Under Night thread

Under Night thread

Where are you, bros?

waiting for pc release

I can't play tonight, but have fun.
-your favorite Yuzu player.

Is the lobby full already?

>need four (4, IV, 四) attempts to get the trophy for finishing Arcade Mode on Very Hard difficulty with no continues
>the computer isn't actually hard since it always got hit by the dumbest, most obvious moves no human being would get caught by, I was just that bad

This guy most likely isn't our usual lobby maker. I'll make one. Pass is vee

Overslept my nap

>tfw no Yuzu players in days
I just need something besides CHESTO and ORBITAH

Is the lobby still up? I can come play but I jsut got the game basically.

You'll be getting a break from CHESTO as well, so enjoy it.

You'll get your wish.

Don't worry, you'll see me tomorrow and you can listen to my ELBOW and Supahpower all you want.

made it to hilda on the last stage before losing. every fucking attacks hits from the opposite side of the screen.


oh yeah the ball comes out even when you hit him so he gets a combo. FUCK OFF

lol more like cold butts cause this nigga is ass lmaoooo

I just put it up. join in.

Gonna be late tonight, works running late. Good luck to everyone this Night anyways

>7 frames
More like joassendoftheearth

pls no bully, lagplay is my specialty

4 frames of our usual connection I can handle but 7? Against Gord? Just put a bullet in me

Is shitposting a carmine player thing? I sense a theme.

Carmine players like to rp as Carmine. I bet you when they win they out the mimic him and put the hand against their face.

It's hilariously almost accurate to the 3 we have/had

I remember hearing somewhere something about people eventually picking up the characteristics of the characters they play. I guess carmine players become irl edgelords.

almost as common as fraud merkava players :^)

That is utter bullshit.

maybe it's just people picking characters they identify with then.

Now you understand my suffering

Who the character is and what they stand for tend to play a bigger part in selection than some like to admit.

I don't play this game, but I can confirm that does happen to me in other games I do play.

Lol this lobby system really sucks dick.

>lobby full within minutes
Just fuck up my desu, senpai

make a new lobby then.

If you love lag so much then maybe I will :^)

>I cannot get even a single most basic combo off against a human being even when they are taking it easy on me

End me please.


every game should really have the GG/BB style lobbies desu, i played GG so much that i find it hard to play in full man lobbies without that type of system. plus they just look cute

I feel ya, gotta lose to learn neutral though. You'll get through it, grit the teeth and practice it man.

We all have to deal with it, some of us are still dealing with it. All you can do is work past it.

I've never seen anyone improve at a fighting game enough to compete with the guys who are always winning the lobbies.

gotta grind combo types and just really get them stuck in your muscle memory.
or pick up a pocket akatsuki so you can just roll your face on buttons into 214B


Is the room full? Just got outta work so hope its still up.

Damn, Aksys.
They actually translated that one as if she's the one calling others a little girl when it's the other way around.
7 months of TL work and they shit this out? Fuck em.

yes its full. I don't know if there's a second lobby up or not.

Yes it's full

It is, but I can make a new one if necessary.

I'm getting my shit kicked in so I can make the newbie lobby.

>Starting to hit the combo consistenly in training mode
>Flub it up in a real match

It's gonna take some getting used to, but I am gonna do the Byakuya combo once tonight

Hate this dumb take your turn shit. You will never improve if all you can play is 1 match every 20 minutes. Why can't it just rotate people?

Thanks, x

Hey GG, man

because FB is a team of like 12 people. It could be worse though. It could be chaos code.


woah shit, where did everyone go

I can't do any either I just get into a match and can't keep calm.

>intentionally making a mirror match

such a dick move. disrespectful as hell.

> playing a character I like is a dick move
eat shit

Oh I've set this one to only 2 matches per winner since I see people complain about how long it takes to rotate. Just to try it.

mines set to three so I don't imagine it will improve things all that much.

all me complaining

>switches his character just to mirror match
yep dick move.

The game has maybe 20 characters and if you're talking about hippie, jo, or cuts you're going to get a mirror match. I lose mine all the time.

Yeah but we also had maybe 5 people on a good night the few months I played before the english release, maybe it'll speed things up a bit with these few more people playing. Even then, like I said it's just to try.

Why do people hate mirror matches? Serious question.

i'm talking about intentionally switching characters to mirror match not people having the same main.

Yeah why are you mad? you didn't even lose lol

Just a few quick tips, Sha.
-You can follow up on your FF with a 66B
-Get used to using 623C instead of 236C so you can practice web set-up in the corner.

its like stealing someones waifu

i can't stand crybaby faggots like you. go to a different genre

But mirror matches are fun, I appreciated that he gave me one anyway
Mirror match more people, cold

Cant we all just get along guys :'(

good god this lag

i'm not mad and i'm not the byakuya player either i'm just saying its very disrespectful to switch characters like that just to try to show someone up with their own character.

thats cool bro no one cares.

I only mirror match to teach people stuff.
Which one of you is complaining about mirror matches?

Yeah, they do that to me too.
I take that time to leech off whatever knowledge they have instead of taking as disrespect. Except for cuts, he'll clown you.

I'd mirror match brain, but my hyde is infinetly too fraudulent to do anything with.

Duly noted
What do I do after comboing them into 623C though? Just put hella webs on top of them?

>cry and act like a fag
>get mad when people call you a fag for being a fag
brawl player brain

Who are you.

clearly you care lol. who are you so that I may smite you?

Not even him but ok, you got me m8

*posts jiyuna pasta about mirror matches being gay as fuck*

>Just put hella webs on top of them?
Pretty much. During the 2nd part of your 214x series, you know the jumping part, you can press D/X to put a web on the floor. You can always set-up two webs on a single jump and you can have up to 3 max
jojo I swear to christ if you're the one stirring shit up about mirrors

Seeing cuts mirroring on merk makes me see just how clean his execution is.

Why should I tell you guys now that you just want to treat me like shit for not agreeing with you? What is this a circlejerk discord?

Some of us aren't animals and have respect for others I know that may be a foreign concept to some people.

mika is slowly becoming retarded with all those head injuries

on a 14 lose streak. pretty discouraging

No, I just want to know who's complaining about mirror matches when I hardly ever heard of it being an issue after 7 months of relative quietness.
Now all of a sudden someone thinks it "disrespectful"

WEll you just kicked me so I guess you figured it out bro. Another terrible community oh well.


lol i'm not but i can understand where the scrubs are coming from. it's one thing to mirror match someone when they're playing your pocket character but it's another thing to mirror someone and pick the character when you have no idea how to play them and just want to show the scrub that they suck and you can beat them with their own character when you don't even know any real combos with said characters, but i don't even care about that shit

Guess your shit internet will keep you away. I'd rather not have a pussy bitch around if I had the choice.
So was it that new merk player?

Stop acting like a faggot and you won't get called a faggot.

My ints fine. It's really not that hard to figure out kid unless you kicked half the lobby.

I made 1 comment and you all sperg out. Lol typical.

yeah, I put him in the time out corner since he was being a baby. If he wants to play with his made up rules about "respect" or whatever he can play with his friends.

Lol dude im on a 2 week losing streak, feels like im a Stockholm syndrome victim coming back for more.

Also how do I deal with that byakuga crossup as wald? Kept blocking looking for a way in but not sure what normal's he has that come out fast enough to get a hit in before he does it again.

Guess I got my answer.
I don't know why but merk seems to enjoy mirrors, no clue on his legitimacy on said statement but he never really has anything more than 1-2-3-special-super in most characters that aren't merk/wald
Not like I don't see the disrespect portion of it but this is the first time someone has acted up on it.

I almost forgot that I'm not the one who made this lobby.

2C or 3C might work
It's not about disrespect or some sense of a superiority complex, mirror matches a true tests of skill, and they allow both people to learn something new about the character.

I still don't see the point in getting pissy about a mirror match in a game with 20 characters.
Learn some shit, ask what they did to take notes for later. Going "muh respect" just makes you look like a baby, even to a total scrub like me. I've been taking Ls and losing mirror matches for months because I don't even have a main.