomatoes aren't a vegetable and lettuce isn't healthy fucko
there's nothing wrong with microtransactions or dlc, because they are specifically outlining what you are buying
mystery boxes have to go though
They're just overused and usually terrible. It's pretty much the go-to for people who are too lazy to come up with an actual argument.
more an effect of branding than fast food, since chain restaurants are more direct competition for real restaurants
>would you like to buy my product
>oh, then allow me to push this update that prevents you from playing older games, so you have to play my game
See: the intel fiasco with spectre and meltdown.
You think people looking for an understandable analogy to put their thoughts into communicable form are just lazy?
Stop buying AAA games.