Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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You for playing a Blizzard game.


who ever took that "screen"shot

Uther was being stupid, so him

Arthas being a cuck

Uther, Arthas really only started fucking up when he went to Northrend

>You know, Uther, you're right. Come on, tell us about your "other way"
How would Uther respond to this?

Uther, Arthas is just giving Strathholme a mercy kill before they all become undead

>Excuse me for one second

"Don't get cocky with me boy"

Probably something like "hah real funny asshole, if i were tell you my plan you wouldn't carry it out anyway"

uther obviously, his idea would just let the plague spread even faster

So, if the king in this situation orders him to purge Stratholme, he refuses and then what, he's gonna wait till they turn into undead to kill them anyway?

>"You must learn how to find your own way, Boy. Just be yourself."

I fucking despise how Blizzard put in these complete pacifist characters and make them out to be the 'Good Guy'. Yes, Arthas was TRICKED XD into becoming the Lich King, but part of that was being abandoned by his closest friends and allies when he needed them most.

They did the same thing in WoW Mists of Pandaria in the Panda starting area.

>Giant Turtle THEY ALL FUCKING LIVE ON has an Alliance Gunship lodged in it
>It's in incredible pain, can barely stay conscious and is drifting in random directions
>Panda 1: Ok what if we use explosives to dislodge the ship and then heal the wound with this veritable army of druids and priests from the Horde and Alliance
>Panda 1: Well we're all going to die if we do nothing
>Panda 1: Ok I did it and we're all saved yay

You'll never guess which Panda joined The Horde and which joined The Alliance.

Blizzard is that guy who plays lawful good as a full on moralfag.

Then i must consider this an act of seasoning.

All of them were wrong.

Arthas could've maybe presented the situation a tad better to Uther instead of "GLAD YOU COULD BAKE IT, NOW PEEL THIS!". Uther shouldn't have been so harsh with Arthas and should've given his idea some thought. Jaina shouldn't have turned her back like that on Arthas when he needed her in such a crucial moment.

Glad you could bake it, Uther

Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the waiter, but I'm still your superior as a chef.

As if I could forghetti. Listen, there's something about the plaguette you should knead. Oh no! It's too late! These peopleroni have all been infectedanana! They may look al dante now, but it's a matter of thyme before they turn into the undeadable.


This entire citrella must be peeled!

How can you even cook that?! There's got to be some other whey.

Damn it, Umami, as your future chef, I order you to broil this city!

You are not my chef yet, boyardee. Nor would I obey that command if you were!

Then I must consider this an act of seasoning.

Seasoning? Have you sauced your mince, Arthas?!

Have I? Lord Umami, by my right of succession and sovereignty of my crown of roast pork, I hereby rehydrate you from your commandard and suspenderoni your pepperoni from service!

Arthas, you can't just-


It's done! For those of you who have the will to taste this flan, follow me! The rest of you... get out of my kitchen.

You've just tossed a terrible salad, Arthas.


I'm sorry Arthas... I can't watch you cook this.

>It's done!

At this point I'm suprised nobody remade this meme in world edit

Maybe he was hoping to find a way to save them?
Tough iirc Uther never really saw what heppend to those who were infected unlike Arthas when he chased Kel'Thuzad .

Arthas, not for the mercy killing, but for acting like a smug bitch.

Arthas was the good guy all along who then got betrayed.
His desicion to raze the city and the infected was the right one, since waiting would've only spread the plague quicker and give Mal'ganis more troops.
It was Uther who fucked up and left Arthas alone chasing into Northrend and becoming an Undead himself.
Hell, iirc in WoW Uther himself is actually being made responsible for the fall of Arthas and subsequently Lordaeron.

See that's why lawful good a shit

>wow there's a fucking zombie, right fucking there! that's it, purge the city.
>but arthas don't you think we should-
>PURGE THE CITY!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>we should-
We should what


>These people have the plague, we should kill them before they become mindless abominations and we lose complete control over our entire world
>But Uther you've seen what happens, there isn't time we must-

You ever hear the tragedy of Kiryu-Kai?

ok shithead, Arthas doesn't purge the city and now Mal'ganis has now folded the entire population of Stratholme into the Scourge army. What's the plan now?

>Towsnpeople turning into undead literally before their eyes

25 good men

Arthas didn't deserve that shit ending in wow, blizzard needs to die

Becoming good and staying alive after being defeated would be too much of an asspull.

But the only good games currently out are all from Blizzard.

No he should have stayed alive(dead) and stayed as the scourge kang

Except Uther was a decent man until the end while Arthas became satan incarnate. So yeah, sure, keep telling yourself Uther was wrong. Clearly that was the case.

You'd have to asspull around the whole ner'zhul+arthas=lich king thing.

Decent people can still do dumb shit user

Sure thing, shill.

He's an Utter piece of shit.

Shilling =/= Truth


Panda thing was less clear cut.
Compare ripping out an arrow to surgically removing it.
The real bullshit about that intro is how misleading it was towards the factions.
>War hungry alliance commander.
>Muh honorable tauren leader.
>Zero undead.

>Join alliance, welcomed by leader personally (RIP that entire questline.) spar with him using your unique style and land a hit you all laugh over.
>Join horde, treated like trash, literally thrown into a life or death gladiator arena to prove your worth, later told to exploit the fuck out of the land in order to fuel the war machine.
With how the panda's were portrayed in the starting zone, none of them should have stayed with the horde for more than a few days at most.

>Good Arthas
Morally gray would be better tbqh

Just because Uther was a morally upstanding person doesn't mean he was infallible. He handled the Stratholme situation really poorly and failed as a teacher to Arthas in that moment

>>Join alliance, welcomed by leader personally (RIP that entire questline.) spar with him using your unique style and land a hit you all laugh over.
Varian was just too good for WoW. Shame he's gone, but I guess it's better than keeping him and ruining his character completely as Blizzard always does with everyone else.

If Uther was so right how come he's dead while Arthas is alive?

Sure they can, which is exactly how Arthas, a previously decent human prince, became satan while Uther died a saint.

>"Shit, we accidentally developed him into a somewhat competent leader, time to kill him off.?"

>Compare ripping out an arrow to surgically removing it.

It's literally just like Arthas v Uther. What was her plan? Where's the surgeon? How far away is the hospital? The person with the arrow in them is literally 100% going to die and he also has a bomb attached to his heartbeat so when it stops he takes an entire city with him.

She just wanted to sit down and wait for a better idea, when turtlebro already said he was having trouble staying awake and he doesn't know how much longer he can go on.

Don't use that soy with me, boy

Well yeah, you are still not disproving anything being said.

Uther was irrefutably good. Arthas became the leader of one of the biggest evil forces in the world. Arthas was still correct in wanting to purge Stratholme, and Uther was still a dumbass for outright dismissing him.

more like how did uther lose 1v1 against arthas? paladins can exorcism dks and instantly wipe them
also blizzard showed their dick sucking in lore that paladins > dks when the holy light deus ex machinaed frostmourne and every expansion since wrath has shit on dks even more too

>how did this guy and a few other of his pals lose to an endless army of undead monstrosities
Well gee, I don't know.

yeah because alexandros "ashbringer" Mograine never existed amirite?

>muh comic books and novels
Yeah, sorry mate, I don't give a fuck about that. If he ain't in one of the Warcraft games then he might as well not exist.

>blizzard says hes canon
>nah my headcanon says blizzard is wrong

>paladins can exorcism dks and instantly wipe them
>confusing mechanics of WC2 with actual lore

That's nice and all, but he's still not in any of the Warcraft games. Literally doesn't exist my man.

There's nobody in the right because Arthas was destined for death and resurrection as a DK. If Uther helped, he wouldn't have saved him.

other than that one game, you know World of warcraft.
no you're the one confusing game mechanics with lore, the lore is paladins can exorcise ANY undead creature, dks are undead the only reason they cant instantly one shot half the mobs in the game is entirely because of game mechanics

Exactly his point. SCIII is shit. WoW is shit. Overwatch is shit. Diablo 3 is shit. HotS of the Storm is shit. Hearthstone is okay.

Dk>pallys would be some sort of anti-hero stories. Edge.

Hence why i said it was less clear cut along with the arrow analogy.
Surgically removing it is 100% the better option to just ripping it out, but sometimes you dont have the option of surgery.
In this case, surgical removal would be dismantling the ship piece by piece and healing turtlebro as they go, which was certainly possible if not for unknown time limit on turtlebro's health.
The uther and Arthas thing was a clear cut case of Uther being retarded and choosing his own sensibilities over reality, since he literally had no possible way of curing the plague in the hour at most it would take for the entire city to turn.
Artha's and his own men explaining that there literally was no time to waste would have helped things.

The ashbringer was one guy wielding one weapon and could still get tired, not to mention he could still easily die to a regular human shanking him in the back.

Nigger you literally see the crystal that gets forged into the ashbringer sword during the hillsbrad caverns of time.
You literally see Alexandros' ghost talking to Darion during the Deathknight intro.

>There's nobody in the right because Arthas was destined for death and resurrection as a DK.
Ah, so basically the Lightâ„¢ doing it's good old destiny thing again.

Hearthstone is the worst one though.

>Nigger you literally see the crystal that gets forged into the ashbringer sword during the hillsbrad caverns of time.
You literally see Alexandros' ghost talking to Darion during the Deathknight intro.
That's nice and all, but do you see him fighting off hordes of undead all by himself? I don't think so, therefore he doesn't exist.

The person who has not converted The Plane Scene into Warcraft 3.

So correct he was that it lead to him becoming the very thing he hated and killing millions of his own people in the end. Truly, it was the right path.

This is for you

It was.

Uther was for not acting, but he didn't have any knowledge of the plague. All he heard was a rambling mad Arthas who knew the truth but was so desperate he didn't bother to explain anything. He gave one line, and when Uther told him he sounds crazy, Arthas pulled rank and sounded like an authoritarian asshole. It didn't help that he then completely disbanded Uther's entire organization in his next breath.

Nobody wins here. Even if Uther helped, Arthas was already lost. He would've went to Northrend and found Frostmorne regardless.

Yes, clearly. It's not like there's anything wrong with becoming the king of the things you hate and murdering your own kingdom into non existence through plague and death. You are completely not delusional!

Arthas was in the right. Everyone knows that.
The real question is, was garrosh in the wrong?

So when is Bolvar resurrecting Arthas?


Yes, and Sylvanas is right even though she is doing the same thing right now as Garrosh did.

Why do you keep ignoring the specific scenario in question and instead keep referring to how Arthas becomes the lich king? Almost like you're deflecting because you know Arthas was in the right, IN THAT PARTICULAR SITUATION.

turalyon would have put that bitch boy arthas in his place, stopped the plague and been home in time to pound alleria's elf pusy if he didn't get trapped in a 1000 year war

uther was turning senile


Which Windrunner would you fuck

Nigga I love wc3 but you do sound like shill.
Or tard.

i'd fuck sylvanas with a blade of light and cast her into the 7 hells like she deserves

All of them. At the same time.

I dont think sex works like that but i might be wrong

Alleria is the only good sister. Any other choice is objectively wrong.
