Why aren't there any good lovecraftian games...

Why aren't there any good lovecraftian games? All we get are shitty horror games with tentacle monsters and a sanity meter. It's like the developers of every single game labeled lovecraftian hasn't read a single lovecraft novel

What would you expect from a good lovecraftian game. Capturing the feeling of your brain cells rupturing isn't easy to do.

>Capturing the feeling of your brain cells rupturing isn't easy to do.

That doesn't actually happen anywhere near as often in Lovecraft's stories as people think.


Any lovecraftkino would have to include an ear shattering BRAAAP

Because he's a hack

Lovecraftian horror ultimately comes down to existential angst and the realization of one’s of insignificance in the universe. Also a lack of understanding of math and severe seafood allergies. That’s not something a spoopy monster that youtubers scream over can convey.

call of cthulhu: dark corners of the earth is great and captures many of the key feelings of the books very well

>lovercraftian game
>it's just a codeword for octopushead
Maybe 20 years ago that would have been interesting now people are used to it. Hell I fap to this stuff.

I have an idea, have two sets of video interweaved with each other so they alternate frame by frame. Have it be VR. It would simulate the feeing of having two visual fields being perceived at the same time and mostly would probably give the player motion sickness.

Simple. You play as the monster. Preferably Elder/Outer God protagonist

I like what Bloodborne did. It went from werwolves and beasts to eldritch shit being responsible for it all.

like it or not, pic related is pretty much the closest it gets to lovecraft in vydia

Oh and you put the player on Meth and LSD and make them play for 30 hours straight

I actually think Darkest Dungeon does it well. On the surface it just looks like fighting tentacle monsters, but the story is straight up Lovecraft and the gameplay captures the feeling of helplessness that is so prevalent in the Cthulhu Mythos.

here's a great video game idea

you're an elder god, but also a cute girl, and have to kill azathoth since existence is a shit

Call of Cthulu Dark Corners of the earth though it falls apart once you get strong weapons and abundant ammo.

>pic related
which is?

>Cute girl
It's called Demonbane or Nyaruko

Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby

bloodborne and DD are both more derlethian than lovecraftian :^)

more kafkaesque i would say :^)

do not, i repeat: do NOT ever reply to me again

It's too racist for this day and age

>Tentacle monsters and sanity meter
Name 3 games that do this that aren't Bloodborne.

lovecraft fighting game

what are some games

Eternal Darkness

Eternal Darkness
Clock Tower

No u

SCP: Secret Laboratory is pretty Lovecraftian.
Post servers.

Have a game start out as something like a generic mob shooter that quickly sidetracks into a surreal confusing mess involving two sentient planets using human bodies as conduits to drain earth of lead, gold and saltpeter as ancient alchemists predicted.
The protagonist routinely possesses a heroine addicted prostitute but can only control her while high; it's all part of being the hermaphrodite to fulfill the "mercury bless". In the ending the moon collides with the earth and nothing is explained.

>In the ending the moon collides with the earth and nothing is explained.

What is Eternal Darkness.

For gameplay elements, there would definitely be these sort of ghost-trick scenarios to get the prostitute to shoot up or keep her out of trouble. This would be done by doing by collecting ingredients during standard gameplay and creating meta-homonculi by mixing those ingredients into a glass dish while putting in a cell phone and microwaving it. The type of meta-homonculi produced would vary based purpose and ingredients with some being better suited to solving puzzles than others.

Missions in base form would involve you trying to appeal to your crime boss as your gang gets involved with the planetary host while trying to figure out who and who can not be trusted while missions the prostitute would involve evading capture and performing specific ritual tasks.

Fund it. This shit sounds amazing.

I'd want David Lynch to direct it, he's done films and music but not vidya yet.

Play Strange Journey

Phoenix Point is going for the Lovecraftian look but it isn't out yet so it might be utter shit. Plus it's a tbs

This. I really like how it went from beasts and undead at first to slowly shifting towards eldritch horrors. It doesn’t do it in a hamfisted way, it’s a subtle and slow change.

how lynchian :^)

You're welcome.

>why aren't there any good Lovecraft games?
BLOOD-FUCKING-BORNE! Where have you been? People ask this question every week!
It is, by far, the best Lovecraft related piece of mass media ever. It nails the tone of and very subtly references his stories, while also being a nigh perfect game in its own right.