Pay $60 for this because everyone on the internet, including Sup Forums...

>Pay $60 for this because everyone on the internet, including Sup Forums, swears it's not autistic like other fighting games
>Do trials and story mode to prep myself for online
>Practice and memorize all my team's special moves in training room
>First casual game
>Get hit once and get trapped in a sixty billion hit combo that brings my character to 1/4th health
>Opponent keeps spamming the same combo over and over killing each of my team one by one
>Can't refund because story mode brought me way past the 2 hour mark

First genuine buyer's remorse I've had in a while, what the fuck Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>buyers remorse because i suck and dont want to get good

acquire skill

git gud, stop sucking

>spamming the same combo
>still get hit

Really grinds your gears huh

I had the same problem with Blazblue
It may be your controller or something, cause I switched over to some shitty fightstick and it was so much better

Of course you won't win your first game if that's your first serious fighter. You do know that some peeps having playing these games for decades, right?

I highly recommend looking for someone with a similar skill level to you and sparring with him/her. Keep at it!

Should have bought this at the beginning

Nigga just block.

The block spammers are worse. They made xenoverse suck and now they made this game suck too.

This. Fighting games are only playable the first week after release. After that you drop them. Looking forward to Soul Caliber.

learn to block, faggot. You hold back, not the shoulder buttons.

get me in the screencap, scrubquotes

> spamming combos
oh casuals, never change.

>loses first match
>tries to get refund
wow the memes were true, all of them.

Again, no matter how cool you think a fighting game is, if you're not "into" fighting games DO NOT buy them at full price! These are games where you're expected to train yourself, that's where the enjoyment comes from. Unless there is a really huge single player component (Injustice 2) WAIT FOR A SALE.

yeah after 50-some odd hours I think I'm gonna hold off until some balance changes are made
namely to Android 16
Future Trunks is annoying as fuck to play against but I guess he requires some skill. idk though, I don't play him

>Be shit at games
>Get pumped online
>Cry about it


They literally chose the worst genre to make a DBZ game with. We could've gotten a MOBA or PUBG game instead.

are you actually fucking retarded?

>Worst Genre
>Fighting Game
>Worst Genre

Nice bait

>buying this year's For Honor

This. If Soul Calibur does well and goes strong for at least a month, it'll be the fighting game to play this year.

Sorry dude you have to be autistic for fighting games and this one is no exception.

I actually have been thinking about a BR DBZ game. You all ride the dragon, drop from there and land in the DBZ world, find capsules that have different texhniques and attacks in them, as well as Ki, which is first needed to be found to use these attacks. You also are looking for all the dragonballs, which are scattered around the map. Something like that.

SC is only good for laughing at custom characters on Voldos model when friends come over

Name 1 Dragon Ball Z character that can defeat the Flea

these games can be as easy as you want but somebody with 100 hours is never going to lose to somebody with 10 hours

I genuinely don't understand why fighting game fags are so hype for 2D as if its inherently better when to me that seems more like removing an element of the game and making it less complex.

What was wrong with MK being 3d? Or DBZ games like Budokai and Xenoverse? It adds another thing to account for and gives you another method of punishing button-mashers.

>I genuinely don't understand

Could have just stopped there

>We could've gotten a MOBA or PUBG game instead.
Look at this shit ass taste.

The correct choice would be a DBZ Musou.

>Android 16 was suppossed to be the big bad star of the show with tons of screentime but then execs wanted someone more like alien and Cell stomped 16's hed


It's okay, he eventually made it to be the big bad of DBFZ since he's a broken piece of shit.

There's like thirty 3D Dragon Ball games. Shut the fuck up.

Because you're trash, plain and simple.

You say you believe those 3D DBZ fighters like Budokai and Xenoverse are complex and good inherently because they are 3D, which is fundamentally wrong. They're spamfests where the character with the most busted setup wins, and while they may be fun, not everyone wants that. Fighterz being 2D shows an actual intent to make the game able to be taken seriously, with its showcasing actual combos beyond a single button, movement that doesn't allow for running and spam, and supers that require skill to fully utilize. Don't even try to tell me I'm bashing someting like SoulCal or Tekken like this, because those are built like fighting games, with the same things in mind. Most every DBZ game for the past 15 years has catered to the retard's power fantasy, and that's fine - let us have our "inferior" 2d game while you justify your unbalanced shit by punishing that 11-year-old who just got through the tutorial with another God SSGSSUIKKx20LGBT-BLT-No-Blanco-Mayo Fisting you throw out on wakeup with your mom's third boyfriend's brother's crusty jizz controller from the portal to the semenglued anime figurine hell you call a basement.

Or you could just, I dunno, git gud.

Enjoy your gutted roster and sp, fgcuck

>everyone on the internet, including Sup Forums, swears it's not autistic like other fighting games

Lies right out of the gate, OP.

>and while they may be fun, not everyone wants that
Yeah, that is true. Some people don't want fun games.

Trunks is fun but I feel you on 16.

El Hermano

Block doesn't even work half the time in this game.

Its my first fighting game and its worth putting time into it.


>Can't make an argument

Sup Forumsiggers are bad at any game that requires actual talent, nothing new here.
Ever since this site got overrun by shit colored redditors its been this way

my only problem is the netcode
can't get into matches with friends and when I do it's a dog shite connection

>this massive inferiority complex
Glad I just play FPS and RTS

>not autistic like other fighting games
>Opponent keeps spamming the same combo over and over killing each of my team one by one
dude even i suck at fighting games and cant block for shit and know you are retarded

why do people call Xenoverse a fighting game? its a fucking RPG not a fighting game

I mean, that says it all. You could have skipped the tower of text and just ended it with that. It gets the point across

Why would you EVER pay full price for a fighting game?

You're a festering blob sitting on his couch all day. Your only talent is eating yourself to death.

become better

>listening to Sup Forums

>needing to refund
Jesus how cheap are you fags that 60 bucks is a big deal.

Learn what a cross-up is.

cause 2D fighting is the pinnacle of fighting games and in some cases comes with a high skill ceiling, and a relatively decent sized entry barrier. 3d arena fighting games are often simpler by far. It's just you and another person, no bullshit, no z-axis, no obstacle, just you and the other guy.
Give me 30 minutes with a 3d arena fighter and I could probably learn all there is and do okay online. 30 minutes in a 2D fighter and I'd still be worse than the average player.

>I genuinely don't understand why fighting game fags are so hype for 2D as if its inherently better when to me that seems more like removing an element of the game and making it less complex
You are so incredibly naive.

this nigga made a whole thread instead of blocking lmao

The issue is that AAA fighting game devs have no intention of moving forward cause people keep buying 2Dshit.
Lost Saga is a good example of a fighting game in 3D, I personally want a damn fighting game of worth but all I keep seeing is 2Dshit, save Xenoverse.

>memorization and practice
Any competition that is overrun by niggers is automatically shit by it’s inherent nature

Block better. This game has no pushblock so once you're in blockstun, you're in mixup city. Look out for crossups, high/lows and my biggest weakness, the empty jump low.

Are there any normal people still playing this game online or is it all just FGC sperglords now?

>Get hit once and get trapped in a sixty billion hit combo that brings my character to 1/4th health
because of the dmg scaling on long combos you just don't get combo'd for more than 50% tho

>Opponent keeps spamming the same combo over and over killing each of my team one by one
that's you fault
if he's being doing the same combo you should know how to punish it unless you've been panicking and mashing buttons

also training/npcs doesn't prepare you for proper player matches

keep trying because you sound like a faggot who is new to fighters and doesn't understand the basics

Man I have not heard the name Lost Saga for years on end. I used to play back when OGPlanet still had it, and Mafia was the new hotness.

Iunno if Lost Saga is what devs should be striving towards though. It was much better in my opinion when you had a full room. Rumble Fighter was more my shit though.

stay free

How fucking retarded do you have to be to not learn to counter exact same thing every time

The vast majority of people especially Sup Forums are retarded when it comes to playing fighting games
DBFZ is practically designed for gamepad in mind. It just happens to play well with fightsticks too.

Bitch please. We all know the pinnacle of 3D was with Sonic the Fighters

They've upped the combat speed with all the new stuff so 1v1's are very actiony. Unbalanced as hell but if you want a good 3d fighter its really your only choice.

DBFZ online is bad but nowhere near as bad as For Honor, also For Honor didn't have local play


Just ignore the fact it had 300% more players than any other major fighting game at release.

*shoots corkscrews*

Is that so? I was looking at what new heroes come out recently and debating if I should get back into it, and start all over.

Well that's just because casuals saw DBZ, flocked to it, got bodied online, then put it down because they couldn't handle the heat. Every fighting game is like that, it's just exacerbated here because Xenofags got exposed.

The new company gives out perm heroes like hotcakes. Worth a try, expect a huge change from when you played.

Neat. Guess I'll check it out then.

isn't srk forum dead ?


Goku's theme when?

yeeah if you were good enough you'd capitalize on repetition and win. Shut up fucking loser lol

none of these sold as well as For Honor


>Broly's theme is a disappointment
>latin chanting and rehashing Goku Black's theme

PROTIP: All video games are autistic. So is posting on Sup Forums. So is Dragon Ball Z.



Why are pc players such casuals

This is how entire genres die, just look at RTS

>You will never ever get to eat 21's underaged bubble gum ass and play with her titties.

I want to fucking die.

>eraser beam
>not a beam?


The generational shift has hit fighting games really hard.
Back then you bought a game, you invited friends and family over and then you played, and it was great.

Now lonely faggots buy these potentially hyper competitive games, go online day1 and expect to be able to defeat fuckers who put time into the genre.

These games havent changed, people have.

lmao this
Bitches get good at some other game, lose and then stay mad at a whole genre. I just enjoy my games.

At what rank are you considered not scrub?

scrub is a mentality

Red pill me on Broly guys. Why is he so angry and why does he want to kill Goku? Shouldn't they be bros because they're both the last saiyans?

when they were both babbies goku cried too much so broly got butthurt and retarded about it.

thats literally the story

Because Goku won't shut the fuck up


>maul someone to the point of it becoming 3v1
>do nothing but charge ki and try to land "I have no other options" to finish off the last character

16 is fun.