Fantastic vidya antagonists only

fantastic vidya antagonists only

>let's begin with a dude 90% copypasted from a book.


the entire series is based on a book, you fucking retard

id prefer that over beginning with a shitty post made by a fucking retard


Yes? I'm pretty sure that was his point.

>game consists of all characters from a book series
>user points out another character also takes place from this same books series
>"yeah duh, don't you see his point?"
no I fucking don't

>thread is titled "fantastic vidya antagonists"
>posts a character from a vidya-adaptation of a novel
If that's not clear enough, the implication is that he's obly a good villain because he came from an actual novelist, while a villain written by a video-game writer will always be substantially worse.


the user's (your) comment was still incredibly out of place given the thread's about the Witcher; no fucking shit the antagonist's going to be from a book, all of the characters are.

And how the fuck does a video game writer>a novelist? Truly stunning logic here

You really aren't the sharpest tool in the box.

Look at this faggot samefagging as hard as he can, jesus christ.

I fucking hate you children who enjoyed this guy

But the thread's not about the Witcher, it's about video game antagonists. Did you even read the OP?
And where did anyone say Video game writers > novelists? The post you're referring to implies the exact opposite

nice try, retard.

Nice argument. I accept your surrender.

Gaunter O Dimm is a video game character only, he doesn't show up in the books at all. He's based off Faust however so, he's not entirely original either.


People shit on me and think I’m me,int when I mention this guy.

Why didn't you enjoy him as a "villain"? He was a very good character. You may have been put off by that spoon scene, which was kind of edgy, but just served to show how he could do whatever he wanted with you but still abode by his own little rules.





Protagonist and antagonist in one.

Whoever drew that, they fucked up with head, face and hair.

fuck off burch


