What's the last game whomst combat you enjoyed?

What's the last game whomst combat you enjoyed?

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Mountain bladu
with Perisno

Gears of War

Half swording is the western version of *teleports behind you*

can't remember


>use mace to face
>win combat
idk man


why is the guy in full plate doing this half swording and hitting with the grip shit vs a guy in clothes?

Because it's the other guy doing the demonstration.


what documentary?

First Bayo. Shit is satisfying as hell.

Divinity Original Sin 2


>implying it doesn't work in your favor in that particular fight

except necrofire is every single fight

And it will still work to your advantage if you (ab)use it.

Everyone on this board describes this encounter as a nightmare, but it really isn't that bad. I just fought it yesterday and breezed through the voidlings, it probably took less than 15 minutes to complete. As long as you have a mobile tank, a high dps archer, and maybe a decent summon to cover multiple angles it is difficult.

Do you not see a difference between going in knowing nothing and going in knowing exactly what to expect and how to prepare?


All you need is one source point and cast that dome of protection thing and your party is nigh invulnerable for most of the fight


>there are people on Sup Forums who make custom characters
i was sure only redditors did this

I started this meme

I knew nothing of the game or the characters so I wasn't set on taking someone with a predetermined backstory.

And it worked out well anyway. That source skill is better than the unique one of most companions.

their movements are so inefficient lmao "western" swordfighting

I didn't have any prior knowledge going into the fight other than there was necrofire everywhere. I was actually surprised when there were multiple voidling waves, especially the fire ones. If you look at the location before the fight it was pretty obvious that heavy combat was going to occur. The site has several paths up to the gallows and you can deduce that void creatures are lurking about if you saved the family earlier in the blackpits and conversed with the magisters.

At this point he's swinging around the hilt more than the actual blade. Seems like you might as well just use a polearm of some kind if that's how you're going to fight.

That's not swordfighting. It's meme fighting. In western swordfighting people use their swords the right side up.

It's technique called mordhau.

user has it right, enviromental hazards are a hallmark of the series, expect shit to go down especially when you're fighting at a goddamned oil derrick and pic related happens in every fight in the game

is this early access? something looks different immediately but i can't tell you why...

>falling for the mordhau meme

the date is in the filename, it's post release

Way of the Samurai 4

it's a technique called 'please sire, taketh my sword'

it's easier to use a warhammer

People keep saying you can't extinguish necrofire without bless or some other special skill/item but that's not actually true.

Lol that ignorance

been a few months since I played but iirc when a cursed thing is blessed or a blessed surface spreads to it they cancel out and become a normal surface but if cursed touches that again it turns back into cursed and bless in combat is usually a waste of source that's only good for killing skeletons with holy water memes. maybe you have a mod?


unironically for honor

I will put my sword up your cum ridden ass with blood covered platemail

jedi outcast/academy

No, it was a normal game. In the are filled with perpetual necrofire I used to throw random skills at it when my bless was on cd until it turns to normal fire. Weirdly enough it never works when I do it slowly so I can take notes.

necrofire does turn back into regular fire over time, your placebo didn't do shit nigga

AC: origins/ Nier tomato

feels so good in nier to ZA WARUDO when you dodge

It was in the area when the necrofire never runs out so no it couldn't have turned to normal fire by itself and it wasn't in combat either.

Unironically For Honors singleplayer.


necrofire almost instantly goes away outside of combat unless it's something like the burning pigs that are scripted. blackpits fire turns to normal after the fight

Post a webm or shutup

Excuse me for being a brainlet but how the fuck does that not cut your hands?

Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires yesterday.

Not that it's good combat mind you, but damn I enjoy it.

>larianiggers will defend this


Name a flaw

Firstly, swords probably weren't THAT sharp most of the time, secondly, those are blunt, thirdly, they probably wore gloves.

Wouldn't it cut your hands if you hold a sword like that?


Stopped playing months ago and I can't be assed to play it again. Instead I'll tell you where the necrofire never goes away.

It was in Arx at the building where you fight the immortal burning skeleton lizards. The necrofire there has infinite duration. My strategy was to put as much of them out as possible before fighting the lizards without using bless or holy water and it works every time.

I feel like this half swording shit has gone to far. Im sure it happened, but it seems like they would have developed the weapon differently if it was a major use. Isnt the idea based off one manuscript image?

the necrofire there is weird and I too did shenanigans to put the fire out. Think it was something weird like Source Vampirism that did it and it only worked there

You probably used tornado.

The sword is mostly useless against an helmet. The Hilt hit will deal a concussive blow to the head and stun the opponent. And the opponent does not expect that. The point is to make use of your blade in all possible scenarios. You think knights will go "Oh, I need a Polearm, sword, arbalet, bow, rope, cinder block, fishing rod"

This is not DnD. You carry one weapon, maybe a dagger if you are crazy.

yeah, I looked it up and it jogged my memory. I had Lhose who knew tornado and a staff that gave you the spell and I would teleport in and out of the building to reset the long ass CD on the ability, come back and clear fire and repeat. took ages, now I know why i blocked that from my memory.

Act 4 was a shame.

Dude you got the armor. take the hit catch the sword and then bash his head in

>engage in a sword fight with another knight
>decide to be a badass and go in mordhau
>grab my sword tightly with both hands
>take a huge swing at him with all my force
>he raises his shield and blocks my sword's hilt
>feel the blade cutting into my flesh
>accidentally three of my fingers
>they fall to the ground
>look at them and back to my opponent in fear
>he looks at me in utter confusion
>panic and start running away
>he starts laughing while I run
>other people around him realize what's happened and start laughing too
>look over my shoulder and notice some of those who are laughing are on my side
>two of them are knights
>jump onto a horse and hastily make my way back to the castle
>the way behind me is marked by a trail of spaghetti
>can't fight properly to this day because of that injury
"Try mordhau!" they said. "It's totally viable!" they said.

Nope, just random water skills mixed up with the other elements. In one instance it turned to cursed ice, then to normal water.

When I tried to slow it down so I can take notes it never worked.

They way I understand it swords were basically just for show/sport. I doubt they would use those fancy moves and shit in battle like it's a kung-fu movie.

That said I could see a sharpish crowbar being pretty useful if you are ever like in an armored one of one brawl, which probably almost never happened.

vaporize + pressure spike also works

I lol'eth


ex-HEMA faggot here.
Even in plate armour actually facing a longsword is pretty fucking scary. They're heavy as fuck and the impact is felt right through the armour. Longswords are heavy as fuck and I honestly think you could actually get a broken arm even if it hits the armour at the right angle and force.
I've literally been knocked completely out completely in plate in a long sword duel.
I sure as fuck would not face anybody half-swording.

Nioh should be the only possible answer for this thread, since it was the last game with good combat that has been released.

>not wearing steel gauntlets while you mordhau

Blacksmith's hammer > *
Peasants represent

Any medieval game not picturing this type of combat isn't realistic


Mordhaufags on suicide watch

European Immigration Simulator aka Vermintide.

This shit has to stop. Sure, halfswording is legitimate and situationally correct, but that shit reminds me of that webm of those fully grown autists roleplaying kung fu

Dragon's Dogma


Sword art online Fatal Bullet

I wish I was joking

the unclothed guy doesnt have armor on
this means theres no reason for the knight to half sword him

Unironically For Honor. Hopefully Souls Remaster will let me stop playing this for a while. I do want to go back to DS1 for a while now but since remaster is coming out might as well wait.


Nier: Automata
Now, i'm not saying that it's good
It's just that it's been so long since i played mindless button mashing hack and slash like that i forgot how fun it is

There was no good combat in recent history. Even if the combat mechanics are good the enmies are usually shit and when the enemies are good the combat mechanics are shit, it's always one or the other.

Honestly, what the fuck could the unarmored guy done if the plate dude just decided to rush him?

I'll take "games with massive glaring mechanical flaws" for 500, Alex.

It's old af dude

>dark souls
>witcher 3 (pretty much dark souls combat just more polished with better story)


That full plated knight could have bum rushed that dude and killed him barehanded


that was a throwback

Same here. It's not solid, but damn is it satisfying when you're fighting multiple officers