Do any of you Sup Forumsros have vidya tattoos? I got pic related a few days ago. Thoughts?

Do any of you Sup Forumsros have vidya tattoos? I got pic related a few days ago. Thoughts?

Bad location. I have a few tattoos. None vidya related though. I regret getting the one on my forearm. The rest are underneath clothing.


I asked for thoughts, but apparently, you're incapable of thinking. Neck yourself.

Kys samefag

I think it's cute
bad location though

your not that girl who got this on her ribs are you?

That would be a good location

I used to see that image back in 2009

Try again


>what is IP count?

Tats should go on chest, shoulder and upper arms desu


This is the gayest thing I’ve seen. Congratulations.

Gay but looks really nice.

not sure if shitposting, but ill reply anyways.
bad location to get it in, wrist tattoos are always a badd idea, unless youre already tatted up. as far as the content goes, yeah if pokemon had that much impact on you, good choice. pokemon yellow was my first pokemon, i liked how you could check up on pikachu following you and he eventually warmed up to you. and its also recognisable enough that anyone whos played any pokemon will know what its of.

nice cringe pic dragonballtard

is this shopped?

me and my 2 friends put a combined 15,000 hours into Guild Wars and when we stopped actively playing it we each got a tattoo of our favorite skill icon from the game, really small just in a random area on the body. i got the one in the middle and they got the right/left ones

I started playing again last week. Going for level 20 in pre, charr hunting is pretty fun desu

I still play it randomly because I can't completely let go and no one has tried to make a real successor to it. Once a year I delete an old character and make a new one to run through all the campaigns with.

tattoos should be in places that can’t be seen unless your shirt is off

>pop culture tattoos


isn't pickle rick under a year old reddit meme?
incredible foresight