Can we talk about Tales?

Can we talk about Tales?

I'm replaying graces f from the start for a third time, and I had forgotten just how goddamn open this game is.

Graces F is shit, just like Zestiria, and just like Berseria. Three worst titles in the fucking series.

the plot is awful, but I like pascal and the combat is great.

I'm Sorry.

Good taste, Graces is fun as fuck and has great skits. Shame about the story though.

Berseria has really goddamned boring dungeons and world design but the cast, story, and character variety in combat help it out a lot. A shame Velvet is so busted most people never bother trying out the others who are much more fun.

delet this

Don't play it on normal

Beat it on Chaos on my second playthrough. Combat is restrictive as fuck. Not as bad as in Zestiria or Berseria, but it bastardized the CC system, a combat system invented for aerial combat. Not to mention that it implements the arte tree, the worst thing to happen to the fucking series. Pascal is okay, Hubert is the best character in that fucking game by miles. Asbel, Sophie, and Cheria are non-characters, they are just tropes.
Yes, the cast is decent. Nothing special, though. Gameplay is still bad, regardless of who you use.

doing it on challenging the first time. The bryce rematch fucked me up the first time I tried it, so I actually had to rely on an all-divide.

>Pascal is okay, Hubert is the best character in that fucking game by miles. Asbel, Sophie, and Cheria are non-characters, they are just tropes.

swap pascal and hubert and I 100% agree on that part, but I actually like the CC system. I think xillia is a bit better, but still.

Graces F is my first Tales game.

Childhood part? Piece of cake.
First fight of teenage/adult part? Been stuck on it for 5 years. I really don't into Tales combat.

the adult part just adds more to what you did as a child, giving asbel B-artes rather than just A-artes.

>forgetting about ToX, Tempest, and ToS2

I have a lot of trouble with not fucking up button presses in games. A-artes stuff was already complicated to a degree and now they toss this in there to? I just can't get it. Granted this probably isn't Resonance of Fate control confusion but... ugh.

I'm curious why you like her so much. She was just the token meme character, not that that's necessarily a bad thing, I just think others do it better (Magilou, Arche, Norma).

I like Hubert because he is backstory is by far the best. Because he doesn't take shit from Asbel, because he acts like a fucking leader, because a gun/bow/lance/dualblades is a bad ass weapon, because he taught himself how to fight after his hero, going as far as to design the weapon he used, and because he has the fucking balls to confess. Pascal was just kind of a cute comic relief, but the best girl in that game.

But yeah, I hate the CC system in Graces. It doesn't allow for a lot of player agency, and it implements nothing of what made Destiny DC's combat so great.

...literally just mash A, then let your CC get back before mashing A again.

because her gun staff is cool and I find her charming. I won't argue against hubert, though his jumping into the party, then immediately pointing fingers when he himself was one of the most suspicious characters up to that point was annoying.

and in a game of mopey whiners(+sophie), having some fun comic relief was a breath of fresh air.


I hope you enjoyed my impression of Sophie.

I seriously don't know who thought that abysmal fucking cast was going to be effective.

Maybe if those are the only three Tales games you've played.

>Pascal is okay, Hubert is the best character in that fucking game by miles
I respect your opinion since both are great, but I found Pascal to be the best. Close range mage + long range physical + summoner was an interesting mix and I actually enjoyed it a lot, the modified CC system is restrictive, that's true, but I felt that for those two characters it felt actually fluid, for the rest I agree it was awful.
Shame we got two characters with some of the most interesting fight styles in the entire Tales series in Tales of Wasted Potential.

>beating the last boss with the literal power of friendship

>I'm curious why you like her so much. She was just the token meme character
Everyone was either generic or in an eternal state of sadness, so having a character smiling was a actually a nice change. I'm still pissed they relegated her and Malik to the backline so much, I feel the game would have had a better final result should they had put more effort in them story-wise.

I have played:
Phantasia PSX
Eternia PSX
Destiny DC
Dawn of the New World
Radiant Mythology 3
Xillia 2
Tried out Zestiria at a friend's house and I didn't like it. Played the Berseria demo, and I fucking hated it. Purchasing neither was a good a call, especially when Berseriafags never talk about anything but how much they want to fuck Velvet and the other characters.

>those fucking penguin enemies
Good times. Now I'm just realizing that Tales monster design has also gone down the gutter since ToA or so


oh fuck I had completely forgotten about those piece of shit enemies.

That isn't even remotely Sophie's character. She's an incredibly naive girl who is curious about the world and feels very bothered by her relative distance to humanity. She does not want to fuck Asbel at all.

Hubert was anything but generic, I find Pascal to be much more generic, in a broader, anime character trope sort of way. Malik was just a fucking mess to me. I think they wanted to go for something like a mix between Kratos and a more tame Jade, but the more we learned about him, the less I liked him, and failed to understand the admiration, Asbel's mostly, the others had for him. He is a traitor and a pussy to boot. And they do nothing with this painful past of his, they just expose the player to it and that's it. At best, he serves as an example of what not to become. Jamieson Price's voice went to waste on him.

what the fuck is everyones problem with xillia

>Now I'm just realizing that Tales monster design has also gone down the gutter since ToA or so
After Abyss's incredible amount of content ranging from tons of dungeons and many enemy types to even borderline unnecessary bosses, they stopped giving a shit and just recycled everything they possibly could for Vesperia and onwards. It's disgusting.

ToX? Not much really.
ToX2? I hated Tales of Ludger and forced parties to guts, made me drop the entire series.

You're right.
She has no fucking character lmao, that user over did it.

It's kind of odd that no one really points this out. Then again, there are bigger concerns such as the god awful dungeon design that's been present since ToX

my biggest flaw with xillia is that milla mode is available on the first playthrough.

FUCK Absolute Faggots

>pick up xillia, go in completely blind
>ok, you can pick your protag, i think i'll go with milla because it'll be a change of pace
>that spirit realm section followed by her popping out in the middle of a climactic battle and having a bunch of interesting sounding shit relayed
God fucking damn it. I didn't bother playing the Jude path until years later but holy fuck do I regret picking Milla side more than ever after doing so, the best part of the game was there the whole time.

I had the exact same reaction.
>find out all kinds of shit happened while milla was dead
Why the fuck is milla mode a thing in the first run?

that whole blog post about them quitting was just stupid

>teleports above you


I'm playing Destiny DC, so good.

I recently finished Destiny PSX...I hear it's good on ps2. I'm curious because oh my god is the PSX version badly dated.


Honestly the only complain I have about it is the fuckhigh encounter rates nothing helps with, not even support talents and holy bottles are not worth it.

This. Fucking mongoloids.

Rate my shit taste. I haven't even played every game in the series, but these are the ones that I'd put in my top 5.

1. Vesperia
2. Hearts R
3. Abyss
4. Xillia 2
5. Berseria

dead series, no more games, yearly fujo conventions, mobage only, F

>oh shit we've had this ruse of us actually working on something going on way too long to be believable, uhh... yeah we don't want to do this anymore because it won't get the series more coverage! that's a good excuse right?

pretty shit taste to be honest family.