Can someone help me with this map mini game on Bully? I don't know where any of these countries are. Thanks
Can someone help me with this map mini game on Bully? I don't know where any of these countries are. Thanks
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Wait I got one, I know Italy, because it looks like a boot
I think you may be retarded, I’m sorry.
the absolute state of american education
they're all white countries
portugal is the tiny sliver on the bottom square, second from the left. spain is east of that. france is north of spain. germany is east of france. switzerland is north of the boot. denmark is north of germany. great britain is the island.
>This is a DSP reference.
Whiter than you Tyrone
Nah, I actually see white people in my city unlike yuropoor cities.
No, seriously just no. This was the first DSP video I've watched. How the fuck couldn't he even know where fucking IRELAND is?
>all of europe are 4 capital cities in france/germany/uk/sweden
imagine being this retarded and autistic
Can someone explain to me why Belarus exists?
He's just faking, right? For views? Right?
to be used as a Russian cum rag
He is really this retarded.
explain to me why america exist retarded пидapac
Because it can.
So that Belarusians have somewhere to live
Whiter than you Mohamed.
Russian bufferzone thats actually just Russian
No, piglet. Every yuropoor city has shit skins, except Poland and Hungary. How does it feel no matter what country you're in, they're going to outbreed you and take over because your country is full of weak naive cucks?
Meanwhile in Murka were deporting people left and right, but in any yuropoor country you'll only get deported if you go on a murder spree.
He probably needs you to describe the flags of each country too
good try Sup Forums falseflagger, but your bait is utter shit and I urge you to consider suicide
Here is the extended version, where he doesn't know where fucking US states are
Here's the (You) that (You) missed, truthposter
Even if you deported all the illegals you would still be left with 46% niggers and chicanos
Is he trying to put the UK flag in Gibraltar lmao
Whats funny is that spics work, and niggers just kill each other.
Meanwhile in yurop, mudshits do nothing but collect welfare and refuse to work, and only kill white people and never go to jail.
>go to new york
>less than half the people are white
>half the conversations you hear arent even in english
yeah nah fuck off
Shaqueena and her 8 niglets also collect welfare retard
>go to any yuropoor city
>get ran over by a truck before you can even walk 30 feet
>American education
>middle of night in the USA
>time zones
Australian education
nobody in the world is stupid enough to not know where the UK is, this is b8
You don't have a shortage of muslim taxi drivers either
>go to murica
>get gunned down on the street in a minute
>In Finland
Is this a EU4 reference
you're welcome idiot
Yeah but the mum taxi drivers don't rape white women and get away with it. In Murka there's an actual judicial system.
Should have got a gun yourself.
Nobody ever roasts Europoors for not knowing American states
There are ranches in Texas that are larger than most European countries, both in area and GDP, and you probably don't even know its name, let alone where it is
There is precisely one white country in that image
>implying most Americans know where the different states are
>fly to america
>plane crashes into a tower
Name one mr. Mexicano.
>Nobody ever roasts Europoors for not knowing American states
Because states do not matter on a larger scale
Look how small Slovakia is
And yet Slovakia has 5x more culture than Texas
>except Hungary
There are entire city districts white people aren't allowed to enter
name one state in france
I have milk in my fridge that's older than Slovakia
Now look to the Balkans. Places like Kosovo have no business calling themselves sovereign states. Bring back Yugoslavia so I don't have to look at this mess.
thats the UK and US user
Europeans never achieved anything. They always relied on America to do everything for them. Both world wars etc.
Found the eternal serb.
clean out your fridge, user.
>niggers just kill each other
Russia beat the nazis
meanwhile murica couldnt beat japan without nukes which were created by european scientists lmao
then murica got their ass handed to them in vietnam too topkek
>*Liberates your shitty country*
Nothing personelll, brits
Einstein was an American.
yes he has a very american name too
>Haha you are 40% white
>Well you are 39% white, I win, ahahaha
Why are gentiles so fucking stupid?
Einstein did not invent the atom bomb.
I mean, if you had actually went to school you would know that Europe is a continent so its equivalent would be North America, not USA and its states.
Germany is a federal republic too so comparing the states of USA to the states of Germany would be equivalent.
because gentiles is also a synonym for american
I'm pretty sure they just nuked Japan because Americans love blowing shit up, and let's be honest, who gives a fuck about Japan?
Sup Forums dear redditor
>Europeans always relied on America
Funny that the Enlightenment, Scientific Revolution and Industrialism all took place in Europe.
Also funny that Europe relied on America even before Europe went and settled it.
>a very american name
that would imply americans have culture/heritage
Wow! You're so woke
don't kid yourself
getting shot is the american culture
Magyar cigany?
do you also count gangbanging and twerking as cultural activities
Either you are 5 years old or this is bait. Either way, here's my help to you.
-1st flag. Italy, the peninsulae with the shape of a boot.
-2nd flag. Germany. The big country at the center of Europe, the orange one.
-3rd flag.France. The one with the Eiffel Tower
-4th flag. Great Britain. The island over France.
-5th flag.Switzerland. Thesmal country between France, Italy and Germany.
-6th flag. Spain. The big country to the south of France.
-7th flag. Portugal. The country to the west of Spain.
-8th flag. Denmark. The small peninsulae to the north of Germany.
Stupid ass he already said it was a joke
>or this is bait
What do you fucking think you idiot?
Well shit, didn't see that. That's what happens when you try to help out. Still, maybe someone here knows more geography after this, so I guess there's that.
>tfw Hungary will be majority cigany in your lifetime
Orsós király gives them so much welfare they refuse to go to Sweden, meanwhile hungarians are freezing to death and pay 50% taxes
Posting in a troll thread.
Because Бaтькa decided so.
Danes are a nation of downies so they don't count
How did the game expect yuropoors like me to deduce where your states are located? I only knew the obvious ones
oh my bad, I didn't see the Swiss flag
>Questioning Belarus existence
>Not "Ukraine"
Git gud