I have made my anger known to Konami
I have made my anger known to Konami
they still have your money tho
>still bought game for $60
good job
Buying another copy and destroying that one will really get to them through
Good on you, gamer
Go away jim
that piece of shit is actually $60 on consoles with all those microtransactions LMAO who would be dumb enough to buy this shit
Go away, Jim.
I can sense the reddit from here.
How do i upvote
This makes sense when I see it on Sup Forums for some reason
By touching yourself dumbass
Woah, that really showed them!
Buy another 3 copies just to rub it in haha
You have made your anger known to random assholes on the internet, your wallet, and a few FM radio stations.
And you still bought their game, thus supporting them.
Good job.
Returning it would've done you better.
I don't think you quite reached them yet
Buy a couple more copies to wreck, that'll show them
Why though it's pretty fucking fun
It was $31 plus a $10 gift card code from Best Buy.
But you still bought it, dumbass.
>tfw a friend game shared this with me
>end up having so much fun buy myself and another friend a couple of copies
>have a blast playing co op mgs for the first time since peace walker
go ahead and call me a shill or whatever, game is p great.
Yeah user, you show em (after you already gave them your fucking money).
It's moot if you bought a new copy.
>and Konami took it as "this person liked it because he gave us his money"
>bought the game
Konami don't care/Those cunts still got your money/You fucking moron.
When it works. Multiplayer is fine but I've gotten bugged out of single player missions a few too many times.
>The cult is so stupid it wastes 40 dollars on a video game to destroy it
>konami still has your money
>now you can't get a refund
but the game is only $30
So this...is the power...of Kojima fans.
Ive played for around 60 hours and yet have anything like that happen. Ive had some side ops move off the map but they come back as time passes.
What platform are you on?
>Play MP with brother during beta
>Get bored in about an hour
>Never play it again
Can't believe people paid $30+ for this shit.
Imagine being such a retarded failure at life that you bought Metal Gear Survive.
>being such a konamikuck you buy an extra copy of the game to break and pretend to be an angry kojimadrone on the internet
>mfw I convinced my brother and two of irl friends to buy it
>mfw we discord call and play the game and help each other out in single player and multi
>mfw we all enjoy the game and we're playing right now farming for epic gear
>mfw i have no face
Game is good. Already dumped 60 hours into it and cant wait for rescue missions.
>average #fuckkonami shitter
The game is $40
$32 if you get it off a key site
It'll be $20 in a month
The game has less microtransactions than V
If you don't want to "literally have to buy another save slot", you can not be a fucking dunce retard faggot and download your save onto a USB
But dude I watched a video on youtube that said the game was just poking spears through a fence
Its not like the entirety of MGSV cant be summed up with tranqing an enemy and fultoning him after.
B-b-b--bbut MGSV is an open world game! You can play the way you want!
It's not like non-open world games are absolutely incapable of different methods of gameplay or anthing!
It's almost like if you go into a game actively WANTING to hate it , you won't fucking enjoy it. Or maybe you didn't play the game at all, right? Not like there was two free betas to play! Right?
tl;dr, shill.
>Bastard Yuji gone AWOL
>MG killed in action
>getting this butthurt over a 5 word greentext
>goes into a thread of a game he hasn't played, doesn't know the price of, and doesn't like so he can shit talk it
My ancestors are smiling at me faggot, can you say the same?
>the average kojicuck is this retarded
>"I'll make a thread to show just how angry I am about a game"
>you still ended up paying for it idiot
5/10 b8, made me reply
you did good today son. i'm proud of you for having an objective mind.
thank christ YongYea exists to read reddit posts and IGN articles out loud in front of a camera otherwise I would have to read them with my own eyeballs.
$2000 on patreon. I hope global warming kills us all, pronto.
Good job user, buying the game just to destroy it really sticks it to Konami! We should all show Konami we won't stand for this by buying Metal Gear Survive and then breaking the game we just paid $40 for!
It’s a fucking piece of paper
Im not even a moralfag.
But dude you could feed a family with those dollarydoos.
good post
Damn, I remember my xbone fucking just froze after like three minutes of major frame drops during the last base defense fight at the "end" of single player. Worked fine when I restarted the console, and that segment of the game was real fucking nice. And it demonstrated that defensive combat can be a lot more varied than the minimalist approach players most likely practiced up to that point due to material constraints.
We get it yongyea you hate konami