Was Title II repeal really a threat to gaming?

Was Title II repeal really a threat to gaming?

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Multiplayer gaming uses specific data types that are very easy to isolate and charge you more to use, so of course.

> Wanting to keep government regulation on the internet.

No thanks.

>thinking regulation is a bad thing for people
It regulates companies trying to fuck you, you numbskull.

>implying the free market would allow companies to fuck the consumers
lmao ok buddy

>Being okay with monopolies having zero regulation
No thanks.

You have no idea what Title II was actually doing for you, and you never did.

>The Goverment doesnt fuck you give up your sovereignty faggot

oh gee i should just move to germany where the goverment is allowed to buttfuck the internet.

>Implying that there isn't - quite literally - centuries of evidence to the contrary

You don't even need centuries. The very companies that are involved with this shit have fucked people over and the free market hasn't done jack shit to correct it.

>thinking there's ever been a free market

I honestly don't understand the people who defend companies like they're close personal friends or something. Like, is it just lazy troll responses, or do they actually believe they need to defend giant megacorps that verifiably give zero fucks about them, and are legally bound to give only a shit about making the maximum amount of money possible?

Hasn't anyone stopped and questioned why a bunch of huge corporations are asking us to lobby on their behalf?
I'm the only one?

I figured you would since it already helps you get a job via ADA

Yes, congratulations retard. You understood my post.
>Is it just lazy troll responses
Well, see above.

Net neutrality is literally being pushed solely so google/youtube/twitch/netflix/amazon don't have to pay in accordance with how much bandwidth they use on the internet (read: like 80% of all bandwidth globally).

We went years and years without net neutrality before all this shit happened, why does it suddenly matter now after we've already had it? What's changed besides the rise of these massive companies that use all the bandwidth not wanting to have to defer costs for using all the bandwidth to the consumer?

>No man, MY SUPER SPECIAL SEKRIT VERSION of Communism has never been tried before!

There's no such thing as a truly free market, because of things like scarcity. Keep trying to live in your fantasy land, though.

>so google/youtube/twitch/netflix/amazon don't have to pay in accordance with how much bandwidth they use on the internet
They pay for it, retard.

t. doesn't know shit about corporate ISP packages

They *do* have to pay in accordance with the bandwidth they use, dipshit.

It isnt as much of a threat to Twitch since now Amazon can pay off the ISPs, but do they really want to do that? Furthermore, should that money come directly from Amazon or from Twitch? I don't think all the money is pooled in the same place.

Companies like Netflix, while they dont want to do this, could probably afford to pay off ISPs to not count their streaming against your data cap.

What makes you think any of those companies would pay if net neutrality wasn't in place?

Ok cool so the alternative is all those companies pay to not have them count against data caps, and smaller sites/companies will never again be able to compete on any meaningful level without MASSIVE investment from larger firms.

No, I asked this as well but people think you're a trump supporter if you question reddit stances

>Not recognizing that smart contracts + crypto currency which cuts out all middlemen is the only way to truly achieve anything close to a truly free market, and that handing the keys to that market to like 5 companies who can decide at any moment to just shut it down because "it's torrents" or some bullshit is fucking retarded.

I'd all be for Amazon taking over everything. Based Prime deals and super fast shipping is goat.

It's almost as though the ways companies make money from the internet and consumers has changed since the implementation of net neutrality.

>he visits Twitch
is that way redditfugee

yes goy let the corporations be in control we--i mean they know what's best for you

When are we getting rid of government regulation on
Video Games

Good thing we got rid of this one regulation on the internet though. I just wanted to get rid of it because I hate regulation, I didn't pick that specific regulation because it is in my political backers interest or anything.

It wont appear to be immediately, all of the bullshit will be rolled out slowly and filled with jargon and techy explanations so you don't realize you're being fucked over.

[citation needed]

>Jews don't control the government as well

Good goy. Ignore the people in charge of the RNC and DNC they're fellow g*d fearing christians for america.

This is either a bait or /pol, but cable companies didn't have to resort to tightening control of internet content because they were able to sell overpriced cable packages. Now that there is a movement of cordcutting they want Internet to be the next cable.

>Netflix pushes for Net Neutrality because fast lanes are bad
>it's actually because Comcast wouldn't let them have their own private fast lane
>Google pushes for regulations to keep a fair and equal internet
>Google also has been able to skirt other government regulations and fees in the process of laying down Google Fibre
>everyone and their mother gets on here to say that without NN, Sup Forums would be down in a day
>the single time Sup Forums has ever been purposefully blocked by an ISP it was swiftly back after a slew of consumer complaints

I'm glad we avoided Railroads 2: Electric Boogaloo

Ohhhh you're too young to have your own cellphone or internet account. Mods?

So jews are jewing jews?

So you're complaining about some big tech companies having an unfair advantage due to how much money they make and have? How would charging them less make things more equal between large and small competitors?

When Jews are all at the top who else could they Jew besides themselves?

>why does it suddenly matter now after we've already had it?

Because streaming's on the rise and it's killing their TV sectors. It's pretty obvious that they're going to recoup costs by doing shit like providing "fast lanes" i.e. normal connections to their own or preferred streaming platforms and nuke the connections to their competitors. And before you say "just switch to an alternative!" there's usually no alternative.

>no actual citation given

Im not going to do a Google search for a naive child :) you shouldn't be on this site.

They have no reason to do this if they actually want to make money.

Stop watching super bunnycuck

Remember how Reddit said it was literally the end of everything and the internet as a whole was going to instantly die?

Funny how nothing really changed.


They say it will happen (eventually) after a month they said wait a few months
then after that they'll say wait a year
then after that they'll say wait a few years

It's not about charging less, it's that a large company would inherently be able to offer better service by being able to pay for "fast lanes" which would force any small business which couldn't pay to automatically be a worse service.

No, of course not.

thats because 30 some odd states filed lawsuits, plus a lot more legal bullshit it has to go through. Government is kinda complicated

>Rules not officially repealed
>Haha why hasn't anything changed
>ISP's are literally rolling out small changes already

Do you only get news from Sup Forums?


Ok reddit

>more traffic to their own streaming sites = more money
>have so much control and power that they can push this shit out and their browbeaten customers will eventually get used to it (just like data caps)

>>ISP's are literally rolling out small changes already


No I get it from reddit like all Title 2 advocates

Nothing changed because it wasn't repealed yet, you dumb fucking retard.

Ok reddit


This. What happened so far.

>States are suing FCC and the chairman
>States passed Executive Orders to keep NN and telling FCC to fuck off
>FCC chairman is also under investigation
>Chairman also received death threats from people

NN is literally going to stay regardless.


>Effective date: April 23, 2018

Neck yourself promptly.

>base your entire political identity on opposing everything that is popularly supported on a website you don't like.
really gets the neurons a firin'

based reddit, we did it bros!!!

Why do you think TV offers premium packages? Companies will always try to push the limit of money they can make. They will hold something people want as far away as they can while still keeping it in the consumers reach.

>it's killing their TV sectors and they're trying to recoup the costs by doing shit like providing "fast lanes"
This isn't as much of a factor as you think it is. It's true that this idea of charging for "fast lanes" that provide normal speeds is a real thing. The reality though is that this is a result of streaming services being the largest single-users of bandwidth on the market, primarily Netflix. To put it simply, with the current pipes, Netflix was trying to force five gallons of water through a tiny plastic straw. When Comcast put the vice on them and slowed their speeds, it was actually closer to Net Neutrality than Netflix would like you to believe. It's oversimplifying it for the large part, but when they had Netflix cut them a deal, it was more just to be able to provide the services they were demanding when they were drawing too much from the supply. It's kinda like how most networks throttled BitTorrent clients until they came up with a new transfer protocol to work around the limited supply.

>And before you say "just switch to an alternative!" there's usually no alternative.
And when people say this, they mostly say that there's no high speed alternatives. In reality, most people actually have access to some other, albeit slower, internet service provider. The thing is, this is where the power of the free market comes in. If people actually were faced with extortionist ISPs that throttled them to satellite-tier speeds until they paid an egregious price, then people would--or at least should--switch over to the slower but more amicable provider until they can afford to provide them the service that they want.

Now tell me what that has to do with the repeal of title ii

I'll wait

Ok reddit

Go look those up yourself moron. I never looked through Reddit for those.

This. Who /reddit/ here who loves gov intervention?

Still waiting for the apocalypse to happen, Reddit

As well as the tax reform apocalypse

>Autistic underageb& have no arguments and can only scream reddit
Lmao, these fags can't decide if they want to suck EA or P(a)ijeet's cock, can they?

based reddit, you are CHANGING the WORLD!

Get out!

Because those channels are based on a completely different model. Ever wonder why channels like Showtime never have commercials?

we are GAMERS we must RISE UP against the REPUBLICANS

Love is giving someone the keys to fuck you in the ass but trusting them not to
I love you, comcast

>dood give the government the keys. >What could go wrong places like Germany have completely free and open internet

If you want to rise up against them, get yourself an arsenal and a militia.

I think I'm going to make one of those brain tier images
smallest to largest brain
>deciding your political positions off you own personal philosophy for the role of government
>deciding off of an existing political philosophy
>deciding by following what everyone on a mongolian cave drawing board thinks
>deciding by taking the opposite of a site you dislike thinks

guns should be banned.

And post it on Reddit

That would be violation of the US 2nd Amendment thus leading to civil war.

> To put it simply, with the current pipes, Netflix was trying to force five gallons of water through a tiny plastic straw.

And the reason that the pipe is too thin to provide streaming is because cable companies have not done enough to improve the infrastructure despite the massive funding they got from their customer: huffingtonpost.com/bruce-kushnick/the-book-of-broken-promis_b_5839394.html

>And when people say this, they mostly say that there's no high speed alternatives.

Rural areas don't have any good options, unless paying exorbitant amount for satellite internet or overpay for 56K are your ideas of good options. I live in a suburb, and my choice is either the cable provider or 3mbps DSL which runs 20 times slower. 60 mbps vs 3 mbps is not a competition.

the 2nd amendment is 200 years old. it is not relevant.

No I'm going to post it on double chan where there aren't comcast shills slithering about attempting to gaslight people into shilling for their interests on the internet.

Is this when everyone realizes you're going to get fucked no matter which side you pick? You simply gotta side with whoever is the lesser of 2 evils at the time.

This. I love Trump

> Don't even know which side is more of a dipshit than the other because they all are friggen stupid.
All you fuckers from Sup Forums or reddit need to go back there because all I see is screeching from all sides. Save your political or business talk elsewhere.

So comcast

If you are on the side of ignoring the issue then you're just as bad as the conservatives.

Watch your back, punk.

>free market

While I would normally agree, this isn't the case with internet providers/cable companies. They have straight monopolies in their regions.

This. Reddit pride world wide.

>Replying seriously
Do you not see the state of this thread? Newfags have successfully derailed it. Autism should be late term aborted.

If you don't trust the government in their current plan to stop internet monopolies why do you trust them to regulate the internet?


Autism like this should be post-birth aborted. Maybe the leftists have a point honestly.

If we had net neutrality during the dialup years we never would have got out of it