> "Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back!"
3 videos in 3 weeks, someone needs to stop this madman.
> "Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back!"
3 videos in 3 weeks, someone needs to stop this madman.
>6 month absence
>returns with analysis of sonic fetish game
based matt
This was absolutely his greatest video
>Hearing Matthew say shit like
>Rouge's vagina
>Stinky poo-poo in his diapey
Fucking surreal coming from someone who called OoT Link's nose unreasonable.
>6 month absence
How many times are people still going to say this? There was a video 2 weeks ago and one 2 weeks before that.
So this is what he's been doing for half a year
MGSV and BOTW reviews when
Is there anyone else that breaks down vidya like Matt? Ideally in an entertaining and comfy way like he does.
>Devil Daggers
>Axiom Verge
>some meme
Hbomberguy is superior in every way
There are plenty of Matthewlikes on Youtube at this point. Most famously, Joseph Anderson. He's a lot harsher in tone and doesn't bring up as interesting points, but I think he does a decent job at supporting his opinion.
I'm only disappointed that he didn't go over the process to get to Eggman Origin, but it really didn't factor into the subject at all.
The hamsterson defender has logged on
I think the only people liking this shit are the underage ones
Something something 11 hours long review of a review
>e-celeb shit
>he does a decent job at supporting his opinion
If you ramble for hours about facile points you're bound to end up supporting them eventually.
I did like his video on Prey though aside from his blatantly retarded claim that SS1 is unplayable and SS2 is bad
What makes it good is that it's an earnest and insightful analysis on a meme game
Good, I'll watch and like every single one of your videos, just stop doing shitty mobile/indie games and obscure PC games. I didn't wait like 12 years for a fucking downwell review
What was the actual fucking point to this video? These joke meta """"games"""" are dime a dozen
tfw mauler made a whole series autistically picking apart his dark souls 2 video to get every iota of his bs pointed out.
For anyone who doesn't keep track of literally who's
This is bait
Why would you want reviews of Fallout? Even assuming you mean the ones that are actually good, you have no idea what his level of expertise is with western C&C-focused RPGs since he's never reviewed one. And reviewing the shitty entries in the series would just be pointless unless you wanted to do a script about bethesda as a whole and how they are somehow simultaneously hugely ambitious and extremely lazy.
He hasn't even played any except 3
I always wanted Matthew to make a video about a Sonic game. It's a great subject for any reviewer to tackle because it's such a divisive game series.
Guess I got monkey paw'd pretty hard there.
>I like MM
>I like Fallout games
Joseph Anderson tends to be very surface level analysis
A good portion of his videos are like reading the back of the game's box
the guy who made a 30+ min video about soy
Yep. He utterly destroyed the entire philosophy + worldview of the alt right in that one video, and it only took him 30 minutes. How did it feel to be so thoroughly debunked?
He seemed to be saying something larger about Sonic and the less talked about cultural impact of video games in general.
Why? Everyone has reviewed those I'd rather not see the same game reviewed for the millionth time.
nice strawman retard
he literally made a video about something everyone knew was a joke excluding that faggot from infowars
kill yourself moron
>that last video
Truly his autismus opus
>this butthurt
Well, I guess it's understandable since your entire life has just been destroyed. Looks like the video's done its job
He knows that based Joseph already has unlimited reign over long-ass-pointlessly-autistic-analysis-of-popular-games audience, so his only choice now is to be a good cuck and review small meme games and hope for some patreonbux bread crumbs
Fuck off eceleb cocksucker
>everyone knew is a joke
That's not how the modern internet works. Anything done ironically is eventually done seriously. It's not worth humoring bullshit, because plenty of retards actually believe it.
you mean the faggot that proved odyssey is superior to dark souls by crying about being unable to run in circles
Keep crying
>interactive cringe comedy
This intrigues me. Even tame cringe makes me cringe too much to bare, I wonder if I was the one being forced to be cringey if that would make it worse
I keep hearing people say this, but what does that really mean? What about his videos are surface level and what constitutes as deep level analysis?
why should i care who makes, some souls fag couldn't handle running n a circle so much he went crazy and pumped hours into making a video about it.
what the fuck
Hey I'm watching him right now. He doesn't let up on picking things apart godDAUM. I love it.
I can't believe this video wasn't a joke.
he's going insane
All I want is the ORIGINAL DeS playthrough. Knowing him, he still has it lying around on some harddrive, because he wouldn't delete that shit.
Something's keeping him from uploading it.
He doesn't really get into the nuts and bolts of the mechanics and the WHY of whether something works or doesn't. He just says "X is good" or "Y is bad" and then repeats that over and over in different ways for an hour. He's the sort of person who would say Bayonetta is great because of the spectacle, but not really be able to articulate what's good about the gameplay and why it's different from something like God of War or DmC.
Take his Hollow Knight video for instance, he doesn't really have anything interesting to say about it other than "the game is really fun with great atmosphere, good boss design, and solid writing, a little more content to flesh out some of the worldbuilding and complete the sections that feel like anti-climaxes would improve it but that's probably asking a little too much from such a small team" and yet he spun that into an hour long video.
I'm just upset you can't read mongoloid.
soy, manlet, cuck and etc are all jokes made from Sup Forums to just insult.
there was no basis behind them whatsoever besides getting under people's skin
you people are fucking thick in the head
>waaaa waaaa my existence has been rendered meaningless waaaaaaaaaaa
>it's not a joke video
what the fuck
who else is cool enough to remember his mumbling limbo review
>made from Sup Forums
Those are literally TRS forced memes spammed on the normie board neo/b/ AKA Sup Forums
How old are you? Still in your teens?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, it's impossible to take his opinions seriously since he fucking streams his first playthroughs of games he reviews so he never has a genuine blind playthrough of a game, it's always colored by either having to interact with the chat and be entertaining, or prior knowledge from that previous playthrough.
CLEMPS is the superior YouTuber.
Are you one of those super OG Matthew fans from 2011 or whatever?
I just wish he was talking about games I gave a semblance of a fuck about.
literally every board uses those terms
make a manlet thread or a circumcision thread anywhere and it will get 250+ responses.
nice addition
He's more of an entertainer than a reviewer, but I think that's okay.
>Makes "analysis" videos
>It's literately just him regurgitating the plot of a game and pointing out the obvious
>People call him out
>"Well Recap and Thoughts wouldn't be catchy enough, so I just call them analysis videos!"
too bad he making videos about sucking sargon dick and diets on soy to actualy review games these days
is the closest one in quality
is nothing like it but its pretty good
Not really defending him, but the reason his videos are so long is that he has a rule where he can say anything he wants about a game, as long as he supports it with evidence. It's why his videos are like 50% describing the game in plain detail, 30% making quality judgements and 20% making suggestions.
Personally, I think his videos are good but not great. Since he holds himself to such a formula it means his videos are consistent but often dry and uninteresting.
Matthew on the other hand can have lower lows but higher highs.
More like Mr Plot Summary
Few will admit this
I still remember when people called him "that zelda review guy"
All he does is summarize games while inserting memes. Easily the worst of those gyp guys.
Now you're backpeddling from made to uses. You literally are a tool.
I found Mauler via his 5hrs of shitting on TLJ. Was pretty entertaining but depressing as fuck when you realize just how ridiculously bad TLJ is.
What? He had a Limbo review? Did he delete it?
Yeah, to me Matthew will always be the guy who properly gave Skyward Sword the shit it deserved.
prove that they weren't made on one of these boards
good luck
Do you think Sup Forums is the internet? This is why Sup Forums became trashed and the normie board.
it's just him mumbling over some limbo footage presumably taking the piss out of it, he took it off because it didn't suit the channel (like the kamiya dream I guess)
I've watched this Fallout vid. It's a to autistic, quick paced and sporadic for me. I really like Mandalore and his more casual but polished style.
The question was "why do people mean when they say his reviews don't have depth?" Most of the time he simply doesn't have anything interesting to say, people just think he's knowledgeable because he rambles endlessly about trivial bullshit.
watch the skyrim series of videos then
he talks about what could had been
stop posting your shitty youtube channel
>Go to watch his Nier Automata video
>10 minutes in
>All he did was point out Yorha's name, who 2B and 9S are and that 2B is thicc
>Meanwhile complains about being burnt out on Twitter
Proposal: Make shorter videos (40 mins or so) that point out things people may no know of, instead of things anyone who played the game knows.
I get the impression he just recaps the story to make the videos longer for ad money. If YouTubers like MatthewMatosis and Super Bunnyhop can do analysis videos in much less time, he can too.
>something everyone knew was a joke
How the fuck do people manage to lie so fucking straight-faced like this? The soy "meme" was a buzzword replacement for "cuck" being used by Nazis to soft-sell people on fluoride occultism.
>Recap and Thoughts wouldn't be catchy enough
Here, I've just thought of a better term for you:
Reaction videos.
You're actually right. His videos are basically more or less edited and scripted reaction videos.
>that point out things people may no know of
A large part of his audience never played the games and don't really have any intentions of doing it either. They know jack shit about the Nier universe so that's all new and exciting to them.
Honestly, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Clemps is weeb JonTron. That's his niche and it seems to be working for him. No one is going to pretend he offers insightful commentary and analysis.
>Super Bunnyhop
It's kind of funny, SBH managed to say more in the last 5 minutes of his Nier analysis video than Clemps said in the entirety of his 2 hour long Nier analysis. All that time spent and he didn't give any interpretation of the game
>Sonic Dreams Collection
Striking while the iron is encased in ice.
Except Jontron (or at least the AVGN clone genre, what with Jafari starting to live inside his own anus nowadays) isn't about analysis. It's about comedy skits using the idea of "playing a video game" as a jumping-off point.
I think Jontron is going to far. Clemps seems like a good guy, but Jontron is 100000x better.
Exactly. I know Sup Forums hates him because he's a liberal and all, but he actually knows how to make videos and especially analysis content. People like Clemps got lucky because they did early coverage of the Taro games, just like ValkyrieAurora. She makes pretty unremarkable content, but got lucky by making normie-friendly videos that summarize the series. Also, she's a girl which gives her a massive boost.
I'm glad he and Mechagamezilla are pals
It's kind of like Arino from GCCX. He's not a Let's Player; he just uses games as a catalyst for his comedy.
What's the screencap from
>I know Sup Forums hates him because he's a liberal and all
I fucking hate this shit because it's not really true. Some people found out about SBH due to his one video where he made an off-hand joke about Brexit and it snowballed from there.
No faggots who's followed him for more than a year gives a single fuck about petty shit like that.
PixieValkyrie/ValkyrieAurora trying to defend one of her videos on Reddit when the Drakengard/Nier community tore it apart. She deleted her account straight after.
Not with all that cringey OneyPlays aping he isn't.
>she's a girl
How far into 2017 did this woman appear on Youtube?
>DemoD makes a comedic video about DoD3
>13 minutes long, gets to the point and is pretty funny, with entertaining editing and writing
>Clemps does a multi-part video on DoD3
>It's just a recap with glove and "cummy" jokes
End of Janurary and already at 70k subs now. But don't tell her that being a hot girl got her far on YouTube otherwise she gets mad!
It's not even being mean or putting down her hard work, it's just the reality of YouTube. Be a hot girl that likes games and you'll get far. Just compare similar YouTubers like TheGamingBrit, Clemps and HyperBitHero that have much less subs, but have been making videos for longer.