New Dragonball Fighterz thead

New Dragonball Fighterz thead

I got my first hate mail today. I guess this game does have a community after all. What can I say, pal? It was the best 2 out of 3 and your precious combos didn't save you.

first post android 21 best girl


>Game is just spamming down+medium, medium, and finally down+heavy

If you do this shit, I’m going to play as cheap as I can with Black and you won’t get a fucking rematch.

Any good combos off of 18's 236M?

Nigga that's retard baby play, 2H isn't safe

Next you're gonna complain about autocombos and homing dash

2H is safe and nobody can convince me otherwise.

Ban or nerf Cell. Faggots can infinite with him.

You can't infinite in this game you fucking brainlet.


All combos are limited to 10 seconds

Its gotten to the point where I just dashboard if that’s the first thing I see from them. You just know they’re going to spend the entire match doing that.

Can someone help me set up my Switch Pro Controller for Fighters Z? I followed the x360ce guide but when I launch the game I get a fatal error saying that the input dll file the program makes is illegal or some shit like that and it closes the program. Steam recognizes it but for some reason launching the game makes it jump back to keyboard controls

>hurrr durrrr I can't block low because I suck!!!

Congratulations on being a ragequitting scrub.

>2H isn't safe

Just call an assist.

>cover gaps with assists
If you're gonna play for real why do 2M 5M 2H instead of something that leaves you with time to set up a mixup

How am I supposed to buy their game when the main characters aren't even in it? Hmm???

Its another edition of let's discuss a game that no one here plays, why do yall even bother anymore.

Haha and they never will be ;)

yes thats why there's multiple threads daily
dumb nigger

got me my lad have a (you)

lol triggered

No they play for all of 5 minutes then quit when someone exposes their dumb ass with basic shit.

How do they expect the scrubs in this game to get this shit? It's such a fucking grind and I've on Supreme Kai (480000) for the goddamn longest. Fuck off Arcsys

Here are your DLC fighterZ

It isn't that hard...

Stop auto-comboing, nigger and git gud.


barefoot mod when?

Not even bojack one of his goons. Sick post bro

Game is going to be below SFV numbers in another month, feels good

El Hermano DLC when?

Bojack barely does anything in his own movie. If anything it should be the whole crew playable through one character.

I never thought I'd be mad at stages in a fighting game, but where the fuck are the lookout, hyperbolic time chamber, and ToP stages?

that was actually hype

You know this and you don't punish them? Are you super dashing into the 2H? You're an idiot.

I think I'd rather have Shredder Cooler. Metal Cooler is neat but he doesn't look as cool as Super Shredder I can't think of any moves he has that regular Cooler can't do other than something with robot clones but I doubt they would integrate that into his moves outside of maybe one special or super.

you forget normal goku and vegeta

Bardock is normal Goku

I wouldn't mind Super Shredder, but have a Metal Cooler special where a whole bunch of them storm across the scream

That make no sense

You're gay

nice comeback

you know after trying to learn to play SFV, Tekken 7 and now DBFZ, I think I can safely say that I'm retarded and that fighting games aren't for me because I'm just that bad