>ywn have a fully realized Twinsanity remake because the autists wanted a remake of some old ass kart racer that won't be as good as they think/hope
Why can't we have nice things Sup Forums
>ywn have a fully realized Twinsanity remake because the autists wanted a remake of some old ass kart racer that won't be as good as they think/hope
Why can't we have nice things Sup Forums
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Fuck you. CTR is the greatest Kart racer of all time and it deserves a remake, much more so than Twinsanity (which would have been a great game if it was actually finished)
CTR is without the shadow of a doubt the best kart game i've ever played, and i've played -all- of them.
If you don't think it's amazing you should seriously just kill yourself right now because nothing can cure your shit taste.
Plus twinsanity was mediocre and a remake wouldn't really fix all the things wrong with it that needed to be fixed.
So in short, go fuck yourself OP.
The difference is that CTR getting a remake is something that could actually happen, whereas a fully-realized Twinsanity remake is something that is never going to exist. Ever.
OP is a bitch nigga
These guys are true niggas
CTR is good but don't overrate it like this
Fuck you and your Mario/Donkey Kart
It stings so
>but nintendo
weak argument, other kart racers exist
there's a lot more kart racers than that
How about you go fuck yourself with a cactus?
I fucking hate the hipster contrarian Sup Forums trend of "oh if you praise this game it's overrated".
CTR is great so i describe it as great.
It's not overrated, people describe it simply for what it is: great.
Not every single fucking thing that is praised by a large number of people is "overrated", for fuck sake.
What I don't get is why you autists think it'll be as good as you remember. The reason people like CTR so much is because of the collectibles and the controls which, I doubt they'll be able to replicate one to one.
I'd rather have a mediocre remake of a great game than a subpar remake of a mediocre game.
Name some that are even close to on par with Crash or Mario then, bitches
sonic racing transformed
Trash game
>"oh if you praise this game it's overrated".
praise is fine, it's a solid game, but "best of all time" is a bit much
trash opinion
>I'd rather get a shitty remake of some game that I can just go play on my old PS1 then a remake that fully realized Twinsanity which if it were finished would have been the best Crash game in the series
No wonder the gaming industry is such a fuckin' shit show right now
Good gravy how rushed was this game
You're honestly arguing that fucking Sonic Racing Transformed is a better kart racer than Mario Kart or CTR? Off yourself, immediately
that's not what I said
I love game developers that rush shit out the door leaving it only 1/5th done
would love to burn them to the ground someday
You were asked what kart racer is as good as Mario or CTR, and you said STR. That is exactly what you said
user i understand you're part of that niche group of absolutely autistic people that genuinely think TS would've been the best crash game, but you're factually wrong.
TS was just mediocre.
Even fully realized, it would've never even remotely beaten Crash 2.
>Name some that are even close to on par with Crash or Mario
user i understand you're part of that niche group of absolutely autistic people that genuinely think CTR is best racing game, but you're factually wrong.
it can't be a fully realized remake if 2/3rds of the game was never made in the first place, user.
>"Man these brownies suck"
>"You're eating flour, it's not even close to done"
>"Nah it sucks you suck at baking fuck you don't even bother making the brownies"
But Sonic isn't even close though
doubt you even played it
good twinsanity is fucking garbage. its not good because you grew up with it faggot.
This, Twinsanity is just Crash 64, Crash should've been in fixed stages like 1,2,3 and even wrath of cortex, Twinsanity was merely aping Mario without undestanding it what made it good.
twinsanity is undeniably better than wrath of cortex, though
Bitch if you don't want CTR with online then you are a faggot
Only if the online doesn't suck
I just want a good game
>that won't be as good as they think/hope
Oh, you mean just like anyone who wants a fucking Twinsanity remake.
Rank the Bash minigames
Polar Push
That last one
>Pogo at the top
What the fuck is this list?
Polar Push
I was having a good day....why would you hurt me like this
Clement's LP of Twinsanity is actually pretty cool.
You know, I'm surprised theren't many mods of this game