>game features sexualized underage girls
>"it's okay because they're not real"
There's something called symbolic representation. Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly. The swastika is not real either, but it's a symbol that represents hatred.
Same thing goes for games like Dead or Alive and Senran Kagura. The characters might not be real, but they unequivocally depict sexualized underage girls.
Game features sexualized underage girls
how the fuck do you get the age of pixels?
Now I'm not an expert but I don't thinks boobies work like that
>Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly.
In Europe only.
>Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly.
I'm glad I don't live in whatever shithole you live in.
>trying to argue with pedo (weeb) shitters
Found your mistake.
>it's a symbol that represents hatred.
And? ...Where do you think you are, you faggot pedo degenerate?
i've seen the bit where the bullet goes through the breasts as they flop around it but i i've never seen all this other shit.
i can't believe this. i feel so euphoric. what has happened
am i ascending? is this titty heaven?
anyway your bait is shit but thanks for showing more hotd
>Be thirdworld
>Call people negros and they're fine with it
>Wave whatever flags you want and nobody cares
>Make fun of trannies, faggots and other minorities on national tv
Who's the uncivilized monkey now?
Are you fucking retarded
There's a well worded retort about the difference between using a fantasy as an outlet for a desire that would cause problems IRL, and using a symbol as a representation of your very real beliefs, but I just woke up and I can't be arsed.
Great vidya thread OP. Really gets the noggin joggin.
Whatever anime that webm is from looks like trash
Also, where are the video games in this thread.
So if I buy a swastika symbol, paste it on my computer screen to observe in private, I deserve to be arrested too?
Because I sure as hell ain't waving around a Senran Kagura flag in public, according to your comparison.
>The swastika is not real
turbo virgin here and even i know boobs dont even remotely work like that
who is this aimed at?
>Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly.
Only if you're in some oppressive police state like the UK.
>kill someone in game
>its symbolically murder, your going away buddy
fuck off
what's with all the forced baiting tonight
Highschool of the dead is the anime and the echhi humor ruins a potentially good zombie anime
Actually, it became a symbol of hatred, but was not originally.
Not sure. I watched it years ago with friends just to laugh at the absurdity.
>swastika is not real either
you need have a non-american education in order to be qualified to post here.
>Living in a country where you literally get arrested for waving a Nazi flag
Did you check in with the Politburo before you posted this? Gotta make sure your internet access papers are in order.
So when are mods going to 404 THIS political thread?
>Highschool of the dead
Great show, even if it's a little cartoonish
Ecchi humor ruins everything
I want to fuck an underage swastika
>The swastika is not real either, it's a symbol that represents hatred.
I didn't know lolis were symbolically used during a great crisis as representation of underage sexual freedom. I should have paid more attention in history class.
>harem ecchishit with exaggerated jiggling and a scenario that can be shortened to "teens escape from zombies, also tits."
This anime is fucking shit I don't know how people liked it
Japan already blew you the fuck out, U.N.
You have a lot of work to do then.
Holocaust denial is surprisingly okay here, not sure about waving a flag though.
>it's ok if the girl is a 500 y/o zombie dragon
I can't really talk shit about anime as a whole because I've watched legitimately great things that truly feel like they belong in this medium (gif related) but goddamn if it's not currently crumbling under the weight of its own degeneracy and trying to stain other mediums as well.
Do the people that make that argument realize that CP is also just pixels?
Wouldn't her tits be moving so fast they would rip off her chest in order for this to happen? That is a very high velocity bullet.
CP involved real children at one point which is a pretty significant difference
It's okay because it's fictional, faggot. The 500 year old dragon thing is just an attempt to try and placate normies like OP.
>Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly.
Not in America, fucknuts.
Adults having sex with kids is wrong because it causes harm to the child. Not because it's "gross" or "icky" or whatever nonsense, SOLELY because it causes harm to the child.
Sexualizing cartoons, video game characters, etc causes no harm to anyone because they do not exist. Much like how playing a violent video game causes no harm to anyone.
This is what happens when you tell retards what to think as opposed to how to think. People don't know why adult/children fucking is bad, they just got told while growing up that its bad so now in situations like this they don't have the thinking capabilities to handle the situation properly and screech autistically
>Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly.
Only if you live in a third world shithole.
>Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested
Not in my country lol.
>Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly.
not in any relevant country
Sexualizing children and teenagers might be fictional but your mental illness is real though if that type of stuff makes you fantasize.
Pixels are just atoms, just like a bullet in your head.
well to be fair it's illegal to take a photo of a nude woman and photoshop a child's head onto it
Shit sorry im tired and didn't understand, thoight you were defending it, apologies.
What fucking fascist dictatorship does OP live in that would arrest you for having a fucking piece of cloth?
>Do the people that make that argument realize that CP is also just pixels?
Except it's not because you have to interact with and deal with real children in order to get them.
Someone can create a loli doujin without ever even being in the same country as a child.
>game features violence
>"it's okay because the victims aren't real"
There's something called symbolic representation. Try to wave a Nazi flag in public, you'll get fucking arrested instantly. The swastika is not real either, but it's a symbol that represents hatred.
Same thing goes for games like Call of Duty and Counter Strike. The characters might not be real, but they unequivocally depict killing.
Do this test.
Take any anime girl. Any.
Add giant fucking tits.
Make her flat
Well it's just pixels now. You're fapping to pixels, same shitty argument as if it was 2D. But somehow fapping to these pixels that are in the shape of a child makes you a pedo, but not fapping to those pixels in the shape of a child.
I'm not talking about creation, just consumption.
what if Im good with video editing to the point where it looks real?
Most fetishes/philias can be called mental illnesses.
>30% female
What CNN poll did this data come from?
>I'm not talking about creation, just consumption.
Still, in order for you to consume it, someone had to abuse a child in order to create it, you're encouraging and motivating people to abuse children to create content for you to consume.
>what if Im good with video editing to the point where it looks real?
So like what, 3D models like a photo realistic video game? That's fine.
>wave flag
>get arrested
when did everything went so wrong for europe?
Your post might just be text but it advocates violence against people who enjoy a certain kind of media.
Your post is a hate crime. You should be arrested, according to your logic.
Man, you really need to visit some other boards. Sometimes, I think I'm the only male in /toy/s doll threads, for instance.
The "trick" is to not act upon them if they are illegal to begin with. For some people placed in a particular situation, it becomes exponentially harder to repress their sexual impulses.
But if it's "just pixels" then what's the difference between the pixels showing a little girl getting raped and those showing a little girl getting raped in blender? Even if one doesn't require actual harm of anyone, both fuel the desire of pedoshits who may eventually do it in real life.
Trannys don't count as women.
I don't know what anime that is, but every single part of it looks like the most awesome thing ever.
t. soyboy
> then what's the difference between the pixels showing a little girl getting raped and those showing a little girl getting raped in blender?
I just explained it in that very post you retard. One exists due to the abuse of a child and can not exist without abusing a child, the other one doesn't abuse anyone at any point.
>Even if one doesn't require actual harm of anyone, both fuel the desire of pedoshits who may eventually do it in real l
Yeah and porn turns men into rapist, fuck off feminist. Or provide evidence to support this theory, but you won't because it doesn't exist.
It's the creation of the media that matters. How do you not get this? One is created from a REAL person, the other was never real to begin with.
>europistanis are so cucked they think the rest of the world is as cucked as them by default
now thats sad, what are they teaching you guys?
>The swastika is not real either, but it's a symbol that represents hatred.
Do you even know history in the slightest?
good thing retards like you don't make the laws or enforce them. c'est une pipe, dipfuck.
gonna jerk off to marie rose and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it, try proving she's not 18 in a court of law.
fuck off back to australia or wherever shithole you crawled out of
>japanese "culture"
We buy what we like, how about you fucking deal with it, retards
official stats are she's 18
and if you look at height, kasumi and ayane aren't much taller than she is. she's just flat as hell
are you really asking what the difference between a drawing and rape is? are you that fucking retarded?
>both fuel the desire of pedoshits who may eventually do it in real life.
Thin edge of the wedge fallacy that has no historical backing.
You have no evidence and sales will continue, eat shit
you from the sound of it
Imagine this image, but filled with cartoon frogs in the background that like to pee with their pants down at their ankles
That is the current state of humanity
t. faggot's
Do you really think anyone other than you cares about your shitty opinion? I mean, you clearly weren't prepared to make a thread especially taking your webm into consideration, I suggest you take some time off reevaluate your life decisions.
>game features violence
>it's okay because it's not real
ban all violent video games
When did we get so infested with normalfags and roasties?
I feel bad for this guy, having redditor neighbors that spy on you and post pictures of you to the internet for all to see.
tfw disgusting old hags touch your lolies with their witch claws
Pedophiles are by definition rapists, a child cannot conscent for it not aware of what it's doing, men attracted to 18+ female, however, are not because 18+ female are aware and can refuse. You know you are wrong if you deny this.
2014 at the latest.
It's not a very serious anime.
Jejus fucking Christ that looks incredibly fucking stupid. That scene exists just for the sake of pandering to hungry neckbeards.
>Pedophiles are by definition rapists
Pedophiles are people who are attracted to children, you can be a pedophile and have never touched or even interacted with a child.
Woah there dumbfuck the swastika has existed for far longer than the Nazis and is a common Buddhist symbol.
>Pedophiles are by definition rapists
Not the ones that haven't actually touched a child, you mung.
>Getting arrested for waving a NAzi flag in public
Do people actually live in places where this occurs?
Nobody with any shred of a life comes to this shithole. How have you not figured out you're in a sea of bait yet?
Let me guess, because she personally doesn't understand being sexually attracted to it, she's claiming we have a duty to ban it?
I'm so sick of needing to explain a fetish to someone who is unwilling to listen. Can you imagine explaining vanilla sex to an alien? They would probably be shocked, it's just that we all have attractions so we need to allow it to occur.
That's what it's like talking to a feminist.
>children can't consent
>if a 16 year old shot up a school, we wouldn't say they knew what they were doing
>Pedophiles are by definition rapists
Quick you better leave before someone thinks you're associating with... oh, too late
So, using this logic, you'd be cool with removing all the other depicted crimes in other forms of media then as well?
'merely pretending' isn't an excuse, faggot
Why do you think this is Sup Forums when it isn't