Remember when Nintendo was proud to not have a baby mode for once?
Remember when Nintendo was proud to not have a baby mode for once?
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yeah, and it bombed - with critics genuinely giving it a lower rating because they found it too hard (I wish I was joking). Thank god they didn't make the game itself easier and just added a separate babby mode though.
Modes arent the problem
Nintendo's track record was having the entire main game be the baby mode
Having an optional mode thats just to relax isnt bad since the main game is already hard
this is why we need to start removing games journalists
Didn't it sell over a million?
yes and it fucking tanked.
>game journalists praise Zelda
>"based kotaku, they truly are /ourguys/"
>same journalists take points off of dong for being too hard
I meant it bombed critically
Sup Forums is not one person, also nice strawmanning
And the game sold like shit because of it, blame the consumers for having a shit taste.
>Sup Forums is not one person,
That is such a copout excuse.
well it isn't, people praising journalists aren't the same as the people that slam on journalists. I, for one, don't give a crap what journalists say.
What if I told you that I disagreed with them about Zelda too?
BOTW has some major fucking flaws that no one wants to call out, but if they did then Nintendo could take what they have and work those out.
I agree with developers that botw is DICE's GotY
I'm just saying, it's awful convenient that we can have daily BOTW threads where they do nothing but talk about how Nintendo "BTFO every single person in the industry" due to the universal praise it got, but then in the same instance talk about how those "fucking game journos" just didn't get games like Donkey Kong or Wonderful 101. And yes, it's the exact same people saying both these things.
Just found it funny how easily it is to flip flop when it's convenient.
it's far more likely those are different opinions from different anons than the same people "flip-flopping".
>tfw the gaming media will heap praises onto Frozen Dong for the New Funky Mode meme
>tfw people I know are buying the Switch version just because of Easy Mode
I fucking hate how everyone with mental illnesses are being catered to these days
>And yes, it's the exact same people saying both these things.
Citation needed.
>Sup Forums is not one person
Yeah exactly, I'm sure it's a totally different set of people and there is no overlap between the groups at all.
Fuck off Doug. Different people have different opinions.
before they found out casualized games = more $
>the truth is a copout excuse
Do you think Sup Forums is actually one person? Because the argument that us being made is essentially "it is hypocritical of Sup Forums to praise journalists sometimes and decry them other times", bit the situation is like you talking to two people and calling them both hypocrites because they have different favorite colors. It makes no sense.
lmao this guy
Yeah well those same reviewers say the newest Naughty Dog movie is "amazing, a TRIUMPH, the best game ever made" and then call yet another GTA game with gameplay 5 years or more behind its peers "amazing, a TRIUMPH, the best game ever made" and then call a buggy, broken, horribly-playing Bethesda game that literally needs its fans to make mods to fix it so it's somewhat playable "amazing, a TODDUMPH, the best Todd ever Todded" and then they say TW3 is the best game ever made even though it's boring as fuck to actually play.
Well it's not like Americans didn't think the same way about the Japanese. The Japanese release of Battletoads was changed to make it significantly easier.
i saw how fucking bad people are at vidya these
days during the nintendo tournamet last e3
8 fucking people could not pass a stage on DK in less than 6 minutes
How did we go from this to cardboard robots in 1 generation?
I hope you're not trying to imply the Switch is a step in the wrong direction from the Wii U.
You may be genuinely retarded
I don't need to imply it, its obvious
Baby mode has been there from the start
Not him but the only Switch exclusives that i've gotten much out of are Golf Story and Mario + Rabbids. It's a great little indie machine, and I love some of the updated ports like Mario Kart, but BOTW and Odyssey were underwhelming as hell and Xenoblade isn't my thing.
I'm optimistic about the future though. Bayonetta 3, Metroid, and i'm sure we'll get a great Smash game.
nigga you best be joking. The Switch is such a turnaround for the company its insane. 3rd part are coming back, games not normally in nintendo's playbook are getting ports for it, and the new releases for their major series have all done well, basically all the things the Wii U was lacking. I don't want 15 responses from you about how X, Y and Z are shit games, because in the end you can't argue with facts and the overall confidence in the switch between other developers, consumers, and investors is extremely high.
wipe your nose you ghoul
>BOTW and Odyssey were underwhelming as hell
>somewhat interested in the wii u
>waiting for it to go on sale
>suddenly they abandon it for a soybait cardboard shovelware machine
this isn't even clever. try harder, linger longer,
*pats you on the back*
Ok sure thing buddy
Well to me they were. Mario was far too short and didn't really have much challenge, even in the post game which I somewhat expected, and BOTW I just lost interest in after a while. It's a pretty game that nails a sense of exploration but to me failed to fill the world with interesting shit.
>soybait cardboard shovelware machine
This is why game reviewers are such cancer, take DMC3, Capcom gets feedback from their American fans they like hard games, so they make DMC3 hard, then games journalists cry its too hard and give it a lower score, now they think Americans don't like hard games. Same with any playtester or anyone else who didn't buy the game.
>Both these games were fun
>too easy
>too hard
>these games were hated on Sup Forums too much for any discussion
It's hard being a video game fan
There is no winning with them
come on man, if you want to disagree with me that's fine, but at least post some actual rebuttals instead of shit like that. Shit like this is why console threads are the fucking worst.
I think a lot of it was because it was (and still is) cool to shit on the wii u, I guarantee that the switch version will be at least an 8.
I wish these were a bannable offense.
This, there was a Wii U tax on every score
try again buddy
you didn't find enough side quests to satiate your gameplay because you're bore who can't even motivate himself to complete a video game. sort your self out mate.
>If the regular levels were as inventive as the boss battles, then Tropical Freeze would be a surefire hit, or at least a game that demands more of your attention. No matter how much I was looking forward to seeing DK in HD, it's difficult to maintain that enthusiasm when the end product plays it so safe: even the visuals fail to make an impact. They're nice enough, but like the level design, the environments are mostly bland.
This is an ACTUAL REVIEW of Tropical Freeze straight from GameSpot.
that's the reverse of a tax
The side quests were just fetch shit 9 times out of 10, at least the ones I found.
>Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated
It already IS a bannable offence
Janitors are the ones posting these
I hate game journalist arrogance, they think they speak for everyone who plays video games. Many of them are just glorified bloggers.
>even the visuals fail to make an impact.
fucking BULLSHIT.
>strain or heavy demand
>synonyms: burden, load, weight, encumbrance
>level design
What the fuck was he smoking?
>>"based kotaku, they truly are /ourguys/"
said literally nobody ever
>If the regular levels were as inventive as the boss battles
What the fuck? But the boss battles are the game's weakest aspect!
That was more a result of the American rental market, which didn't exist in Japan. The goal was to not let kids beat games in one rental, but instead have them buy the game. Unfortunately it made some games stupidly difficult for their American release.
>DKC Returns
>DKC Tropical Freeze
I suppose Retro now what to do with the next DK game
Forgot pic
overly difficult games are shit
And the levels were its absolute strongest. It must have been opposite day when that review was written, there's just no other explanation.
i agree. the bosses overstay their welcome. they take too many hits for only having a few phases.
the phases also don't mix things up enough either.
yes, actually
This shit is why we're not getting a third DKCR isn't it?
Don't forget the Deku Palace in Zelda Majora's Mask being simplified in the Western release.