
>Gradius and Parodius
>Metal Gear
>Silent Hill
>Zone of the Enders

>all these great series just fucking dead forever

What went so horribly wrong?

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CEO is braindead
don't worry, some company will buy them one way or the other


they're dinosaurs, stuck in an ancient way of doing business and dying because of it

>"uh... make a game with the zombies. the kids today like the zombies."


I haven't fucking forgotten Konami, you hear me?


My god I can't wait until the day they and Capcom sell off their IPs

I like watching indie studios steal their fanbases by repackaging their old games

You really think anyone else would do anything with the IPs Konami and Capcom have dropped? They just aren't profitable anymore. I mean, OP listed fucking Gradius, a shmup. Who the hell would make a shmup these days?


Except plenty of shmups are profitable because they keep development costs low. Konami already did something like that with Gradius Rebirth but it was a wii exclusive and not good.

it's okay bemani is still good

Konami stock is at an all-time high after booting Kojima. Survive sold well, cry more Sup Forumsedditards. :^)

Y'know, I've been thinking about this recently.
It wouldn't make sense for some faceless corrupting group to have their name so well known. Yes, it can give them a public shield, but it could also lead them to become a big joke.
I feel that this (hypothetical, not going full conspiracy theory here) was spawned by the Jewish people, most likely during one of their noted oppression periods in history, most likely during Roman times.
They used the protection of their group as a front, and over time they became more and more distant from them, basically becoming a different entity entirely.
But they never forgot their origins, and when it got dangerously close for them to be discovered, they decided to use their paper trail to put the blame primarily on the main Jewish community, giving the public an easy scapegoat while millions of innocents perished while they were home free.
Hitler and the Nazis were burning the house of origin, the culprits long since moved out, and the remaining tenants were consumed in the oven.

Actually this got intensely conspiracy theory-ish. This sounds more like a fan theory for a mid-grade indie game at this point. This is what I get for spending too much time on Sup Forums, I suppose.

Why do video game series have to go on forever? I don't understand that attitude and never have.

I'm a huge fan of Castlevania but I'm okay with it ending (not that it is anyway, you hyberbolic queens).

Konami isn't doing bad financial wise. Actually they're in better feet than Capcom.
(source: a tweet from ZhugeEX from mid 2017, that I can't be bothered to find).

As for their digital entertainment division, who knows what the fuck those guys are doing. Probably sitting with their thumbs up their ass just developing PES and PowaPuwo (or w/e that chibi baseball game is called).

Some of Konami's game related subsidiaries are:
Konami Digital Entertainment (Console/Handheld games, and I THINK they are also responsible for mobile games)
Bemani (Rhythm Arcade games)
Gaming & Entertainment (Pachinko and Casino shit).

That's true, but they are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to "real" video games nowadays.

>why do you want more of that thing you love you shitbags

>nazis kill random jews women and children included
>release a Rothschild
what did they mean by this

>mg dead
a new game just came out and it's pretty good

DDR is still around. Hell their whole music division still makes a ton of games. Bomberman even got an arcade game recently, it's been in location testing, but got a new trailer recently. I can't wait till Dance Rush comes over, so i can look like a giant fucking retard in public like with DDR.

SDVX continues to be my favorite music game though.

is there any Frogger pachinko

Actually Konami is doing better than Sony's game department. Surprisingly good.

I'm not larping here, Survive hints at re-releasing the MGS franchise in HD again, so don't hold your breath.

>it's okay bemani is still good
>tfw still no new DDR or Pop'n announced
Why the fuck is IIDX the only bemani series that gets consistent yearly releases? You'd think that a Pop'n game would take less time to develop (and budget) than a new IIDX, but apparently not.

I made peace with Suikoden's death long ago

That's not what I'm referring to, though. I'm referring to the overdramatic entitled whining. I get that video games fare better with sequels and iterative installments than most media because the interactivity is itself satisfying even if it isn't new, but still. The whining never seems to stop unless there's a new game in a series every two years.

They were busy with location testing Dance Rush, so no new DDR for a bit. Since it's getting a full release, even western, they'll finally have time for a new DDR. As for Pop'n, it's dead. IIDX and SDVX ate it.

Contra hasn't had a good game in 15 years or even a satisfying replacement. You are now whining about the whining: mine is validated, yours is self-inflicted. You hate the whining so much yet you have nothing better to do with your life so you can fuck right off with your hipster bullshit.


>Survive sold well

It's right here man.

oh, they have forgotten.
does this look like a video game company to you?

That died off when Mercury botched LoS2 so badly. It probably would've been a Gears clone anyway.

The fuck are you talking about? Contra 4, Rebirth and Hard Corps Uprising were all excellent games and far better than the classics.

The first two are good, but HC Uprising never rose above a few isolated moments and was largely as misguided as the Rocket Knight game Tomm Hulett oversaw.

>Contra hasn't had a good game in 15 years or even a satisfying replacement.
More like:
>Contra hasn't had any games released in a while
As a contra enthusiast most of the last Contra games were good:
>Contra 4
>Contra Rebirth
>Hardcorps: Uprising

And before that we had:
>Contra Shattered Soldier (arguably the best Contra developed. Even the creator of the series considers this his best one)
>Neo Contra (not everyone's cup of tea because of its top down gameplay. But still a great top down shooter, for what it's worth).

I'd say Contra is one of the Konami series with one of the better track records. Unlike Silent Hill, which Konami raped the legacy of the first 3 games with fucking dumpster fire sequels.

>mine is validated
Not really. Play different games. Expand into other hobbies.

I'm not whining about whining, I'm suggesting people try to be content with what we have instead of constantly looking to the next installment.

And Contra 4 and ReBirth were both good.

What, aesthetically? It was an actual step forward for Contra with a huge emphasis on lengthy elaborate run & gun stages with more advanced mechanics while Rebirth and 4 just refined 3. Or are you one of those people that wants Contra to be a shitty boss rush like the original Hard Corps and Shattered Soldier?

I really want another Shattered Soldier, IMO that's the best direction to "modernize" Contra

It was okay
I didn't own a Wii
>Hard Corps: Uprising
I honestly had no idea this existed, thank you.

>most of the good shit done by small teams working under Konami's wing
>keep kicking out said teams and keeping their IPs as a hostage.
>either whore said IPs to Pachislot industry or incompetent nobodies in the west, that rape the name hard with shit products.
>working conditions in the house are Auschwitz-tier with constant BB monitoring.

You have Cuphead. There's also Super Cyborg on steam for people who prefer NES-style Contra. It's just Super C but much tougher and longer, so amazing.
>I didn't own a Wii
Emulate it on dolphin, works perfectly. The hard mode is awesome, especially if you don't touch the default lives setting and leave it at 2. Game becomes intense as fuck.

Yakuza thats what happened

It's the best Contra presentation wise. (OST and the gritty artstyle fit together perfectly. And the monster designs are top notch). The graphics aren't the best, but it was an early budget (MSRP was 20$), PS2 title.

And gameplay wise, only Hardcorps Uprising beats it. But as for mainline Contra games, it's the only one that lets you lock your aim while being able to move. Which is a huge plus.

For me, what sets it back is how easy the game is once you find out how broken the flameshot is.

But Yakuza is a Sega franchise.


>"Hey Donald, that box seems suspicious, uh-hyuk!"

I don't mind the long break taken after Battlefest but they really dropped the ball with R. It wasnt bad but it wasnt no Saturn Bomberman either.

>Rocket Knight
>Azure Dreams and other wacky RPGs
>beat 'em ups
>classic TMNT games

They were one of the strongest third-party companies for years.

From one point in my childhood they were so great, then it's like a new CEO sat on the chair and shit went downhill fast.

Konami isn't in a good position because of their Digital Entertainment division. It's mostly because of all the other non-vidya related shit they do.

Survive doing badly just means that Metal Gear might end. Fuck knows what the team that developed the game will do, though.

If we were to get more shit like Survive then it's a good thing Metal Gear will end, at least it won't get raped to shit.

BEMANI is arcade only now.