Who /earthbound/ here?
Who /earthbound/ here?
Overrated low quality franchise is overrated.
everybody ever
based kumatora poster
aren't you the faggot that like's Ketchup with his Steak?
today I finished Earthbound for the very first time after playing it numerous times but never finishing it. I liked the giygas battle but it felt kinda anticlimactic how easy it was. Then again, I was around level 90 when I got to him since I grinded a lot for the sword of kings and the broken antenna before, but still the other sanctuary bosses still gave a decent fight
which MOTHER fangames/hacks are essential?
I wasn't ever fond of Giygas as an actual fight, he's a thematic boss rather than an actual final-test-of-abilities, literally defeated by the power of friendship. Though there's some snakes-in-a-bag item or something similar that can inflict poison on enemies and Giygas is affected by poison in most revisions of the game, so if you're really up for it you can keep everyone healed up while Giygas slowly dies of poison and the cutscenes all pretend you prayed.
There really aren't too many fangames or hacks that're great, honestly. I enjoyed LISA as an attempt at capturing its spirit and I enjoyed Undertale as well (the latter tries WAY harder to be Earthbound than the former does), but I can't think of any fangames or hacks that stand out off the very top of my head, besides the obvious one of the Mother 3 translation. I honestly wonder if they're actually going to follow through on rebranding Mother 4 or not considering they couldn't even keep their own promises of a weekly dev-journal, it's more likely to me it'll just die shamed and money-grubbing with no fanfare after all this time.
MOTHER 4 is a fucking shame
>marialx hates it
All the more reason to like it. Good to know this faggot wants nothing to do with this actually good series.
Unironically this. Undertale is like EB, except it's actually good.
Ehh no, Undertale's too walking simulator-y for me. I like it regardless but it was piss-easy and largely carried by its soundtrack, and by Mettaton. Difficulty didn't get acceptable until hard mode which never ever.
Undertale isn't anything like Earthbound
That's the point.
Who /beatingadeadhorse/ here?
Your usual artfag is gonna give you anything new. He's gone. Moved on. These threads are a waste of time and have overstayed their welcome.
Fuck off I just want to talk about this game
But that's the joy of it, if no artfags pop up then we get an Earthbound thread regardless. Where on the doll did the video games touch you, user?
And that's another thing, these threads are just filled with bad art because that's all their lackluster waifu gets. Nobody cares about Kumatora enough to create quality content. Nobody.
To each their own. When I played EB, I wanted to explore and walk around, but instead I had to fight enemies all the time, and the battle system was, well, utterly unenjoyable. In the later stages, I spent half my time walking around waiting for the enemies to disappear from the memory. It's not the type of game I'd enjoy at least, I'm more for walking than grinding. I wonder if I should give Mother 3 a try, but I don't think I'd like that, either.
This. I mean, EB had awesome ideas, and UT borrowed the good ones.
M3 is in the same boat as Earthbound where if you fight just about everything you see you'll be leveled just fine. Except for Barrier Trio, fuck those guys. They're assholes unless you cheese them by setting one PSI user to debuffing them so they focus on buffing themselves back up, then have everybody whale on them while they're busy.
Fuck! bump!
this shit never lasts
source pls
I'll just put this here.
Haven't the foggiest actually, all image-searches have just led back here. Probably OC or on a really obscure Tumblr/Pixiv/Twitter if that's the case. Same goes for and one other image I've yet to find the source or artist for.
it's from an user, it was drawn within the past week
the belly makes it perfect
Wait I've not been keeping up. What happened?
its been in development hell for 8 years and last year they decided to cut all relations to the MOTHER franchise. No information has come up since.
im horny and I have a faggot fetish
>off model shit
>off model shit
Right but that's just why you like Kumatora.
Development hell for quite some time, very recently they decided they wanted money out of it and rebranded (probably they've had it on the downlow for quite some time since there was already a plot-draft mentioned, ie the changing of PSI to a radio-based superpower). Now even further into development hell because of the rebrand and having to change things by necessity (likely not using Mother 3 tilesets, enemy graphics, remastered/remixed Earthbound songs, anything else of the sort), and hasn't been brought up since that announcement or even given a different name. Also their lead composer left, and Mother 4 will supposedly still use it, but it's also all released either for sale or free on a Bandcamp somewhere.
Undertale is a shameless copy of Earthbound but all the writing, characters, and humor falls flat on its face. The gameplay also somehow manages to be just as much of a drag as Earthbound, an RPG that came out nearly 20 years ago.
I'd like to bound her earth if you know what I mean
The more I think about it, the less I like Mother 3.
Yeah the plot made no fucking sense honestly.
I'd like to... mother, her... if you, uh, know what I mean?
Childhood is idolizing Mother 3.
Adulthood is realizing that Mother 1 makes more sense.
I just don't get it i love Kumatora as much as everyone else but how can Kumatora of all Vidya girls be this beloved?
>how can Kumatora of all Vidya girls be this beloved?
>just 23 IPs and 46 posts after two hours
>you had to bump the thread from archival just to post this
wearing a shirt as a dress is my fetish
More I think about it the more I love it and find it a nearly flawless experience. I love earthbound too
hey there tripfag, I just want you to know. You're a nothing person who has shit taste.
Everyone is busy expressing their love for Kumatora in physical form obviously.
yeah but it could be bellier
Mother 1 had a great story and it's a shame the game itself only really goes over its basics. Encyclopedia goes into almost autistic detail about George and Mary and their relationship with both eachother and their community in Ninten's hometown.
How much?
a couple more uses of pk pizza
that reminds me, what are some underappreciated earthbound girls in terms of fan-art? the dont stare at my hips lady has one or two pieces but not that much
pretty much all of them. Mother girls in general are criminally underrated
I'd like a nice plump Venus.
Haha what if Kumatora gave Lucas a bellyjob haha.
She's way too skinny in that state. She'd have to get bigger.
Nah the previous pic was perfect.
>Kumatora was originally going to be the magypsies for the last needle
How would you have felt?
Haha just like a little prank
All the pieces actually lined up for it, it could've just as easily been Kumatora as it could've been Locria since Fassad completely took up the identity of a male while every other Magypsy is rather feminine. Was a nice tweest in the end though that Kuma truly didn't have any relation to the Magypsies whatsoever.
Great because it would mean there would be less Kumatorafags to derail Earthbound/mother threads.
The more I think about it, the more I hate how fucking terrible Salsa's chapter is.
>B-But it was purposely slow and a total drag because they wanted the player to feel as abused as Salsa
Sorry to say, but there are only two pictures with her having only a little chub.
>Kuma truly didn't have any relation to the Magypsies whatsoever
they adopted her, thats why she's able to use PSI
I’ll take more pictures of her having a lot of chub personally
>tfw these kumatora threads has been degraded to Chubby fetish posting
this has gone too far why can't we have a duster thread next time?
I'm not a fan either but he's spoilering at least.
this is why we shouldn't have kumatora threads everyday, otherwise it will turn into the new cancer of Sup Forums
Been wanting to get into it for the past few years and I finally did. Started playing EarthBound Beginnings the other week. I'm at the factory where you have to get a bottle rocket for Lloyd.
ace my dude, she’s perfect for packing on the pounds
This is what I was trying to FUCKIN' tell you Give it a rest already.
What makes you say that?
>is female
>is sexually mature, or at least is close
>is attractive
Prerequisites for a good fatty. Bonus reasons would be a tomboyish nature, hoodies, psychic powers, and pretty pink hair. Oh, wait.
How many do you have saved, even?
A little bit of muffin top on a thicc girl is the best fetish
Well, I’m thankful for whatever you have
It lines up because I'm not kidding, that was actually the plan.
Based mods
Shit man, rekt so quick the archive won't even show me what you posted.
Which is probably for the best, your shit was disgusting. Fuck you.
Why would you look though? You kind of brought it on yourself.
>fatcuck getting owned by the mods
fucking based
I don't mind fats but when you get to blobs you really need to stop.
There's not much of her so you kind of take what you can get but yeah I agree. Personally, I don't like blobs.
all of it is trash
you first faggot
There is literally nothing wrong with a little pudge you can grab in one hand. Kys
yeah a little pudge is fine, but fat is trash
>Thread dies without based fatposter
Who could have seen this coming....
>inb4 I'd rather have the thread die than blah blah blah
This is why you have no friends.