Controlling dilemma

What is the best controller for pc gaming action games ?
Kb mouse addicts stay away i know your arguments

use kb and mouse


Dual shock 1

depends on the game really
use the xbone controller for gta and rpgs and souls games and stuff, use kb+mouse for fps and rts

the original ps3 boomerang, which is a damn shame

"triggers" were the biggest mistake in gaming. Still remap everything to R1 because it's objectively more responsive because of the shorter travel distance.

I like Xbone the best because the d-pad is actually decent, but it or 360 are both safe bets

i really do think the boomerang wouldve been comfy to use

ds4 has a touchpad and you can configure it

too bad witcher 3 has its own ds4 support so it gives double inputs when steam config is enabled

i always used xbox controllers due to their price and their compatibility with windows. it doesn't matter tbhfamalam, just get one with a cord unless you like spending money on batteries. my xbox controller has lasted 10 years. the xbone shits are more expensive and look kinda gay

triggers like on the xbone and ps4 controllers are actually pretty good for games with cars like Forza and GTA to be completely honest

I use a DS4, I don't have any issues with it. Use Xinput Wrapper, not MotionInJoy or whatever it's called.
Xbox has the added bonus of plug in and use, along with most games showing Xbox buttons in the UI.

There is a game center dx episode that showed the boomerang. 2xx7 tgs segment or sthg. I was major impressed.

DS4s are also plug and play on Windows 7 and 8 iirc

The xboner pad, and for pretty much everything that uses a controller.
This really isn't up for debate.
The boner pad is really just an improved 360 pad with a dpad that isn't utter trash and the 360 pad was hailed as the king before the xbone pad came out.

You could be a contrarian and use the ps4 pad, but have fun with half the games either spazzing out with it or not even recognizing it.

I've been using Dualshocks and xbone controllers for a while: if you like platformers or old games or are a symmetric fagget the Dualshock, otherwise the xbone is a perfect solution. Both can and should be used with a micro usb cable at all times, fuck batteries

Sure. I remember playing gt3 and having to use the pressure sensitive X button, triggers are much more enjoyable but nowhere near using a peddle. If you're a driven enthusiast why would anyone use a controller?

Triggers make games like nioh fucking trash. Having to use trigger + A to change a stance and end up always pushing A and dodging because of shit response on a trigger. I had to pull out my dualshock3 out of storage because of how shit the xbone controller is i bought.

"new" xbone controller with the proper RB/LB is pretty good, and when I got mine it was actually cheaper than the old ones.
Dpad isn't that bad either, played zelda 2 and zero mission with it and encountered no issues

Xbone controller. Better grip for the palm, native windows support, far superior wireless performance with the official adapter.

>alkaline batteries

Keyboard + Mouse beats any controller. The only time a Controller is needed is when devs are awful and don't allow free key binding.


kb+mouse is fucking garbage for driving sims and souls

>fuck batteries
For what? You hate convenience?

Am i the only one that genuinely enjoys this thing?

Who said anything about batteries, retard?

You charge your controller with a cable.

neither one is good, batteries run out at the worst time and rechargeable batteries take a longass time to recharge all the way

wired is always the way to go regarding controllers

No, and nobody gives a shit about you enjoying your shitty controller.


Dude, I literally recharge my ds4 like once a week and it never runs out of power. Keeping the thing plugged at all times is fucking retarted senpai

>he literally has to buy accessories for his controller for it not to be retarded.

Well I just happen to have a 10ft cable, and I sit next to my computer and TV. While they're fine in some scenarios (aka if your setup is several feet away from the screen) most of the time you have to deal with chargers and stuff.

I do have Eneloops which are great but really, why bother charging stuff when there's a very acceptable solution?

i played a few games with it, but it basically fails at its mission

if you played a lot of city builders or something i could see being into it. or games like the sims

the main issue is that it's not modular. for the steam controller to do what they want it to do, it has to be modular. it should come with the following things

>analog stick
>analog stick
>smooth trackpad

allow you to move these around. with modularity like that plus the configurations they have now, it would shit on every controller's face.

They are going to make a second one, i'm sure of it.

What's a good controller for Steam Link?

Xbox/PS4 controllers are horribly optimized for regular desktop usage from the couch. Steam Controller seems much better for that, but it's a turd for games and expensive. Mouse + keyboard isn't practical for the couch.

This is one of those situations where a motion controller would actually be good, kind of like those smart TVs or the Wii.

it comes with the cable necessary.

You are literally retarded and don't understand anything about this subject. Stop posting in this thread, moron.

>and expensive

steam controller has been 24 or 29.99 before

the solution is to get a wireless mouse and use that for desktop use. no controller is adequate for controlling a computer really.

t. retard

>I literally recharge my ds4 like once a week and it never runs out of power

Seriously? Mine bitches about low battery just after 4 hours playing

I use Intel's remote keyboard or whatever it's called, pretty nice when I'm watching movies from the couch and want to play something. Its free nigga give it a try


Not in my country it isn't.

Again, any kind of mouse is impractical on a couch. Motion controls obviously aren't comparable to the desk experience, but they're a far better solution to a couch setup, which is what Steam Link is for.

>rechargeable batteries are not recommended

hahaha i recommend the fuck out of them since i paid $24 for an eneloop charger and 4pack to be able to use my controller wirelessly forever

Somethings wrong with it my dude. Both of mine are solid

Steam Link works with phones?

please keep posting, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>since i paid $24 for an eneloop charger and 4pack

wired XB360

>You charge your controller with a cable.
if you buy the separate Microsoft play and charge kit for $24.99 plus tip


What a crock of shit. I use rechargable AA batteries with zero issue.


The app I mentioned acts as a virtual keyboard and mouse so it should technically work JUST for browsing stuff, not an actual replacement.

>Again, any kind of mouse is impractical on a couch.

corsair lapdog

AA batteries aren't accessories "for a controller" user

its not because of deals, its becasue "rechargeable batteries" does not refer to eneloops to most console users, it refers to garbage 5.99 energizers from walmart, and those will probably cause the controller to drop because their power delivery sucks

Or you could just buy a non-disposable battery controller, or if not that, a cheaper third party rechargeable battery solution, which I did 2 years ago, and it works perfectly.

>10key for wasd gaming

If you have to use alkaline batteries for your controller, it's retarded.

i usually play dark souls (or any other game with shitty kb and mouse controls) with it and its great, after you get used to it you wont even miss any of those things. sure, using it the first few times will feel weird, but i powered thru and now other controllers just feel wrong

You can use the controller perfectly with just a cable you fucking idiot

If you use anything but the official microsoft solution they will not charge via the USB port. I use Panasonic Eneloop Pros in my Xbox One controllers because last-gen the play and charge kits were complete ass.

>playing with wired controller
>not retarded

>not wanting a full keyboard
? i use my tv for my computer mostly and i do things other than wasd gaming bro

i'm ok with it didn't really inconvenience me a whole lot, xbone controller still best all time by a mile

in fact i'd rather have removeable batteries because then the controller isn't dead when the lion dies

it is categorically not for games like dark souls and anyone using it for such games doesn't understand how control response in games like that is supposed to feel

>does not refer to eneloops


>What is input delay
Casual Detected

Not the worst idea but that mousepad is kinda tiny.

Who gives a shit about the controller's USB port? It's perfectly fine charging them from the battery's USB port.

>in fact i'd rather have removeable batteries because then the controller isn't dead when the lion dies
Same. I hate having to use a cable.

>input delay
>current year

So I have the 360 wireless adapter and 4 360 controllers for Local games on my PC. It really works wonders and I would get the Xbone controller but I keep hearing it has issues with Windows 7. So I didn't get it, BUT I did try it when my friend brought his Xbone dongle and controller. Worked fine. Eh I don't know. I LOVE game controllers for my PC. So I can't wait to buy that Dreamcast usb controller and other sega controllers. I did have a couple friends over to play Dragon ball fighters Z and I had 4 different controllers plugged in. A ps4 controller, a Fight stick, a XBONE controller, AND a 360 controller. They all worked fantastically well! Pic related is what I am getting next.

TLDR; It's all perference.

What batteries have a USB port on them?

i always used high sense, its probably a bit small but you could make it work.

i have used that thing, it has like a comfort molding bottom, actually works pretty well. it molds to the top of your legs. the only reason i even mention it is because it was on sale with the keyboard for like $70 a few weeks ago

DS4 with SCPDS4 is the best. Rechargable, wireless/wired, can use touchpad to control mouse, can customize a ton of control settings including turning the light out for improved battery life, and it functions as a 360 controller so its highly compatible.Basically all the advantages of a 360 controller while being wireless capable and having a far superior d-pad+a touchpad.

>Basically all the advantages of a 360 controller while

not actually having drivers and requiring third-party software.

this is happening?

well, thank fuck, finally. they better be made from the original molds/with comparable parts etc. the genesis and saturn controllers don't have the right texture/gloss to them

i'd buy both the jp saturn and dreamcast pads. jp saturn if i ever play a fighting game again and for some emulation, dreamcast for snes emulation and MvC2

flightstick for space/planes
wheel for driving
stick for fighting
controller for the bin

t. doesn't play any driving or racing games

hey i'd just like to say to that guy who throws an autistic shitfit over 3rdparty controller threads but thinks these daily ps/xbox controller threads are better:

fuck you.

I use my XBone for most and my 8Bitdo for 2d games. Using the 8Bitdo for Hollow Knight currently.

>It's 2022 already


The xbox one S is perfect for most of the games.

Steam controller for mouse/keyboard games.

DS4/Saturn USB for d-pad/2D games.

Some of us aren't NEETs and actually do some productive work with our computers

That's why you buy 2 keyboards. One with blues/browns/ALPs +10key for work and one without with reds/speed/blacks for gaming. Unless you're a fucking neet. 10key is not ergonomical

This is 8bitdo SN30 Pro controller, say something nice about her.

input lag
bad d-pad
horrible ergonomics

65% is more productive for work, you don't have to move your hand physically move your hand to access the "numpad". But if you're a brainlet i can see the want for a tenkey

I got the SF30 Pro but kinda wish I got this one for the different buttons.

>Just buy TWO mechanical keyboards, fellow goymer! Gaming on a cherry brown 10 key would just be unthinkable, better spend more money!
I wonder who's behind this post...

>typing numpads
>without a numpad
>for productivity purposes

are you actually fucking retarded? found the retard who can't 10key.

>The nipple on my thinkpad is far and away superior to a mouse, I don't even have to move my hand, not that a brainlet like you would understand

Anyone who says 360/xbone controller is a microsoft shill or hasn't used a DS4.

DS4 is the most comfy controller in existence.

thanks, Sony shill.

debateable, I kinda like how the DS4 feels but the Xbone fits nicely in my giant ogre hands

ps2 controller for anything without analog, 360 for anything with

i was a controller pc fag until i switched to this setup, having a keyboard and mouse setup that lets you use your thumbs makes all the difference in the world in terms of control

should have mine on friday.
hopefully it doesn't suck.

didnt realize people apart from WoW/MMO tards actually used keypads like that

>ps2 controller for anything without analog,

? bizarre

if those sega BT pads coming out are the real thing, jp saturn pad is the #1 choice for digital control classic games

I like it. Only noticed input lag on Golf Story so far. Make sure you update the firmware to fix the loud as fuck rumble.

Anyone that thinks anything but the original PS1 controller is good on the PS consoles has never owned any other controler

i got my steam link for 5 bucks plus whatever for shipping during a holiday sale
the Dualshock3 is actually not a bad option at all, if you pair it with a USB to the steam link it will even work wirelessly natively, though the bindings have to be fixed the first time you play a game.
pretty cool considering windows usually makes you go through all kinds of loops to get a DS3 to work