Sup Forums is a BASED BILLY BOARD. Apollofags need not apply

Sup Forums is a BASED BILLY BOARD. Apollofags need not apply.

Fuck of soysauce cheater

Isn't that the guy who cheated on a game noone cares about and still brags about it in 2018? Did you watch A Fist Full of Quarters? Billie is a monumental douchefag with no self awareness and I strongly suspect he falls somewhere on the autistic spectrum. No one should care about Billie Mitchel. Not even his wife and kids.

>he's literally /ourguy/ because everyone hates it and im a contrarian fagotron
kill yourself IRL

Big Sauce Billy drawing the dimes over Weibetty

He lost his lawsuit against regular show.

>Hotsauce empire
>Loves his country
>Long locks of hair that make baldies rage
>Has all the high scores
>Really famous, has been the subject of several movies
You just hate him cuz you ain't him

>Current streamers CANNOT compete with his ungodly luck
>So utterly BTFO they stop identifying as men and live their lives as women

Truly /ourguy/

You didn't mention the part where he cheats and most likely has autism.

So basically all of Sup Forums?

No there's no way to quantify that, but as a zinger, that was alright.

>Long locks of hair that make baldies rage
That's probabbly fake or taken care of behind that ginormic forehead

>made out to be the villain in a shitty "documentary"
>played an incredibly accurate emulation of a videogame for a record and is somehow "cheating"
Isn't there some other board you nongamer trash who "plays" shitty moviegames can go?

He's gotta have those divine locks to compensate for that unfortunate face.

Woah you said I'm not a real gamer and insinuated I play a type of game you dislike. You mind going easy on a first timer? Could you save some of the puss for us dude?

And being ripped-off with that very un/fa/ tie.

I didn't know you could post on Sup Forums using MAME!

>Pixels predicted Billy being caught as a cheater

I actually started crying when I found out he was a fraud. I've actually gone out of my way to mail him 600 dollars over a year ago and he didn't even write back. Still he's a pretty nice guy and doesn't deserve the bad things people are saying. We all make mistakes but what you can do is learn from them and move on.

>King of Kong has been proven to just be a movie, made to popularize TG, a company that Mitchell has a lot of stock in
>Steve Weibe has never tried to contend a DK record, he's purely a character
>The real guy that contended the record never actually submitted his score because TG is full of cucks
Really makes ya think, and the part of the movie about people breaking in to Steve's house to check out the machine, that really happened to the other guy.

Mitchell's an obvious cheater, but it's shocking that people can't seem to realize it's all on purpose, it's all an act, he's purposely making himself look like an obvious cheater/fraud because it equates to publicity, and TG traffic.

Mitchell knows exactly what he's doing.

His hair is emulated.

>Lying to millions of people for the span of years

I believe in some fucking retarded conspiracies too but I don't think this really goes that deep. Mitchell is just a piece of shit. To believe that he's "acted like an obvious cheater" for decades of his life just to have it all come out recently is flat out stupid, hombre.

>Speedrunners putting all of this work into discrediting pathetic old men who set records in games they don't even play decades before they were born

Even if they really are cheaters this is all just so embarrassing. Like, who gives a shit.

He funded the movie King of Kong, and he purposely got in the part where they show his run is clearly cheated, you'd have to be borderline retarded not to realize why he would do that.

A bunch of the TG guys have come out saying it was fake over the last few months, I wish I could find the videos, they have the actual contender in them talking about how he talked to Mitchell about being in the movie but was passed up for being too boring, thus Steve Weibe was created.

I dont know nor do I give a fuk who ever this guy is.