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post the edit

he's a literal midget

Do you know what literal means, retard?

And anons make him look like a big man.

>women tower over him
>6 foot 2


Anyone have any recent pics of todd?

Which is worse? Being a literal midget or just being a manlet?

Todd's legs and feet just clip through the ground all the time so his true height is obscured. It will be fixed in the next game, we swear.

post the rest of the pic OP

Probably manlet.
If you were a midget you could at least take it in stride and do funny dumb shit

Being a manlet. I'm a midget and women let me run under their skirts because they think I'm a baby.


It's a different todd howard that google used the wrong pic for.

>Kojima adds manlet enemy in Death Stranding
>enemy sounds are just distorted "BUY MY GAME" actually screamed out by Todd


she dwarfs that other guy too
christ how tall is she?


good job
you've earned 1 internet for this post

this got me gud nigga

>women can be cute if they're short and can wear high heels
>men can't do either

god I love this video

>tfw no tall gf
>tfw no award

Because men aren't supposed to be you cute you pofter.

Doctor Hines-- I'm CIA

>tfw no award for tallest gf

Uh no because it's not cute if a man is short. Women like cute men as long as they're tall.


>implying women exist

men are naturally cuter than women

I saw Wee Man once. I looked out the car window and saw a skate boarding midget. I said "Holy shit, it's Wee Man!" My mom yelled at me say that not all skate boarding midgets are Wee Man. Turns out he was Wee Man and he was doing some promotional thing for Chronic Tacos .

And let me be clear, these tacos are actually not coming out at launch

Never forget.

PC Gamer, May 2002.

>My mom yelled at me say that not all skate boarding midgets are Wee Man

>whole family is short as fuck
>turns out im gay
>boyfriend also short too

it couldve been worse, right?

Probably the same height as him + high heels

>>turns out im gay
>it couldve been worse, right?

Delete this blasphemy right now OP!

He could have been double gay

5' 5"

Should I buy Skyrim? I've never played it before but I enjoyed Oblivion a lot. How good are the gameplay/combat mods now. I was tempted to buy it at one point but the price is still 60+ bucks for some gay reason

>it's ok if you make fun of short men (something that can't be changed) but if you make fun of fat women (something that can be changed) you're seriously a piece of shit right now

>Not all skateboarding midgets are weeman

that's 16 years he's grown a lot since then

as long as your kids don't end up being short

Why would Kojima list himself as so much shorter? I don't get him.

fuck that's brutal

>Tfw not Kojima
>Tfw not Todd

At least you're not Anthony Burch

Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

Being a man trying to fuck has never been easy and will never be easy. Whatever political or social inclination you have you have to agree that it's way easier for women to hunt for cock than it is for men to hunt for clams.



b u y i t

midget are pretty chill and most of them do not care about their condition. Manlets stay triggered all the time and they are always tormented by their condition (to the point of breaking their own legs to grow an inch).

I had lived in many countries. Some manlets having a fucking lot of luck with women (a minority of them, of course). But I have never seen something similar in America.

He was at DICE 2017

There is literally nothing wrong with being a manlet.

It's a weird equation. The closer someone is to average height (whatever you think it is) the more obsessive and weird a person is over it. Dudes who are like 5'3" are usually chill af and don't care anymore since they've had to deal with it their whole lives

It's much easier for men in Islamic countries where women are property and rape is cool

>all men are dogs anyway


>Tfw Anthony Burch
Worst timeline...

I guess looks, intelligence, reputation, or height doesn't really matter much in that situation.
If your parents know people or have money they buy you a wife, and she does everything you want her to.

It hurts, user. Make it stop. Please.

oh well :^(

It's pretty fun the first time you play it, if you liked Oblivion you'll probably enjoy Skyrim. It improves on Oblivion in a ton of ways, but there's also a few features/mechanics that it removes, which you probably won't be too happy about, thankfully mods can sort that out for the most part.

It's still super expensive because they re-released it with all the DLC included and "better graphics", which really isn't the case on PC, it does look better on console though. My suggestion would be to find yourself a cheap copy of the original version of the game, ala Greenmangaming or something, then just mod in the DLC. The new "special edition" isn't compatible with all the mods the original is, so certainly don't get tricked into buying that version if you want a well modded experience.

Lastly, when looking for mods, I suggest you go to the TESgeneral on /vg/, or their website tesgeneral.com/

that's just nature
the grand majority of species involves males putting in the work to court the female
in all the other species, it's rape
inversely, it's much easier for a male to pass his genes around than a female to pass hers
things balance out


lollipop guild?

bull fucking shit is he an inch taller than me

>If your parents know people or have money they buy you a wife, and she does everything you want her to.
Plus she wouldn't think there's anything wrong with it because that's how she was raised, so you wouldn't feel guilty about it either. Could Islam be the final solution?

>thank you for ruining my life.
I don't know what I hate more, millenials, women and creaturas. It's even worse when it's all of them combined.

>thank you for ruining my life.
>turn phone off
>everything back to normal

la atrocidad...

as much as I enjoy this image, google's result for todd howard height isn't for our todd, it's for a football player who is legitimately 6'2

>not a hockey player

La creaturita

el chiquitito...


>go to the /vg/ thread
>it's all waifufags
Good thing I can get my mods and get out.

This is such old news if you started posting before this meme began you're by definition an oldfag.

Who's this?

A sodomite.

I'd sodomize him desu

Your vagina reeks through my computer monitor.

>tfw 6'3"
>tfw will never know what it's like to be the little spoon

La Ninji

You'll never know what it's like to be the big spoon too, because no one wants to cuddle with your ugly ass.


El goblinito...

They aren't even looking at each other lol

The Rock is edited in. He and Vin don't like each other and The Rock refused to do certain scenes with him.

No, they are side by side

>he's jealous

Todd did nothing wrong. He didn't actually lie about anything, Skyrim does techincally have infinite quests and you can climb to the top of the mountain.

>Burn down the brewery to destroy the economy!

He is a big guy