Can we get a comfy Sly thread?

Can we get a comfy Sly thread?
>Favorite game
>Favorite character
>Favorite world
>Favorite score

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Greasy sweet.

The first Jean Bison world with the train was absolute videogame KINO

>Favorite Game
The obvious answer, but.
Sly 2 > Sly 3 > Sly 1

Sly 1 was playing around with a new idea, Sly 2 polished the idea and had the strongest handling of the core structure, Sly 3 had a lot of good moments and fun characters, but some of the new mechanics felt unnecessary, and the payoff with the different villains wasn't quite as strong.

>Favorite character
Liked the whole trio. Had a soft spot for Bentley. Special mentions to Carmelita.

>Favorite world
I don't know why I loved the Jean Bison levels so much back in the day.

I just liked the general theme of the train heists and snowy environments.

>night club theme

100% agreed with all points. And yeah I cant put my finger on it but god damn those train levels man, it all came together so nicely in that world.

There's something that I find strangely pleasant about exploring moving trains and ships in games.


>Paris’ theme

>Favorite game
tie between 1 and 2
>Favorite character
Bentley Carmelita, Nyle and my dude Dimitri
>Favorite world
Without a doubt the voodoo swamp from one. and Prague from 2
>Favorite score and

I never got to play 4, is it worth grabbing?

I really liked the Contessa stages. A tense prison break that handicaps you by restricting your options to Bentley's abilities, and then slowly opening up more of the world as you rescue more of the crew.

Before finally devolving into all-out-war with everyone finally grouping up to take the fight back to the Contessa.

But which character do you want to fuck the most?

-Sly 2 or 3
-Tie between Bentley and Murray especially that one bit at the end of Sly 3 when Bentley & Murray stay behind while Sly goes ahead
-I don't know
-One of the very first tracks that play in Sly 1:

At the risk of sounding contrarian, I prefer the simplicity of Sly 1 over the others, but 2 is also pretty good. Sly 3 is sorta meh and Sly 4 had a strong start but puts me to sleep.

I want an open world Sly game, I know it would work.

I found 4 to be a great entry.


Feel like it would kind of fuck with how the games operate

Nah, I feel the same. I felt like the open world games didn't give you enough time as certan characters and too much as others. also a bit heavy on the mini-game end too.

Ratchet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sly >>>> Jak

Rate the PS2 platformers

4 is okay and can b really fun. Playing as the ancestors is cool, the worlds are still fun to explore but the story and villains are forgettable

Psychonauts is still my favorite.

>Carmelita in belly dancer outfit in 4

My main problem is that they're braindead easy, I would like to feel more of a challenge while playing. The enemy AI is always super bad in Sly games. Even if you consider children are the target audience, the games are still toooooo easy, which makes them a chore to play.

I love the characters, the music, the art, the graphics so I'd love for the gameplay to get an overhaul and become at least as "challenging" as Ratchet games are, which means not hard but not stupid easy.

>I want an open world Sly game
I thought the second and third games had a pretty good balance with the size of the different stages.

I wouldn't mind seeing another Sly Cooper with some bigger more interactive environments, but I wouldn't want it to fall into the sand-trap of making it too big, to the point where nothing feels structured or unique about the exploration.

I'm still salty about the Penelope plot-twist.

I want a city like Arkham City, not too big, but open, with various criminals controlling a different and unique section of the city.

It's a shame all the character models in 4 are fucked
Pants > Skirt

Not gonna lie, midriffs are kind of my thing, but that scene felt a bit forced and awkward.

Why is it that every old platformer devloper is now making the edgiest shit gameing has ever seen?

Which could be a fun premise, but I'd also miss the extra variety that completely different areas could have.

Like going from a city, to a palace, to the wilderness, to an airship. I suppose you could technically smash all those different ideas together into one massive map, but the entire sense of pacing would need to change too.

Spider-Man is edgy now?

I’m with you user. The boss fight was fun but that twist came out of fucking nowhere and doesn’t make any goddamn sense

Do you still have your 3D glasses for Sly 3?

Like what?


Damn right I do

Maybe it's how a lot of child pop stars go on to turn into sluts for controversy.

Still have them in the box. Broke them out for my nephew's playthrough a while back.

He wasn't impressed.

I will say this in every thread but Clockwerk is one of the greatest platformer antagonists of all time. The fact the entirety of the second game was to make sure he was never rebuilt shows how dangerous he is.

I just hope to god the show does him justice (Although, CN and Nick saying the show is "too mature" for their channels is a good sign in that regard)

I thought they were making a movie though ?

I feel like colorful 3D platformers are just now starting to make a bit of a comeback.

Couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the visual update to Beyond Good and Evil 2 though.

That got canned. The team behind the Sonic Boom show are making a Sly show and it has already got raving reviews but got turned down by CN and Nick for being too mature.

Not sure where they could go with it. Netflix?

Ratchet & Clank movie flop stopped Sly from getting a movie.

Movie was canned, probably because the Cratchet & Spank movie did worse than fucking Angry Birds. But now it's getting a series

Rumor says it's going to be on Sony's Vue service

Clockwerk wasn't very complex, but he's a solid less-is-more style villain. It's hard for me to picture him being adapted in a long-running series or anything.

We never speak to him. Never explore his motivations beyond his blind hatred. Barely know how he became immortal in the first place. He's just a horrible threat that refused to die, even after being physically blown apart and scattered to the winds.

From what I am seeing, Vue is for americlaps only. God damn it sony.

Lets see.. Naughty Dog is doing the last of us 2, uncharted isn't all that edgy but bland.
Sucker Punch did infamus and now that western game about japan Ghost of Tsushima
Insomniac did resistance, fuze and now spudder man

>got turned down by CN and Nick for being too mature.
Really? CN and Nick have both had shows with themes of PTSD and murder in the past few years.

Where would it go too far with Sly Cooper?

>nightclub ofc

At least newcomers have potential.

>Blown apart
And left to cook in a volcano for days, but that still didn't do shit to stop him from being rebuilt like it never happened

stealing? which is dumb if so. Sly has murder as well... the prision segment of 2 was pretty dark too... I dunno man.
Fox butt?

>too mature for CN and Nick

What a bunch of pussies

Adventure time is still somehow fine though.

>All the Ratchet stuff they're still doing

user, I know that argument applies to Naughty Dog but come on now

Psychonauts 2 and Beyond Good and Evil 2 are the only childhood sequels I've still been vaguely hopeful for after all these years.

So I'm hoping they're at least half as decent as their predecessors, but BG&E2 looks like it should probably be judged as a completely different game.

I'll be honest I don't know much about Infamous. I've just always gotten edgy vibes from it.
I just really miss Spyro...

CN seems to treat all its shows except the cheap marketable schlock like shit though.

And I don't think I've really bothered to watch anything at all on Nick since Korra ended.

I don't know about favorites but the WORST world has definitely got to be the jungle temple in 2

>Not the medieval level in 4
If we are talking from the original trilogy, Miss Ruby's swamp still takes the cake.

bad taste in worst worlds.
For me, i wasn't a fan of Venice.

Do what most other fans do and pretend it never happened.

Now that I think about it, what possessed those museum people to even take his parts. Why the hell didn't Carmelita hit them up and try to dissuade them?

No that user, but Infamous isn't all that edgy really.

and I miss Gex
but I've accepted that Square Enix wont touch the series ever again and it ended properly
Sadly I cant say the same for Sly or Spyro

that finale is the best thing ever though

Could've been Le Paradox's museum. Scratch that, the explanation just makes it worse. Still strange that this museum has portraits of the Fiendish Five all over it though.

unless you go evil route, then shit gets really edgy for no reason. worst is second son, literally no reason for the character to be an edgy asshole and the ending is the worst

Don't have a favourite game, but like Sly 1 the least. That may change someday, but for now, it just feels empty.

Well if you're gonna go evil, may as well go all out on it. Agree with you on Second Son though

I see I found a fellow trainanon.

That human Bentley looks like a supervillain in the making, with a strong grudge against someone.

Michel Ancel has lost his damn mind.
>the first game looks very cartoony
>hey, let's make the sequel hyper-realistic, because CURRENT YEAR
>hey, let's make it a PREQUEL instead!

Posting what I saved in an earlier thread.



This buts it’s closer than you think

If an arght book ever comes out, I'm getting it.

that track sounds... so.. old...

>fly 2 canadian wilderness

my nigga

I think Sly 3 is underrated.
It had great character devolopment for Bentley and Murray, kino "allying with old enemies to defeat a bigger enemy" trope and the multiplayer (those ship battles were fun as hell).

>remember spending all winter break playing Sly 3 minigames or fucking around in the levels with my brother
>13 years ago
I just want to go back.

Sly trilogy are all really good, love em to death. Never touched Sly 4 because didn't own a PS3 and also the character designs/art style look fucked and I'm not a fan of the time travel idea. Missing out?

I just think that it was a step back in their characters due to the fact they kinda covered their friendship in Prison Break and the fact that Sly's gang is a copy of his father's unintentionally irks me the wrong way. Dr. M is fun though.

Ape Escape > Ratchet > Sly > Jak

Also Doctor M being an equivalent of what Bentley would become if Sly treats him like shit was interesting.

>is the least empty game in the series
>says it feels empty
What did he mean by this?

What did the M stand for, anyway?

I wonder why they deliberately went with Sega Genesis style when doing Sly 1.

The world feels empty, like nobody lives there, except a couple of guards. If you kill all the guards, the world is completely devoid of life.

And there are no non-guard NPCs in 2 and 3 as well. YET THOSE FEEL POPULATED. I have no idea why.

No they don't.


Yes they do. Perhaps it's the sound design. Maybe it's the little touches like lights turning on and off in windows.

>Playing Sly 3
>Missions where you climb on giant Carmelita's ass and tits
>Get an erection

Truly transcendent Ludo

I liked it also my fellow user, but being a stoic motherfucker with super strong self-control, I did not have as strong a reaction as you.


Let's do a thing.

Every reply increases the chances of both the show and 5th game being successful.

Well, I was nine years old when I played it

Mandrill, i think.

