I want to bang this fish girl

I want to bang this fish girl.

I want to eat her fish taco

does her skin fell more like a fish, a snake, or what. maybe leathery skin like a manatee?

I want to jack off in a hole she dug

What do you guys think of Robocop?

The important question is does she have a scaly labia or as I like to call it a scalabia

it's a shame her lips are so small my banan won't fit

You want to slide your penis in her cloaca?

I laughed.

I also want to bang that fish girl.

Daily reminder that you didn't save her

I prefer the walking tank-like appearance of the original. Something about it makes it look menacing yet cool. Of course I prefer the original film as well.
Reboot design wasn't that terrible. I liked that they were self aware in the scene with the test audience results which showed them preferring him being tacticool black. And in the end, he reverts to the "original" color scheme.

I appreciate your sincerity, user

Nothing gets me harder than a cleric rejuvenating and replenishing moral through sex

That's because fish girls are best

She deserved a better fate than getting murdered and trapped as a ghost for 100 years. So did Daruk and Urbosa, honestly.

No love for Revali?

I think a major problem with Robocop is that he's actually not really that impressive. 'Cause he gets the shit kicked out of him fairly often. His inability to run was probably the biggest issue.

No love for Revali.

More Revali for me then

DLC for this game sucks

truth, base game is superb but they really dropped the ball for the DLC. Glad I didn't bother with that (tried it on a friend's system)

t. Link

Yeah. Master Trial was a watered-down eventide isle and Champions Ballad especially blew anal chunks. Except that final boss holy shit
Bike was cool for like 5 minutes but a horse with the teleport saddle was much more useful

Good to know they have some humility, I might give it a watch.

I still jam out to the theme this day

>Posts the cuckfish instead of countless fish girls across games that want you and not the idea of you just to lose the protagbowl

I thought Master Trial was alright.

Go aheadd, fuck her. Your children will have the Innsmouth look though

I liked the dlc champions quest if only for the new cutscenes. Also you're right that final boss was dope as hell

you have to jack off on all her eggs