It's not that great

>What if, like, the trees are mushrooms

>What if, like, after spending 10 minutes to get to a cave, you need to go back to town to buy a levitation potion to access an area

>What if, like, no real change happens to the country politically or socially when you've done odd jobs for the Legion and be named the new commander of the Legion in VVardenfell

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice rebuttle

>What if, like, after spending 10 minutes to get to a cave, you need to go back to town to buy a levitation potion to access an area

>hes so bad at the game that he doesnt have a levitate spell or enchantment or even a wizard's staff for common events such as this

>What if, like, no real change happens to the country politically or socially when you've done odd jobs for the Legion and be named the new commander of the Legion in VVardenfell

Did you really expect Bethesda to script all that shit in the fucking proto-gamebryo engine in 2002? You know how much shit they'd have to do? Todd Howard may be full of shit but he isn't a fucking god you dumb nigger

>hes so bad at the game that he doesnt have a levitate spell or enchantment or even a wizard's staff for common events such as this

That should NOT be common.

Why not? Are you afraid of heights or something?

You too

what if like... the graphics were really cool
what if like... everything was holding your hand and was babby

what if like, that one guy who rageposts his morrowind hate had more legitimate points.
you hate it because ppl like it contrarycuck

My points were legitimate.

The fucking nose on the cookie crisp one.

Is there a 2018 Morrowind Modding Guide yet?

>the game is diverse
>you value things you earn
>the world doesn't suck your dick

Now i remember why i like this game.

When did this meme start?

Soylent Grins? a while ago. Infowars even makes fun of them.

you hate the mushroom trees because ppl overhype them. You hate level design because it can require magic at times. and your last complaint is something that has lacked in every bethesda game i know, the player never gets good faction control or power, asking for such a old game is a lot.

u tell me ur gay and dumb by how you are and how your points suck reddit as u boys call it

welcome moon and star
come to me through

>Soylent Grin
Soyboy never did it for me but I have to admit that's funny.

In Skyrim you get to decide whether Skyrim becomes an independent country or continue as a province of the Empire.

does that result in immediate infighting and declaration of wars from the other nation states?

Remember how in the last Morrowind thread people began arguing about trannies for literally no reason? Let's do that again.


wow mr reddi t now tell me all the cool gameplay effects and features that r new or changed when you do :)

OP if you want to have a Morrowind thread you don't need to start with bait.

And nothing fucking happens

How new are you to seriously believe that's what he wanted?

How new are you? There's been failed Morrowind threads the past few nights. He needs a better subject, not basic "Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong" stuff or bait.

>Not even mentioning the walking speed
>Not criticizing the combat system

>no it does not and here is why

nice ass

My second point plays into the fucking awful walking speed

If they suddenly declare independence everyone else is going to declare war and steamroll them since they'll be weaker.

>wishes death on everyone who disagrees
The effects of soy.

>If they suddenly declare independence everyone else is going to declare war and steamroll them since they'll be weaker.
I'm talking about affects you can have in the vanilla game

>wishes death on everyone who disagrees
>The effects of soy.

>I'm talking about affects you can have in the vanilla game
yeah i'm asking if there is any ramification to that faction choice other than junk.

Woah there, school shooter. You'd better calm down.

Think about it: how often would you use a fucking levitation spell in real life? All the time! Something on a shelf you can't reach? Levitate! Need to change a lightbulb? Levitate! Oh shit it's raining outside there's puddles and mud. Better levitate! I just tripped. Quick, levitate!

Nice thread OP.

you could make so much free mechanical energy with levitate spells that merchant guilds would come and kill anyone who made them. Maybe that's how it happened.

>daggerfall brick doors that teleport or kill you
lmao the door is so randum xd i love it this is better than morrowind

>oblivion doors lock behind you and requires a key
omg cinematic i'd love to see morrowind do that holy shit
rofl just kidding i don't want to see morrowind at all it's so brown, right?

Different user
The walking speed is indeed shit.
It becomes tolerable if you pick the steed birthsign and then level up stuff that increases your speed.

agreed, Morrowind is a great game that should be cherished.

My entire point is that joining the Legion in morrowind has to real consequences on VVardenfell, their influence does not increase, no cities are replaced with imperial guards, none of that shit. But in Skyrim there is an affect, you've ultimately made it an Imperial province again, you've determined who's going to be the new high ruler(queen) of skyrim and even see imperial soldiers guarding former rebelling holds.

>Woah there, school shooter. You'd better calm down.

In Skyrim the civil war is a major plotline, if there was no changes then there would be no plotline
In Morrowind if the Legion decided to just move in on Dunmer cities and claim them as their own in a matter of the weeks/months that the game takes place, the natives would butt fuck them back to Cyrodiil

If you side with the Stormcloaks, the Thalmor leave Skyrim for the rest of the playthrough, and Talos worship is allowed to continue. It's not much, but the removal of those godless knife ears is totally worth it.

Not if the legion quests revolve around you gaining the legion more prestige and getting the natives to like the Empire more, which it really didnt, it was just another group that you can get quests from, they, like all other faction in Morrowind, had 0 fucking affect on the world. And how is the Legions/Empire's presence in VVardfenfell not something of great significance?

Learn the difference

>hit person with sword
>clearly hit
>sound plays for hit
>it was a miss

nice meme

This honestly. Not having any fucking cue for whether you hit someone, visual and audio, is terrible game design.
Not an argument.

>Not having any fucking cue for whether you hit someone

There's an audio cue, a particle effect, sometimes a reaction animation and their health meter goes down. What else do you want?

Its a classical RPG, what do you expect?

Come and look upon the heart
Upon the heart

Not always

its great, just not the best in the series.
oblivion gets that title

It's barely noticeable, you don't notice any real impact other than the health bar. Also see
Not sure how many fucking CRPGs you've played but a lot of them are very clear if you damaged an enemy or not.

The enemy health meter is always there and that's really the one that matters. The rest is just "immersion".

>game feedback doesn't work properly all the time
>dude just use the health meter

Oh you know when you walk to go punch a crab, you don't just miss.

I don't even know what you are talking about when you claim the other shit doesn't always work. The only one I noticed not to happen all the time is the stagger animation and I'm pretty sure that's by design. There a distinct whiff audio cue for missing and a distinct one for hitting and you don't tend to see blood spatters when you miss.

>getting the natives to like the Empire more
95% of the residents of Vvardenfell want nothing to do with the Empire. Hlaalu is open about their relationship, but that's a trade thing. Redoran is friendly enough, but mostly do their own thing, and Telvanni actively makes sure the Empire doesn't bother them. The Ashlanders and groups like the Camonna Tong want the Empire out of Morrowind completely, and will gladly kill all of them to do it.

>And how is the Legions/Empire's presence in VVardfenfell not something of great significance?
Because Vvardenfell is the frontier. It's wild country, where even the weather wants to kill you or turn you into a bulbous, mindless monstrosity

>being bad
>not knowing arbitrary tips about the game cuz you're not some no-life faggot who spends all day on Sup Forums

People expect too much.
It's something that people bring to tabletop games.

Like for example, in Morrowind/Oblivion/Ect, you can join the Thieves Guild, Morag Tong, Fighters Guild, ect and you can become the goddamn GRAND MASTER.

But it feels like bullshit, like a fake award. Think for a second how much EFFORT it takes to be even a low-level manager in such an organization, let alone the goddamn Grand Master.Day to day work, paper work, managing dozens, if not hundreds of people? Even reaching the smallest management level position would entail a full time job that prohibits adventuring.

It would be a game into itself.


The whole game would be about the beat and being a prefect.

you ever played gothic 2?


Im not saying they have to take over the entire island, but some change would be nice

>Like for example, in Morrowind/Oblivion/Ect, you can join the Thieves Guild, Morag Tong, Fighters Guild, ect and you can become the goddamn GRAND MASTER.
Morrowind guilds have stat requirements to rank up and it would take a lot of grinding to max all of them on one character.

The sound and particle effects are literally always there for fuck's sake

I bet you couldnt even clock the game because it didnt have a giant pointer to show your dumb ass which way to go.
I bet your character sucked so hard he didnt have a constant effect levitate ring like mine did.
I bet your character was so fuggin stupid he didnt learn mark or recall spell to instantly teleport back home or where he wanted.
I bet your character was such a fucking loser he wasnt given a manor for becoming a high ranker in one of the great houses.
I bet you didnt clock the game and become the nevarine which every one on the whole continent knows about.

But please smart ass enlighten me on a game that actually has full immersion where every little action has a lasting effect.

>But please smart ass enlighten me on a game that actually has full immersion where every little action has a lasting effect.
dwarf fortress

Morrowfags are the most butthurt little babies, oblivionfags are so much more refined and intelligent. Play oblivion op, its a game for patricians.

>It's trash what can you expect
for it to at least match the quality of other RPGs at the time


>Missing the point this badly
Congrats on becoming this webm

Never heard of it.

I think everybody did all the shit you mentioned.You aint special , son.Stop jacking yourself off for playing a game.

The game is a great game, and specially for it's time , was wonderfully immersive, rich and wonderful. But every little action does not have a lasting effect.

Something like being the commander of the Imperial Legion; or being made the Guild Master of the Mages Guild SHOULD be an immense honor, the cornerstone of a storyline in any other game, but the game treats it like nothing has passed, like it's just a title. IF you're lucky, the game has NPC's address you by the title, but it doesnt add to anything.

You dont lead the Imperial Legions to fight againts Dagoth UR in the Red Mountain. You dont really do much of anything political.

It's just a meaningless title.
In fact, most titles in the game meant little. You didnt command or lead anything.

the most frustrating things are
>walking speed
>NPCs not moving out of the way
>tight corridors everywhere
>funky collision
>enemies will chase you forever
>enemies don't chase you through doors

Oh my god, it finally happened. I know one of the "men" in this image. He's a super beta orbiter who can't stop throwing money at twitch girls, the kind of guy who likes Suicide Girls on facebook. Oh man. This makes my night.
I've always hated him.

Wtf is this shit bro. THIS is better AHAHAHA.

>the point
That you think guilds should be menial job simulators instead of having game progression? Maybe Skyrim and its unlimited replayability randomly generated fetch quests would give you what you want.

>Michael Kirkbride on the taste of his own dick

>I can safely say that Vivec is the most realized character in videogame fiction. Period.

>If a hermaphroditic, bug-armored, bipolar god-king existing in multiple universes who has his very own bible with *actual* magic strewn throughout it is your idea of a cliche, then I really would like to live in your world. It sounds fun and new.

>But, wait, then I'd have to inexplicably make snarky and insulting comments in a forum where creators often tread. And that would quickly make me boorish and prone to cliched Angry Youngster Angst. That's the interwebs for you and good luck with it.

>I can also say that Morrowind is the finest novel written in videogame fiction. A 40 hour narrative whose main character is only ever referenced is almost Nabokovian in aspiration, and prophecies whose truth is determined only by the player is akin to Borges if he only had been born with a USB port in the back of his beloved neck.

>There is a fine line between celebrated tradition tuned to masterstrokes by its crafters and cliche'd demons underneath volcanos. Morrowind is the former, Selbeth, and nowhere near the latter. Except, again, when wrapped 'round electric peanuts tossed from the back row with bright'n'shiny underscores for effect.

not op, all i did was answer his question of what game has full immersion with every action having a lasting effect. that alone makes it more of an rpg than any game bethesda has ever made though.

Name a game that has then. Guess what you cant cause it doeesnt exists.

Man, fuck Vivec. Actually, don't. He'd enjoy that. Fucking two-toned nigger raped Azura, one of the few Daedric princes that aren't total cunts, and left Morrowind to suffer when that fucking moonlet Bar Dau fell because he fucked off to space or whatever. I'm gonna make fucking shoes out of him on my next playthrough

It is lonely to be a god.
It is lonely to be a god.
It is lonely to be a god.
It is lonely to be a god.
It is lonely to be a god.
It is lonely to be a god.
It is lonely to be a god.
It is lonely to be a god.

No i didnt i climbed red mountain on my own and fucked his shit up on my own. Got so fucking powerful my own fireballs blast could kill me. Every person on morrowind was an ant no one could touch me. I didnt need an army or someone to hold my hand. I dont get wtf your on about its a game i played over 10 years ago as a teenager it was good for the timeline i played it in.You want a fully immersion content out of a 15 year old game are you a fukin retard dude. This games only advantage over skyrim and oblivion is
1: you can stack your characters stats over 100. Use Potions to stack more.
2: you can fly (couldnt in oblivion)
3:Use various spells not available in the next 2 games.
4:enchant your gear with spells also not available in previous made games.
People that played morrowind and then went on to play oblivion know what they lost in the next game.
1: Npc enemys are locked to your level.
2:magic spells were even less.
3:couldnt fly magic sucked.
4:couldnt get better weapons than you level even if you had the cash.
While i have these complaints about oblivion im not gonna be a whiny bitch and shit on other people that loved Oblivion. I still clocked Oblivion.

>You want a fully immersion content out of a 15 year old game are you a fukin retard dude.
t. never played a good crpg

Name one.

>That should NOT be common
>Hiding your valuables across chasms or up on unclimbable ledges shouldn't be common in a land filled with old as fuck wizards who don't have mushroom towers big enough to hold all that filthy lucre


I just tried this and my jaw cracked on both sides from the strain.
Suppose I'm not meant for the soy life

Dagoth Ur welcomes you, my sweet persistent friend
To this place where destiny is made
Why've you come

What a grand
he he ha
ha ha ha

Did you get the false sunder?
So naive!
Shame on you!

Made by the same company with the same game engine bro.

Careful with those goalposts, you might drop them.

No name another game thats has all the shit your bitching about. One wherw you become leader of the army and order them to roll out.While also joining other guilds and doing the same name that game mang.That one with all the magic spells, potions armours, weapon enchanting, buying/selling trade, Slaves, Name that game bro so we can discuss how its better than what Bethesdas morrowind games have done.

absolutely best dagoth song
What a grand and intoxicating innocence