ITT: Boring games
ITT: Boring games
Other urls found in this thread:
stealth stalker thread
merc shitters can go hurl themselves into the nearest anomaly
your favorite game
Some serious shit taste in this thread
what if theres an anomly that sucks you off heheh ?
i think that nice :)
Skyrim once you hit level 40 or so and you can either oneshot every enemy or grind through the difficult ones by carrying 37 kilos worth of potions and pausing every 0.2 seconds in the middle of a fight
>implying this isn't just a bait thread with bait replies
i know its a bait thread but it still pisses me off
over the rine
>yfw 15 minute speed run of shoc
These are actually all extremely boring games. The rest of the thread is just trolling though.
Sure, brainlet. Sure.
More like ITT: ADHD
you first op
the only unironic posts in this thread