>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
I mean why. WHY?
>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
I mean why. WHY?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because historical accuracy is rayciss.
anti-intellectualist leftists are threatening the future of mankind
journos are not relevant.
game was a financial success, after all.
Stop spamming your fucking drama links. I know you're the same guy spamming thr giant bomb shit too
Hey im fine with that if I can kill the filthy moors for being heathens and then hang the whore for sleeping with men out of wedlock.
Then cut off her head so she may never find rest in the after life.
In the name of the father the son and the holy ghost.
Journos have weird fetishes
>journalists wife works at inn
>wants his black baby fantasy fulfilled
>Witcher 3
wew sweetie
>Kingdom Come isthe most believable adventure into medieval history I've ever experienced.
>Somehow this is bad.
OP is a faggot.
>m-muh ancestors
>muh historical accuracy
>final "battle" for castle has 20 NPCs and people literally dropping dead to scripting
Kill yourself you retarded spamming bot.
>"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
More of the quote. Read the rest of the article. Don’t be autistic and get outraged at a random quote.
>this thread again
Let's see how many post this thread can get before it gets deleted this time, I guess.
Kill yourself.
Hey now, this is some fucking Moors we're talking about. You sure she slept with them willingly?
fucking KILL youreslf, OP. stop spamming this fucking awful thread.
>What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
Yeah nah, people forget screwing before marriage was a big no until very recently, imagine how it was when women were basically like a cow that could talk.
I refuse to believe someone can be as ignorant as you.
You have heard the phrase “rape and pillage” haven’t you?
>imagine how it was when women were basically like a cow that could talk.
Not much changed then. The cow got some more privileges.
Right, slipped my mind how 15th century Bohemia got invaded by a horde of plundering black people.
The eurogamer review is truly the worst piece of journalism i read in a long time.
There are so many if and what would have happened in these peice of shit how can anybody look in the mirror and call themself journalists?
Not my point.
Point is that night of sex doesn’t have to be consensual, and likely wouldn’t have been.
A good Christian women would have died fighting the moors so they could not harm other good Christians.
The whore has been sullied and because she did not fight back enough then she must not find rest in the afterlife.
conversely, what if they didnt?
>mulattos are black because they are half-black
why are SJWs so race-ist?
Same guy has been spamming this thread and the one about the giant bomb dude. Probably a marketer for KC:D
>You have heard the phrase “rape and pillage” haven’t you?
Yeah, because the article says "rape and pillaging niggers staying at an inn"
>Don’t be autistic and get outraged at a random quote.
That whole paragraph you posted is buttfuck retarded m8.
>If X
>what if Y
This isn't journalism.
You're an idiot if you think people didn't fuck outside of marriage in medieval times.
>What if a group of black Africans came through and rioted at an inn and someone got raped? Even one rape is enough for a pregnancy."
Shit, now I can actually see that happening. I would be okay with it so as long as we get a quest to hunt down the Alberto Barbossas.
>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
They would have been killed, and the woman as well probably.
>History, local records, national records and annals make no mention of blacks in any noticeable number, if any at all were present
For fuck's sake, why is the diversity quota checked off when a black is in the film/game?
I never wanted hispanics or asians to be shoved in my face for the sake of diversity, but if every form of entertainment has to have 1 black, then lets fucking go full ham and get 1 of everything in there
>Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road
No they're not.
>people forget screwing before marriage was a big no until very recently
What? That's not fucking true at all. The purity meme came from middle-class schmucks who wanted to emulate the nobility. Lower-class appreciated purity but fucked all the time.
I swear SJWs write these articles just to piss people off
is this thread asking for a senran kagura dump? i think it is, at least that's more videogame related than whatever political bullshit is being talked about in here now.
They did but the point is that it wasn't the norm at all.
Plus if your child somehow turned to be black in medieval bavaria it would get a post birth abortion by exposure to the wild on a cold sunday.
What a cool game to hang your hat on.
the fags of Sup Forumspol/ fall for it every time then
where did this Moors = Black meme come from anyway.
It's like these guys never went to Andalusia or Morocco.
>Czech and none of the Euro countries around it are there
So I guess "journalists" don't need to do any research these days.
The best part is they're using this image for evidence of Prague being connected to the Silk Road when that route was used not by Africans, but Central Asians.
Hahaha he posted it again xD my sides are in orbit LEL Iliterally even CAN'T with this ABSOLUTE MADMAN!!!!! Everyday until you like it, amirite guise? ;^)
That's a pretty cool story, user, but there was another user on a few nights ago talking about the benefits of masturbating using only your hips, instead of using your hands.
He implied using this approach was more satisfying, and you could get yourself off almost anywhere at anytime with minimal effort.
It reminded me a lot of the meme about guys brushing up against the water jets in hot tubs to stimulate their dicks. I don't know anyone with a hot tub though, so I can't go and try it. What are your thoughts about this, kino kino?
Wait, FUCK. I meant to post this image.
You would be hard pressed to see a black dude in czech republic today, if you are not in prague or brno .... so yeah, sure, lets pretend it was swarming with them in here 600 years ago.
Look at the volume of asspained replies just because user provided clarity.
What about Germany or Poland?
Of course they fucked but if you got pregnant before marriage good luck with the rest of your life and your bastard child, no one was going to marry you.
>author insists to force his fucking fetish on a video game article
You forget the power of retarded liberal on a vendetta against white men
>Could there be a chance that 1 person from Africa randomly walked into the now Czech area
>Can we also give benefit of the doubt that 1 random person may have wound up in modern day Czech area with intent to sell wares from the silk road?
>therefor, we can also assume those same 2 theoretical people may have been the same person
>Ergo, black Africans were in modern day Czech Republic