ITT: Games where everyone agree its good

ITT: Games where everyone agree its good

it's bad

it’s good

it's alright

it's okay

Team Fortress 2. Nobody denies it has flaws, but also nobody denies it's overall better than every other multiplayer FPS currently on the market (except when they're trying to bait).

Did you mean to post the Warband edition

I gurantee you someone won't read this and post their contrarian opinion on how it "killed" RE.


Do you not remember how much talk there was about it being babies first fps? HL1 deathmatch, tf1 and quake were contrasted against it.


Any chances the Devs can keep their computer in prison?

i think its the general assumption whenever anyone talks about M&B its about warband
at east until bannerlord comes out in 10 years

Weapons that everyone agrees are the best

whats moon man doin on a stick
get down from there moon man

I prefer a crossbow, but sure.

Roller Coaster Tycoon

It's got nothing on a nicely balanced awlpike.

Sim City 2000 or IV

Make way, best weapon coming through

Also Civ 2 or 4.

Singleplayer is overrated, boring shit with garbage AI.
I love the multiplayer though. It is where most of my hours are logged. Shame it is dead.

mgs3 is the most universally beloved game I've ever seen on Sup Forums

Deus Ex

never played it but it looks like shit.

my dude


It's too bad I can't play it for the first time again.

M&BW is my favourite game. I've been playing it since I was 7 and I am now 18, over half my life.

>tfw I spoiled myself of the game's plot because my pc couldnt run the game


Lost my Sony Goldface so have a miku


>that pizza dragging on her shirt





>not the war cleaver
>not the greatsword
>not the polehammer

This is a prerequisite for a game to be loved on Sup Forums, you newfag.

Resident evil three was my favorite.

>mount and blade
>rated anything above 7/10
its barely even 7/10 as it gets 1 point for being autist medieval simulator other than that its a 6/10 game that lacks content and is just a battle simulator
maybe mods bring it up but its still a game that lacks basic things to do like quests and story and it would be fine if gameplay was better but its not

Only Warband with at least Dickplomacy on (ignore the sex stuff it's still the best vanilla+ experience and fixes bugs and inconsistencies)

Heavy Bastard Sword master race coming through.