What's the next for her career?

What's the next for her career?



Suicide is right around the corner.
The porn pics cemented it


>The porn pics cemented it


So what does this Soy shit actually do to you? Make you lose weight or make you grow tits?

Re-deads are REAL?


its not the soy itself but rather the estrogen its rich with

so trannies are allowed to stream anything on twitch?

Nothing, it's just food in a bottle.

I was staring at Link trying to figure out how this was related to the filename.


No he just got banned

No, check his channel. He's banned.

How does the estrogen get into the soy? Do they inject it?

Why are you calling it a her? Wasn't he born a man?

inb4 insane soyboys who CANNOT UNONICALLY BELIEVE YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE this image start popping up

Consuming soy puts something similar to estrogen in your body. Estrogen has a number of unpleasant effects on the male body and mind in high amounts. It's questionable just how effective soy is though. The estrogen acquired from milk is generally believed to be more potent. Estrogen has the potential not to just give you tits but even make your bones develop in a feminine manner if you consume a large amount of it from a young age.

What a shitlord

Your ban. Enjoy.

soy is naturally rich with it, and genetic engineering has allowed for new genus of soy to be made, ones which have even more estrogen in it

Look at the pic, it slowly rots your brain. Do you think it's a coincidence that most, if not all, people who are crazy about it, turn into trans or some other freaks?

I'm not defending it in any way, I think it's a disgusting degenerate piece of filth, but you would need to consume nothing but soy for decades to actually alter your internal hormones. MtF trans don't just take estrogen pills, because the amount of estrogen they would need to take would be massive and it would take a long time, they take what are called t blockers. A human doesn't just have one or the other, they have both in varying amounts. Estrogen works by blocking testosterone from doing what it does. Hrt is a separate chemical that aggressively blocks testosterone because it would take years of constant estrogen intake to achieve the same thing. Soy products do have more estrogen than normal foods, but it isn't anywhere near the amount it would take to have any real affect on the human body.

Cosmo is still a disgusting piece of shit, regardless.

I've been drinking soy milk die to allergies since infancy and I can say I'm a pretty disgusting man-man. There's definitely nothing feminien about this.

Ive been drinking pints of milking every single day for years...

>SIDF, soy internet defense force, is here

>asians have small penises and feminine features
>biggest consumers of soy throughout history
Coincidence? I don't think so.

soy beans(edamame for the weebs) naturally have estrogen

the soylent meme is that its estrogen content makes you more girly. But cosmo was already on hormone therapy so that cannot be implied. Your image is dumb.

Lets hope it's a fucking perma. Goddamn he's creepier than Chris-Chan.

Nothing, it's just a shitty forced meme.

Phytoestrogens are not chemically the same as Mammalian Estrogen's

You legitimately get more actual estrogen in your system from drinking normal milk than you do eating soy

well, yes, it would have an effect over the course of hundreds of years of consecutive generations having a lot of soy in their diet, but that's not what I'm trying to say, all I'm saying is drinking soylent for several years will not make you transition, it takes way more estrogen than that to have any real effect

But isn't estrogen a human hormone?
How do the beans have human hormones in them? What fucking illuminati shit is this?

I have actually jacked it to this and I do not apologize

It's a meme you dip. People have consumed soy for thousands of years and it is an ultra common food additive. If you think "lol I don't eat soy" you're fucking wrong unless you grow all your own food and NEVER eat anything packaged or served at a resturaunt.

Took me way too long.

Keep sucking that soy,boys! You'll never become a real man like me!

is this what soy does to your brain?

Please dont be retarded.

I don't understand how you're disproving what he's saying. Being raised with a high soy diet, and being birthed from a sperm from a sack attached to a man who was raised on a high soy diet. That fits into the YEARS of CONSTANT soy consumption they're saying is needed for soy to essentially castrate you.

Again there's no actual solid proof that the "estrogen" in soy is anywhere near as potent as the real thing.
if you haven't turned into a massive faggot it's because your actions and diet produce a large enough amount of testosterone that the estrogen gained from milk is inconsequential.

Nigger it's a meme. No one is so retarded they think estrogen in soy, when meat contains even MORE estrogen, actually does anything like that to you.

They'd also have to be really retarded to think xeno and plant estrogen are the same

estrogen is a "female" hormone, it exists in different forms in both the animalia and plantae kingdoms

Nothing, the soy meme is being forced by retards from /fit/ that will literally believe anything you tell them as long as it's the first time they've heard it and you say it with a straight face
These are the same guys that think no fap is a good idea despite multiple studies proving otherwise and other studies that show not fapping is harmful in the long run and actually does the complete opposite of the results that /fit/tards are after

6 foot 2, quite Hairy and like women

>Look at this picture
>Decide to google Soylent
>First thing that pops up is "Feed : The French Soylent"
>tfw I already ordered something from "Feed"
>Didn't drink it because I hated the taste
>Wanted to order again to try out the new bottle
>Thank god I saw this picture and thank god I hated the taste.

These people are correct. Soyboy meme is literally a meme.

>post about soy is made
>half a dozen SIDF posters pop out

And anyway, if soy turns people into nu-males, why are Asian societies still so heavily patriarchal, while white people are the biggest weenies on the planet now.

Could the actual concern be something beginning with J and rhyming with behva's witnesses

>No one is so retarded
You haven't been to /fit/

/fit/ is aware they aren't fit, right? Like "SICK MUSCLE GAINZ" and fit are not the same and big muscley dudes (like steroid big) generally die sooner than fat asses. As seen by all their meme heroes dropping dead before 40.

Link looks like he's going to vomit

the absolute state of SIDF

Is this what soy does to your brain?

is this techniclly gay?

Asians eat only soy for generations and they have the smallest frame, smallest penis almost hairless body and docile nature.
While africans who have consumed no estrogen seem to be taller, bigger penis and more aggressive.
Consuming estrogen will have a long term affect on your descendants, please be cautious


I googled soylent and turns out it doesnt even have any soy in it

Sup Forums being a dumb retard again

>No one is so retarded they think estrogen in soy
even bazinga man knows it lmao.

google phytoestrogen

Is phytoestrogen and mammal estrogen the same thing like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide?

Fag reminds me of Mr Orange from Reservoir Dogs

>all of these soy boys itt
see, this is why "soyboy" is an insult


Don't post shit like this without a source

Narcissa is trash.

Cyberdemon531 is /ourtranny/.

>implying there is anything wrong with being pro white

There is something wrong with being an autistic sperg

Well how did this go?

does soy uniquely affect whiteys n shiet
because i've ate them for a long time and don't seem to suffer the effects of it

>gaaaaaaaaaayyy and good

They aren't aware, if you want to know the type of guy that goes on /fit/ take a look at /r9k/ first, that's the origin of all the brain dead undesirables on every board
It's like they gestate there in a larval form before branching out to other boards and becoming the most cancerous users, the waifu fags from Sup Forums? They came from /r9k/
The retards from /fit/ forcing this soy shit? /r9k/
The retard from Sup Forums that tries to derail every thread into some racial shit? /r9k/
The fucking attention whoring trannies that make /vg/ unusable? /r9k/
The near constant platform wars shit here on Sup Forums? /r9k/

You're right, leftism is a mental illness


>righties unironically believe that they are unique from being spergs themselves

When Did The Media Start Unironically Writing Like This Are They 12?

I've always liked Doom runs but it kinda turns me on to know that some guy I've been following has turned himself into a sissy bitch. Is that so wrong Sup Forums

lol wtf gamers never used to be like this they were always manly men and conservatives who looked like Matt damon

Oh wait, no, this is basically the stereotypical image of "the nerd" which gaming has been associated with for decades

I bet you're pic related
you clearly don't belong here


someone post the sound version please

Reminder the daily caller is a right wing website

Unending regret

>if you don't agree with me you need to LEAVE
lol this is the Sup Forumstard mindset. "Mommy I need a safespace because I am afraid of being challenged"

Is this what soy does to your brain?

If I owned my own restaurant I'd ask him to leave, that shirt is inappropriate.

yes fellow 14/88 traveller. Now let us continue consuming milk, high in estrogen!

lel no,im an absolutely rational centrist,im no that vested in trite shit like posting pictures and straw manning
keep on defending your stupid ideology with picture of people from another stupid ideology though,im sure it gets you somewhere

You should probably keep to your containment board on leftypol, then

or were you banned from there as well for not agreeing with the groupthing 100%?

Bad idea, really. If he isn't disturbing anyone it is best to let him eat and leave rather than make a massive scene that will cost you business.


Memes aside I wonder if some people actually genuine believe the soy thing.

>this whole thread
If this is what soy does to your brain, I don't think I will be havong any of it

By any chance, is soy really popular on reddit?

I love how you rightie retards proclaim that the left can't meme and have no sense of humor, but when they make obvious jokes and satire you take it at face value.
Really makes me think.

>Sup Forums still believes 10 ocassional posters on the dead as fuck cuck chan is all it will take to ruin them and their "redpilling"
Maybe your ideas aren't so hot if that's the case, chief?

Listen, this is a family place, we can't have people coming in with fuck on their shirt. Maybe if he wears a coat or covers the word in some way.

Nobody cares, you alt right weenie